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Doctor Doping Shop

Coenzyme compositum 2.2 ml 5 vials

USD 75.00

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Coenzyme compositum is a homeopathic preparation. Has a detoxification, metabolic, antioxidant effect. Activates tissue respiration and oxidation-reduction processes in the body (Krebs cycle).


In complex therapy of disturbances of oxidation-reduction processes in the body with hypovitaminosis, increased physical and mental stress, chronic diseases of the joints and spine, respiratory, genitourinary and gastrointestinal tract.


Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Suggested Use:

Intramuscularly, 2.2 ml 1-3 times a week.


  • Comes in original packaging. Item is brand new and unopened.


  • Keep away from direct sunlight.
  • Keep locked and away from children.
  • Store in dry place at room temperature.
  • Do not exceed storage temperature higher than 25 C

Important notice- the outer box design may vary before prior notice!


Coenzyme compositum 2.2 ml 5 vials buy normalizing metabolism in tissues

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