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Ovagen intensive course 180 capsules

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Ovagen intensive 1 month course 180 capsules

Ovagen is a complex peptide, comprising amino acids contributing to liver function normalization and gastrointestinal tract.

Liver - life support laboratory of the human body. Prevention and treatment of liver diseases and lesions are extremely important task in restoring and maintaining health. Liver infection, viral, drug, alcohol, toxic nature eventually lead to acute or chronic liver failure. These factors have a negative effect on the antitoxic, excretory and protein-synthetic function of the liver. To correct these pathological changes in the liver developed hepatic bioregulator - Ovagen with a protective and regenerating action on liver cells.

In a clinical study established efficacy Ovagen in comprehensive prevention and treatment of patients suffering from hepatitis of various etiologies, in the prevention of complications of radiation and chemotherapy and the side effects of the use of antibiotics and other drugs, as well as the impacts on the body of various unfavorable factors (including environmental, toxic), and malnutrition, as well as for maintaining liver function in people with middle and old age.

After treatment with Ovagen most patients with chronic persistent hepatitis and chronic liver failure, noted weakness elimination, improved appetite and increased efficiency, reduction of dyspeptic disorders, reducing the intensity of pain.


  • metabolic disease
  • reducing liver function
  • skin diseases
  • normalization of lipid metabolism in atherosclerosis and obesity
  • prevention of diabetes
  • inflammatory liver disease
  • the consequences of viral hepatitis of all types
  • alcoholic and toxic liver damage
  • acute liver failure
  • preoperative and postoperative periods for surgical interventions in the liver
  • chronic liver failure
  • prolonged antibiotic therapy
  • chemotherapy and radiation therapy
  • cholestasis, biliary dyskinesia
  • cirrhosis, various genesis
  • enteropathy, dyspepsia
  • prevention of liver disease in people elderly

Ovagen: clinical trials

Experimental study of the biological properties of OVAGEN in animals has shown that when it is used not only improves individual cellular and tissue homeostasis in liver cells, but also to normalize the function of the digestive system as a whole, disturbed as a result of stress, negative effects of adverse environmental factors, age pathology . Currently, there is an increase in the number of patients with chronic liver disease, which are distributed mainly in people of working age. A large role in increasing the incidence of adverse belongs to social and environmental factors.

In a clinical study OVAGEN attended 106 patients with chronic hepatitis and cancer patients after a course of chemotherapy, including 60 men and 46 women aged from 35 to 68 years. Disease duration ranged from 3 to 10 years. Patients of the main group (68 people) in addition to conventional treatment facilities OVAGEN received 2 capsules 2 times daily with meals for 20 days. The control group consisted of 38 similar patients who were appointed only conventional medicines.

Most of the patients complained of pain in the right hypochondrium, general weakness and fatigue, 73% of patients had diarrhea disorders. In 53% of patients registered hyperbilirubinemia, increased alanine aminotransferase, increased globulin fraction of the blood proteins, mainly due to the fraction of immunoglobulin M, which indicates a certain activity of chronic inflammation.

Subjective complaints of patients evaluated in dynamics. Performed clinical blood and urine tests, biochemical and immunological blood test (determination of immunoglobulins according to Mancini), ultrasound of the liver.

After applying OVAGEN majority of patients noted weakness elimination, improved appetite and efficiency. In 53% of patients significantly reduced the intensity of pain.

In cancer patients noted subjective improvement of health, reduction of weakness, reducing the intensity of dyspeptic disorders.

Particular attention in the analysis of the effectiveness of OVAGEN on assessing biochemical studies characterizing aminotransferase activity, pigment and protein function of the liver. Objectively, the majority of patients after application OVAGEN observed stabilization of biochemical parameters: bilirubin, alanine aminotransferase. The study of peripheral blood immunoglobulins, which are an essential criterion for the activity of the inflammatory process, after a course of application OVAGEN showed a significant decrease in the level of IgM.

Thus, the results of a clinical study demonstrate hepatoprotective properties OVAGEN and appropriateness of its use in patients with acute ihronicheskimi forms of liver disease, cancer patients after radiation and chemotherapy, as well as for the prevention of various liver diseases and their complications.

During the clinical study OVAGEN revealed no side effects, complications, and drug addiction.

Ovagen well tolerated, with no side effects were detected, complications, contraindications and drug dependence.

Bioregulator Ovagen: liver prophylaxis for various diseases

Bioregulator Ovagen designed to restore the functions of the liver cells and to normalize its general condition. Ovagen applied for the treatment of any abnormalities in the liver, has a strong therapeutic effect in early disease.

Have effects bioregulator Ovagen

The role of the liver in the human body

We have a vacuum cleaner at home whether each? Is it convenient to him to do the cleaning in the apartment? Yes. And how often it needs to be cleaned? Our body - this is a very large apartment, and it is a universal cleaner - the liver. Excessive load, adverse environmental factors, poor diet, drug and alcohol poisoning - all this greatly harms the liver. As a result, impaired lipid metabolism, and there are a variety of diseases.

The liver performs many functions in the body. Firstly, it is a filter for the whole organism. The liver collects and carcinogens, and toxins and heavy metals, and so on. In addition, it is a blood storage synthesizes some digestive enzymes and other substances.

Principles of bioregulator Ovagen

Bioregulator Ovagen - a drug to restore the liver and its functions. It is a universal tool for the recovery of liver cells, and for the prevention of diseases, and for the comprehensive treatment. The peptide bioregulator Ovagen - is an effective liver prophylaxis for various diseases. The principles of its operation are the properties, origin and destination of the peptides.

Peptides - are short chains of amino acids that form the basis of proteins and are the building blocks for them. Having finished its function in the body, proteins disintegrate into its component parts, peptides which are in turn connected to the chain DNA and start the process of synthesis of new proteins.

Bioregulator peptide consists of 60 Ovagen hepatic peptides which, in turn, contains amino acids necessary for restoration of the liver cells. Peptides and amino acids and reduced protein synthesis, impaired protein chain. In this restored normal operation of the liver and its functions. Application bioregulator Ovagen appropriate to apply for the prevention of many diseases originating from liver disorders, such as diabetes, multiple sclerosis and others. Since it restores all the functions of the liver, then there is its own purification and the whole body of toxins.

Ovagen used at the outset of the disease or at the initial stage of treatment. It has a strong therapeutic effect for a short period, including the resources of the organism. Turning bioregulator Ovagen in the complex therapy, or use it as a means of prevention of liver diseases and it provides a faster and more lasting results. So, it is not necessary to use all the time, but rather 2-3 courses per year.

The result of applying Ovagen to prevent liver disease:

  • restoration of liver cells,
  • normalization of liver function,
  • improving the digestion and quality of cleansing the body of toxins and heavy metals,
  • umeshnenie pain,
  • decrease in severity of symptoms,
  • reductions in symptoms of inflammation and dyspeptic disorders
  • improving efficiency and reducing feelings of weakness,
  • prophylaxis of any diseases and hepatic disorder associated with its functions.

The peptide bioregulator Ovagen shown for all liver disorders and diseases caused by them.

Suggested Use:

Adults take 1-2 capsules 1-2 times a day with meals. Duration of 10-30 days. It is advisable to repeat the course in 4-6 months.


  • Comes in original packaging. Item is brand new and unopened.


  • Keep away from direct sunlight.
  • Keep locked and away from children.
  • Store in dry place at room temperature.
  • Do not exceed storage temperature higher than 25 C

Important notice - the outer box design may vary before prior notice!


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