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Peptide complex 15 10ml for strengthening the bladder and kidney recovery

USD 35.00

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Peptide complex 15 for kidney and bladder. It comprises peptides - thymus, kidney and bladder.


  • prevention of premature aging
  • renal failure prevention
  • chronic pyelonephritis, cystitis
  • glomerulonephritis
  • urolithiasis disease
  • anomalies of the urinary tract
  • nephroptosis

Joint work of the kidneys and bladder helps to cleanse the body. Furthermore excretory functions still involved in kidney hemopoietic processes, metabolism and still some others. Healthy kidneys - pure blood, since blood cleansing and urine formation occurs is through the kidneys. Healthy bladder is not only the body's health, but also self-confidence.

To restore all the kidney and strengthen the bladder Peptide complex 15 series of liquid peptide was created. The complex consists of thymus peptides, bladder and kidneys. Properties Havinson peptides appear in the regulation of cells and metabolic processes, thereby eliminated the causes of certain problems with the kidneys or bladder. Peptide complex 15 enriched with bioantioxidants Neovitin and marjoram essential oil. Neovitin has regenerative effect, binds free radicals and has anti-inflammatory properties. Marjoram essential oil has healing and antibacterial properties, which have a positive effect in the treatment or prevention of inflammatory processes in the kidneys or bladder.

Improper operation of the bladder, frequent urination or an independent not only cause trouble, but also capable of even lower self-esteem. Peptide complex 15 Application rates or in combination with biregulyatorami bladder or kidney maximizes reinforce the bladder and result achieved is very long. Since chronic diseases do not occur in one and treat them right away is problematic, the combined intake of peptides, it is the best way to restore and improve health. Therefore, the restoration of impaired kidney function as is carried out in combination with other peptides. The complex is recommended for any violations of the kidneys or bladder.

Suggested Use:

Apply 6-8 drops on the inner surface of the forearm and rub until completely absorbed. Course duration - 3 months. At the same time you can use up to 6 peptide complexes.


  • Comes in original packaging. Item is brand new and unopened.


  • Keep away from direct sunlight.
  • Keep locked and away from children.
  • Store in dry place at room temperature.
  • Do not exceed storage temperature higher than 25 C

Important notice - the outer box design may vary before prior notice!


Peptide complex 15 10ml for strengthening the bladder and kidney recovery

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