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Instruction for use: Phenotropil

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Phenotropil From Valenta PharmaceuticalsMaintains Peak Physical & Mental Performance

PHENOTROPIL (Fenotropil, Carphedon, Phenylpiracetam) - is a nootropic drug with antiamnesic, anticonvulsant and anxiolytic actions. Phenotropil activates the integrative brain activity, consolidates memory, increases concentration and mental work, improves learning ability, increases the transmission of information between cerebral hemispheres, raises the resistance of brain tissues to hypoxia and poisonous actions. Has a positive effect on metabolism and blood circulation of the brain. It is used to treat metabolic and vascular cerebral disorders, mental function disorders, depression, obesity, convulsions. Stimulating effect of Phenotropil provides improvement in physical performance, coordination and stamina.

Phenylpiracetam (Phenotropil, Carphedon), also called fonturacetam, is a phenylated analog of the drug piracetam which was developed in 1983 in Russia where it is available as a prescription drug. Research on animals has indicated that phenylpiracetam may have anti-amnesic, antidepressant, anticonvulsant, antipsychotic, anxiolytic, and memory enhancement effects.

Mode of action: Phenotropil - nootropic agent. The active drug substance has the chemical formula N-methyl-carbamoyl-4-phenyl-2-pyrrolidone. The drug stimulates the integrative function of the brain directly, leading to memory consolidation, facilitates learning, improves mental ability and concentration, has an anticonvulsant effect. Has anxiolytic properties, improves mood and regulates the processes of stimulation and inhibition, and the structures of the nervous system. In the application of rates has anorexigenic effect. Just Phenotropil possesses neuroprotective properties under the influence of toxic substances or hypoxia increases the resistance of the nerve cells of the brain.

The preparation has a positive effect on cerebral blood circulation and stimulates the metabolism of the nervous tissues, normalizes the redox reaction. Under the conditions of ischemia increases the blood supply Improving the energy potential of neural tissue is carried out at enhancing the utilization of glucose. It has a slight diuretic effect. Increases concentration of neurotransmitters in the brain (serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine), but does not change the content of gammaaminobutyric acid so as not associated with the GABA-B receptors and GABA-A. There were no significant effects on spontaneous bioelectric ability of neurons to the brain. Also, no effect on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. It is noted that the use of

Phenotropil there is an increase in visual acuity, visual field expansion, strengthening the perception of brightness of colors. Adaptogenic effect of the drug is to strengthen human resistance to stress, especially in the context of significant physical and psycho-emotional stress, with prolonged immobilization, residence rights in the context of extreme temperature exposure or

hypokinesia. The mechanism of stimulating effect on the brain due to the ability of Phenotropil

moderately affect motor responses and create a reserve for high physical activity, to reduce the inhibitory effect of hexenal and ethanol on the brain. Has an antagonistic action towards cataleptic effect of neuroleptics. On the background of a course using the drug had no observations of withdrawal, tolerance to Phenotropil or drug dependence.

Psychostimulant; avoid in cases of maina. Psihoaktivatsiya achieved fairly moderate exposure, and combined with the ability to improve mood and induce anxiolytic effect. Negligible effect of the drug as an analgesic by increasing the threshold to pain. The same drug is to improve blood circulation in the lower extremities. In response to the introduction of antigens into the body stimulates antibody function, but does not cause allergic reactions of the skin and development of hypersensitivity reactions to immediate-type in response to entry of foreign proteins.

After a single dose of the drug begins to act, which may be important for applications in

extreme medicine. There was no evidence of carcinogenic, teratogenic, mutagenic or embryotoxic potential Phenotropil. Marked by extremely low toxicity of the active substance. After an internal application absorbed very quickly, passes through the blood-brain barrier, easily penetrates into all tissues and organs. For internal use Phenotropil bioavailability of up to 100%, which is the absolute value. Already after 60 minutes in the blood maximum concentration of the active substance. The body can not be metabolic reactions. The half-life of the drug - an average of 3-5 hours. Phenotropil displayed with sweat and bile (60%), the rest - in the urine.

