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Ocupres-E eye drops 0.5% 5ml

USD 12.99

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Ocupres-E (Okupres-E) eye drops - contain a non-selective beta-blocker timolol. After topical application in ophthalmology, intraocular pressure decreases mainly due to oppression of watery moisture products. The duration of action of the drug reaches 24 hours.

Non-selective beta-blocker. With topical application in ophthalmology reduces both normal and increased intraocular pressure by reducing the formation of intraocular fluid and improving its outflow, it does not affect the accommodation and the size of the pupil.

Has antianginal, hypotensive and antiarrhythmic effects, which are manifested in systemic application. Reduces the automatism of the sinus node, reduces heart rate, slows AV-conduction, reduces contractility and the need for myocardium in oxygen.


With topical application quickly penetrates through the cornea, in an insignificant amount gets into the systemic bloodstream due to the absorption through the vessels of the conjunctiva, the mucous membranes of the nose and the lacrimal tract.


  • Glaucoma (open-ended, chronic, aphakic, secondary).
  • In clinical trials, timolol has shown the ability to lower intraocular pressure in patients who did not respond positively to other antiglaucoma agents.


  • Increased individual sensitivity to timolol.
  • Bronchial asthma or other severe chronic obstructive airway disease.
  • Sinus bradycardia.
  • Atrioventricular block of II or III degree.
  • Severe heart failure.
  • Cardiogenic shock.
  • Allergic reactions with generalized skin rashes.
  • Severe atrophic rhinitis.
  • Dystrophy of the cornea.

With caution in patients with:

  • Pulmonary insufficiency.
  • Severe cerebrovascular insufficiency.
  • Heart failure.
  • Diabetes mellitus.
  • Hypoglycemia.
  • Thyrotoxicosis.
  • Myasthenia.
  • And also with the simultaneous appointment of other beta-blockers.

Special instructions:

Caution is used in patients with impaired liver function, kidney function, diabetes mellitus (especially labile course). With prolonged use increases the level of triglycerides in the blood plasma.

Safety and efficacy in children have not been studied.

In ophthalmology it is used for a long time, therefore, during the treatment period, at least once every 6 months, the cornea should be inspected, the lacrimal function and the condition of the visual fields should be monitored.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and manage mechanisms

During the treatment period, one should refrain from engaging in potentially dangerous activities requiring increased attention, rapid psychomotor reactions.

When used in ophthalmology immediately after instillation, it is possible to reduce visual acuity and slowing down of psychomotor reactions, so it is necessary to refrain from practicing for potentially dangerous activities that require more attention within 30 minutes.

Side effects:

From the side of the organ of vision: with local application, irritation and hyperemia of the conjunctiva, skin of the eyelids, burning and itching in the eyes, lacrimation, photophobia, corneal epithelial edema, spot surface keratopathy, corneal hypopsy, diplopia, ptosis, dry eyes. When performing fistulizing antiglaucoma operations, retinal detachment may develop in the postoperative period.

With systemic application, heart failure, bradycardia, AV blockade, arterial hypotension; headache, sleep disturbances, nightmares, asthenia, agitation, depression, paresthesia and cold extremities; nausea, vomiting, diarrhea; shortness of breath, bronchospasm; muscle weakness; skin allergic reactions, exacerbation of psoriasis, dryness of the conjunctiva.

Suggested Use:


At the beginning of therapy, 1 drop of drug is injected into the diseased eye 2 times a day.

If intraocular pressure with normal use is normalized, you should reduce the dosage - one kappa once a day.

If further lowering of intraocular pressure is deemed necessary, then simultaneous use of miotic agents or systemic administration of inhibitors of coal anhydrase can be prescribed.

Treatment with the drug is carried out, as a rule, for a long time.

When intraocular pressure is established at a satisfactory level, the patient can prescribe the application of Ocupres-E once a day.

Interruption or change in dosage is carried out only according to the prescription of the attending physician.


  • Comes in original packaging. Item is brand new and unopened.


  • Keep away from direct sunlight.
  • Keep locked and away from children.
  • Store in dry place at room temperature.
  • Do not exceed storage temperature higher than 25 C

Important notice- the outer box design may vary before prior notice!


Ocupres-E eye drops 0.5% 5ml buy non-selective beta-blocker timolol

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