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Koramine (Coramine) heart bioregulator 40 pills

USD 45.00

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Cytamins Koramine (Coramine): It normalizes and supports heart function, speeds up recovery of the heart muscle, improves exercise tolerance

Among the diseases of the cardiovascular system of myocardial ischemic pathology, toxic, infectious and other origin occupies a leading position. As a result of pathological factors occur myocardial contractility disorders, it develop atrophic degenerative processes, reduced cardiac output, which ultimately leads to the formation of cardiac insufficiency. "Koramine" was developed for the correction of pathological changes developing in various pathologies heart.

  • It has a selective effect on myocardial cells, contributes to the normalization and sustainable maintenance of heart function.
  • It accelerates the recovery of heart muscle function in patients with coronary heart disease, including myocardial infarction, in hypertension, the impact on the body of various extreme factors.
  • It provides better tolerability heavy physical exertion, including recommended in sports.

Components "Koramine" (Coramine), derived from the heart muscles of cattle, are a nucleoprotein complex, strictly specific for the normal functioning of the heart muscle. "Koramine" (Coramine) has a selective effect on myocardial cells, helping to accelerate the recovery of functions of the heart muscle, increases its resistance in coronary disease and provides a better exercise tolerance.

Clinical trials "Koramine" (Coramine) were conducted in 160 patients with coronary heart disease, hypertension, and 70 patients with the consequences of myocardial infarction. The effectiveness of "coramine" assessed by the dynamics of complaints, according to the laboratory, functional and instrumental studies.

It has been shown that patients who took "coramine" (Koramine) There is a clear positive dynamics of both subjective and objective indicators: the number of complaints decreased somatic nature; significantly reduced the frequency and duration of angina attacks; some patients a daily dose of long-acting nitrates in patients receiving "coramine" decreased by 2-3 times compared with the initial level, despite the fact that the number of angina attacks did not increase. There was a significant stabilization of objective factors: a significant proportion of patients with a decrease (up to two times), the index of energy costs in the dosage load, indicating a more economical use of the energy reserves of the heart muscle, against the background of reducing myocardial oxygen demand during the work; at the same time there is an increase in exercise tolerance, determined by the value of threshold power and the total volume of the work performed; an improvement in diastolic properties of the myocardium. Positive dynamics of the diastolic phase of the left ventricle in patients receiving "Koramine" (Coramine) can be explained by an increase in its resilient and elastic properties.

"Coramine" (Koramine) is recommended for accelerated recovery of heart muscle function in patients with coronary heart disease, including myocardial infarction, in hypertension, increased physical activity, the impact on the body of various extreme factors. It is also recommended for the elderly in order to maintain activity of the heart muscle. "Koramine 'effectiveness is enhanced when used in conjunction with "Vazalamin" and "Hepatamin".


  • coronary heart disease
  • states after acute myocardial infarction
  • postinfarction cardiosclerosis
  • myocarditis various etiologies
  • myocardiodystrophy
  • chronic cardiopulmonary failure
  • rheumatic heart
  • the effects of operations on the heart and coronary vessels
  • atherosclerosis
  • the consequences of heart wounds
  • "Athlete's heart"
  • older persons and the elderly to maintain the function of the heart.


  • idiosyncrasy of the product components
  • pregnancy
  • breast-feeding

Suggested Use:

1-3 tablets 2-3 times a day for 10-15 minutes before meals with water without chewing.
Course: 10-14 days.
The repeated course in 3-6 months.


  • Comes in original packaging. Item is brand new and unopened.


  • Keep away from direct sunlight.
  • Keep locked and away from children.
  • Store in dry place at room temperature.
  • Do not exceed storage temperature higher than 25 C

Important notice - the outer box design may vary before prior notice!


Koramine (Coramine) heart bioregulator 40 pills cytamins

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