Indications for use:

  • Neurotic state with a predominance of deterioration physical activity, lethargy,
  • excessive fatigue, cognitive impairment and memory loss;
  • depression (mild to moderate);
  • diseases of the central nervous system, particularly associated with impaired
  • metabolism in the brain and cardiovascular disorders, as well as for other
  • reasons, in the symptom of the disease is dominated by the deterioration of
  • motor activity and decreased intellectual-mental abilities;
  • convulsive disorders;
  • if necessary, in connection with professional activities change daily biorhythms or
  • invert the cycle of "wake-sleep";
  • alimentary-constitutional obesity;
  • vyaloapaticheskie schizophrenia;
  • preventive measures during stressful situations, hypoxia, increased functionality
  • in terms of human exposure to extreme professional activities for the prevention
  • of fatigue, promoting physical and mental performance;
  • alcoholism - to reduce the severity of depression, fatigue and enhance
  • intellectual-mental activity of the brain;
  • psycho-organic syndrome with symptoms such as apathy, lethargy,
  • abulicheskimi disorders, intellectual-mental disorder.

How to use: 

Phenotropil taken orally immediately after meals. The duration of therapy and dosage of the drug determined by the physician individually. Need to adjust the dose, taking into account the patient's condition. Typically, the average single dose of Phenotropil is from 100 to 250 mg (usually - 150

mg), the average dose per day to 200-300 mg (250 mg). It is recommended not to exceed the maximum dosage of 750 mg / day. The daily dose divided into twice-daily administration, but the daily dose of 100 mg may be taken 1 time (especially in the morning). The average duration of therapy - about 1 month (from 14 days to 3 months). The course of therapy may be repeated if necessary after 30 days. With obesity alimentary-constitutional nature is recommended to take Phenotropil for 1-2 months at a dosage of 100-200 mg once daily (in the morning). It is advisable not to take pills within 8 hours of planned bedtime.

Side effects:

• When Phenotropil within 8 hours of bedtime can be sleeplessness at night;

• In some patients while taking the drug in the first 1-3 days can be observed psihodvigatelnoe excitation, flushing, hypertension, feeling the tides of heat.


Hypersensitivity active ingredient of the drug, pyrrolidone or other components Phenotropil.


Although experimentally teratogenic or embryotoxic properties of the drug are found, is not recommended for pregnant patients and nursing mothers because of the lack of clinical experience Phenotropil destination. For the same reason it is not recommended for use in pediatric patients Phenotropil.

Interactions with other drugs: 

Potentiates the effects of neuroprotective drugs, anxiolytics, and stimulants of the central nervous system.


Therapy - symptomatic.


Tablets of 100 mg, in multiples of 10, 30 tablets.


Active substance (1 tablet): Phenotropil 100 mg. Inactive ingredients: potato starch, lactose, calcium stearate.

In addition:

For fatigue, chronic stress, severe psycho-emotional exhaustion of the drug for the first time can cause a significant increase in the need for sleep. Therefore, the categories of persons recommended for the first time to take Phenotropil the weekend (if outpatient treatment is given). Used with caution in patients with atherosclerosis, a history of panic attacks, liver disease or kidney disease, acute psychotic state. If a patient is agitated drug may cause exacerbation of panic, anxiety, development of delirium or hallucinations. Use with caution if the patient is in the past there have allergic reactions to other nootropic drugs.


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  • Become a New You
  • Improved Mood and Confidence

Phenotropil is a racetam class nootropic drug. It operates on most neurotransmitter systems of the brain. Phenotropil works by stimulating cholinergic and glutamatergic systems of the brain, thus increasing the release of acetylcholine and glutamate neurotransmitters. It increases dopamine and noradrenalin (norepinephrine) levels as well. Phenotropil has a wide range of action: boosts concentration, enhances neuromuscular connections and motor skills, improves memory function, increases pain tolerance, reduces the severity of hypnotic action of ethanol and hexenal, stimulates antibodies generation as a reaction to antigen introduction.

One pack contains 10 or 30 pills of 100mg each.


Store in dry place at room temperature. Do not exceed storage temperature higher than 30 degrees Celsius. Keep away from direct sunlight. Keep locked and away from children.



Molar mass

218.3 g/mol

Legal status


Systematic (IUPAC) name


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