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Ovariamin bioregulator of ovaries 40 pills

USD 45.00

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Cytamins Ovariamin: It is recommended to improve the function of the ovaries, to reduce the negative manifestations of menopause.

In post-menopausal women in the reproductive system, begin to dominate the processes of involution, and more intensely than in the menopausal period, as occur against the backdrop of a sharp decline in estradiol production. All reproductive organs occur atrophic changes: reduced uterine weight, its muscular elements are replaced by connective tissue thins the vaginal epithelium, the ovaries gradually shrink due to the development of connective tissue. In addition, it is very important, both atrophic changes occur in the tissues of the bladder, urethra, pelvic floor muscles. These processes are responsible for functions occurring disorders of the urinary system, urinary incontinence and prolapse of the vaginal walls. Reduced estrogen content does not cause a response in the endometrium, and the lining of the uterus atrophies. Against the backdrop of the fall of metabolic (increased cholesterol in the blood) of the functional activity of the ovaries begin to develop, vegetative-vascular and psycho-emotional disorders, and cardiovascular diseases and osteoporosis. For the correction of pathological changes developing in functional and organic pathology of the ovaries, it developed "Ovariamin".

  • It has a selective effect on ovarian cells, and contributes to the normalization and improvement of their hormone-and gametoobrazuyuschey function.
  • Positive effect on the formation and maturation of follicles and restore reproductive function of the body in various disorders and infertility.
  • It reduces the negative manifestations of menopause in women, which is reflected in the improvement of the general condition, sleep, mood, appetite, and increase efficiency.

Components "Ovariamin" derived from the ovaries of cattle are nucleoprotein complex, which acts selectively on the woman's ovary cells, which contributes to the normalization of their hormone-gametoobrazuyuschey and functions.

Clinical trials of the effect of "Ovariamin" conducted in 180 women with climacteric syndrome of various etiologies (involutional, postoperative), as well as the depletion of ovarian syndrome.

The effectiveness of "Ovariamin" assessed by the dynamics of complaints, according to the laboratory, functional and instrumental studies.

A series of clinical trials, it was found that the use of "Ovariamin" in patients with various manifestations of the climacteric syndrome contributed to a significant improvement in their general condition, which was manifested in the improvement of sleep, mood and appetite, increasing efficiency. Against the background of course taking "Ovariamin" occurred as a decrease in the number of "hot flashes" and a decrease in their intensity.

In a laboratory study, indicators of the neuroendocrine system showed a significant decrease in the level of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) in the blood, as well as the tendency to reduce the adrenocorticotropic (ACTH) and thyroid-stimulating (TSH) hormone. Identified changes in hormonal status of the patients on the background of "Ovariamin" correlated with the positive dynamics of clinical picture that may indicate the increase of the functional activity of glandular tissue of ovaries.

Patients Women with ovarian exhaustion syndrome, the use of "Ovariamin" in 58% of cases caused the normalization of the menstrual cycle, and helped to reduce asthenovegetative astenonevroticheskih manifestations of the disease.

These laboratory and instrumental studies show an increase in size of the ovaries and increase their steroidogenic function, reducing the anterior pituitary gonadotrophic function.

Analysis of the results of clinical trials allows us to conclude that the course application "Ovariamin" has a normalizing effect on ovarian cell metabolism, contributes to the normalization process of the formation and maturation of follicles and restore neurohormonal mechanisms of regulation of menstrual and reproductive functions.

"Ovariamin" is recommended for accelerated recovery of ovarian function in various forms of violations, including the negative manifestations of menopause in women. He also recommended that elderly women to maintain ovarian function.


  • in functional insufficiency of ovaries
  • acute and chronic adnexitis
  • menstrual irregularities
  • with anovulatory syndrome
  • in the pre- and postoperative periods gynecological operations
  • when somatovegetativyh and psycho-emotional manifestations of climacteric syndrome
  • ovarian hyperandrogenism
  • hormone replacement therapy drugs ekstrogensoderzhaschimi
  • older women, and the elderly to maintain ovarian function.


  • idiosyncrasy of the product components
  • pregnancy
  • breast-feeding

Suggested Use:

1-3 tablets 2-3 times a day for 10-15 minutes before meals with water without chewing.
Course: 10-14 days.
The repeated course in 3-6 months.


  • Comes in original packaging. Item is brand new and unopened.


  • Keep away from direct sunlight.
  • Keep locked and away from children.
  • Store in dry place at room temperature.
  • Do not exceed storage temperature higher than 25 C

Important notice - the outer box design may vary before prior notice!


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