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Instruction for use: Nucleospermate sodium

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Trade name of the drug – Nucleospermate sodium, Polydanum

The Latin name of the substance Nucleospermate sodium

Natrii nucleospermas (genus. Natrii nucleospermatis)

Pharmacological group:

Stimulators of hematopoiesis

The nosological classification (ICD-10)

B20-B24 Disease caused by human immunodeficiency virus [HIV]: Deployed stage of HIV infection; AIDS in children; HIV / AIDS infection; Infections with HIV; AIDS; Human Immunodeficiency Virus HIV-1; HIV-1 infection HIV infection; HIV

D72.8.0 * Leukopenia: Autoimmune neutropenia; Congenital neutropenia; Granulocytopenia; Idiopathic and drug-induced leukopenia; Idiopathic neutropenia; Leukopenia aplastic; Leukopenia radiation; Leukopenia with radiation therapy; Radiation leukopenia; Hereditary neutropenia; Neutropenia in patients with AIDS; Periodic neutropenia; Radiation leukopenia; Persistent neutropenia; Febrile neutropenia; Two-stage cytopenia; Radiation cytopenia; Neutropenia is cyclic

Y43.1 Adverse reactions in the therapeutic use of antitumor antimetabolites: Treatment with mercaptopurine

Y43.2 Adverse reactions in the therapeutic use of antineoplastic natural preparations

Y43.3 Adverse reactions in the therapeutic use of other antitumor drugs

Y84.2 Abnormal reaction or late complication of the patient without mentioning accidental harm to him during the performance of the radiological procedure and radiation therapy: Radiation therapy of tumors

Characteristics of the substance Nucleospermate sodium

White or almost white with a grayish shade of powder.


Mode action - Immunomodulatory, leukopoietic, hematopoietic.

Influences the processes of proliferation, migration and differentiation of colony-forming units. Accelerates granulocytopoiesis in the stage of promyelocytes and myelocytes, increases the neutrophil maturation index. Restores hematologic parameters, reduced as a result of chemotherapy. Participates in cellular metabolism, integrating into cellular structures. Has immunomodulatory effect (activates killer cells, stimulates antibody formation).

When SC, IM or rectal administration enters the blood, and at the beginning of the absorption phase, the concentration in the blood rises in a linear relationship. The main transport route is endolymphatic. Cmax is recorded within 0.5-5 h depending on the mode of administration. The absorption phase ends after 5-24 hours. It is distributed primarily to the bone marrow, lymph nodes, spleen, thymus, kidneys. Passes through the BBB. T1 / 2 - 63-69 hours Excreted, incl. In the form of metabolites, with urine and feces.

Application of the substance Nucleospermate sodium

Solution for injection: leukopenia for radiation and cytostatic therapy (prevention and treatment).

Solution for rectal administration: HIV infection at different stages of the disease (as an immunomodulator in combination therapy with antiviral drugs).


Hypersensitivity, acute diseases of the liver, kidneys, pancreas, gastrointestinal tract, severe forms of heart failure, impaired cerebral circulation; Pregnancy, breast-feeding, children under 3 years.


Use with caution in the treatment of myelogenous premalignant disease.

Application of pregnancy and breastfeeding

Contraindicated in pregnancy. At the time of treatment should stop breastfeeding.

Side effects of the substance Nucleospermate sodium

Short-term hyperthermia (up to 38 ° C), hyperemia, tenderness at the injection site.


Possible simultaneous use with cytostatics and lidocaine.

Routes of administration

SC, IM, intrarectally.

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