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Instruction for use: Methyluracil tablets 0,5 g

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Dosage form: tablets

Active substance: Dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidinum


L03AX Other immunostimulants

Pharmacological groups

Stimulators of hemopoiesis


Regenerants and reparants

The nosological classification (ICD-10)

J03.9 Acute tonsillitis, unspecified (angina agranulocytic): Throat infections; Acute tonsillitis; Angina; Follicular tonsillitis; Angina alimentary-hemorrhagic; Secondary sore throat; Sore throat primary; Angina follicular; Inflammatory diseases of the tonsils; Catarrhal angina; Lacunar angina; Acute Sore Throat; Tonsillitis; Tonsillitis acute; Tonsillar angina; Follicular sore throat; Bacterial tonsillitis

K25 Stomach ulcer: Helicobacter pylori; Pain syndrome with gastric ulcer; Pain syndrome with peptic ulcer of stomach and duodenum; Inflammation of the gastric mucosa; Inflammation of the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract; Benign ulcer of the stomach; Disease of the stomach and duodenum, associated with Helicobacter pylori; Exacerbation of gastroduodenitis against ulcer disease; Exacerbation of peptic ulcer; Exacerbation of gastric ulcer; Organic GI disease; Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum; Postoperative Stomach Ulcer; Recovering ulcers; Symptomatic Stomach Ulcers; Chronic inflammatory disease of the upper gastrointestinal tract associated with Helicobacter pylori; Helicobacter pylori eradication; Erosive-ulcerative lesions of the stomach; Erosive lesions of the stomach; Erosion of the gastric mucosa; Peptic Ulcer; Stomach ulcer; Stomach ulcer; Ulcerative lesions of the stomach; Symptomatic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum

K26 Ulcer of duodenum: Pain syndrome with duodenal ulcer; Pain syndrome with peptic ulcer of stomach and duodenum; Disease of the stomach and duodenum, associated with Helicobacter pylori; Exacerbation of peptic ulcer; Exacerbation of duodenal ulcer; Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum; Recurrence of duodenal ulcer; Symptomatic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum; Helicobacter pylori eradication; Erosive-ulcerative lesions of the duodenum; Erosion-ulcerative duodenal lesions associated with Helicobacter pylori; Erosive lesions of the duodenum; Peptic ulcer disease of the duodenum; Ulcerative duodenal lesions

L58 Radiation dermatitis radiation: Radiation damage to the skin; Radiation skin lesions; Radiation damage to the skin and mucous membranes; Skin lesion with radiation therapy; Irritation after exposure to X-rays; Radiation damage to the skin; Radio-epileleitis; Radiation acute syndrome

M84.1 Non-growing fracture [pseudoarthrosis]: Fracture of bones non-growing; Pseudoarthrosis; Delayed formation of callus; Slow fracture fusion

T14.1 Open wound of unspecified body region: Secondary healing processes; Sluggishly granulating wounds; Sluggishly healing wounds; Sluggish wounds; Deep Wounds; Purulent wound; Granulating wounds; Prolonged non-healing wound; Long-lasting non-healing wound and ulcer; Long-lasting non-healing soft tissue wound; Healing of wounds; Wound healing; Capillary bleeding from superficial wounds; Bleeding wound; Radiation Wounds; Slowly epithelializing wounds; Minor cuts; Suppurated wounds; Violation of wound healing processes; Breach of skin integrity; Violations of the integrity of the skin; Violations of the integrity of the skin; Small cuts; Uninfected wounds; Uncomplicated wounds; Operating wound; Primary treatment of surface contaminated wounds; Primary wound treatment; Primary-delayed treatment of wounds; Poorly cicatrizing wound; Poor wound healing; Bad wound; Superficial injury; Superficial wound with mild exudation; Wound; The wound is large; Bite wound; Wound process; Wounds; Wound healing wounds; Stump Wounds; Wounds for gunshot; Wounds with deep cavities; Difficult healing wounds; Difficult wounds; Chronic Wounds

T14.2 Fracture in unspecified part of body: Internal fixation of bone fracture; Acute period after fractures of bones; Edema after interventions for fractures; Fracture; Fracture of bones; Fracture of bone; Fractures of bones; Reposition of bone fragments in fractures; Traumatic bone injuries; Traumatic bone injury; Injuries of the osteoarticular system; Injuries to bone tissue

T30 Thermal and chemical burns of unspecified site: Pain syndrome with burns; Pain in burns; Pain with burns; Sluggishly healing post-burn wounds; Deep burns with a wet scab; Deep burns with abundant compartments; Deep burn; Laser burn; Burn; Burn of rectum and perineum; Burn with mild exudation; Burn disease; Burn injury; Superficial burn; Superficial burn of I and II degree; Superficial skin burns; After-burn trophic ulcer and wound; Post-burn complication; Loss of fluid in burns; Sepsis burn; Thermal burns; Thermal skin lesions; Thermal burn; Trophic after-burn ulcers; Chemical burn; Surgical burn

T66 Unspecified radiation effects: Radiation disease; Diarrhea radiation; Gastrointestinal syndrome with irradiation; Radiation sickness; Radiation disorders of mucous membranes; Irradiation chronic; Osteoradionecrosis; Acute radiation sickness; Acute and chronic radiation injuries; Acute radiation syndrome with radiation therapy; Subacute and chronic radiation sickness; Radiation Neuropathy; Radiation edema; Radiation damage to the nervous system; Radiation immunodeficiency; Radiation syndrome; Radio-epileleitis; Radiation acute syndrome; State after irradiation; Cytopenia due to previous radiation or chemotherapy; Cytopenia radiation; Cytopenia due to radiation therapy; Cytopenia due to chemotherapy

Composition and release form

1 tablet contains methyluracil 0.5 g; In a contour acheikova packing 10 pcs., In a cardboard box 5 packings.

Pharmachologic effect

Mode of action - Anabolic, leukopoietic.

It has anabolic and anti-catabolic activity, activates cellular and humoral defense factors, accelerates the healing of wounds.

Indications of the drug Methyluracil tablets 0,5 g

Leukopenia, agranulocyte angina, alimentary-toxic aleukia, sluggishly healing wounds, burns, bone fractures, peptic ulcer and duodenal ulcer, benzol intoxication, lesions in radiation therapy.


Hemoblastosis, leukemia leukemia, myeloid leukemia, lymphogranulomatosis.

Side effects

Headache, dizziness, allergic reactions.

Dosing and Administration

Inside, during or after a meal - 0,5 g 4 times a day (if necessary up to 6 times a day); Children 3-8 years - 0.25 g, over 8 years - 0.25 g 3 times a day. Course for gastrointestinal diseases - 30-40 days; In other cases it may be shorter.

Storage conditions of the drug Methyluracil tablets 0,5 g

In the dry place.

Keep out of the reach of children.

Shelf life of the drug Methyluracil tablets 0,5 g

5 years.

Do not use after the expiry date printed on the package.

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