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Instruction for use: Meglumine acridonacetate

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Trade name of the drug – Meglumine acridonacetate, Cycloferon

The Latin name of the substance Meglumine acridînacetate

Meglumini acridînacetas (genus. Meglumini acridînacetatis)

Chemical name

N-methylglucamine 2- (9-oxoacridine-10 (9H) -yl) acetate

Gross formula


Pharmacological group:

Interferon Inductors

The nosological classification (ICD-10)

A56 Other chlamydial diseases, sexually transmitted infections: Chlamydial infections; Chlamydia; Tropical bubo

A59.0 Urogenital Trichomoniasis: Trichomonas Colpitis; Trichomonas infection of the urinary tract; Vaginal trichomoniasis; Trichomonal vaginitis; Trichomonas inflammation of the vagina; Trichomonas inflammation of the urinary tract; Trichomonas vaginitis; Trichomonal Urethritis; Trichomonatal balanoposthitis; Trichomonas vulvovaginitis; Trichomonal Urethritis; Urethritis caused by Trichomonas; Trichomonas urethritis; Vaginitis due to Trichomonas; Trichomoniasis of the genitourinary system; Trichomonas colpitis; Trichomonas infection of the urogenital organs

A60 Anogenital herpetic viral infection [herpes simplex]: Herpes simplex genitalis; Banal recurrent genital herpes; Secondary genital herpes; Genital herpesvirus infection; Genital herpetic infections; Genital herpes; Herpes genitalia; Genital herpes; Herpes simplex organs; Herpetic lesions of the mucocutaneous urinary organs; Herpetic lesions of the genitals; Primary genital herpes; Primary herpes simplex; Simple herpes extragenital and genital localization; Recurrent genital herpes; Recurrent herpes of genital organs; Herpes of the lips and genitals

A69.9 Spirochaetic infection, unspecified: Spirochetosis

A70-A74 Other diseases caused by chlamydiae

B00 Infections caused by the herpes simplex virus [herpes simplex]: Herpes simplex; Herpes virus; Herpes simplex virus; Herpes simplex virus type I and II; HSV; Herpes; Herpes simplex / herpes simplex /; Herpes lips; Herpes simplex; Herpes in patients with immunodeficiency; Labial herpes; Acute herpetic disease of the mucous membranes; Herpes simplex; Herpes simplex skin and mucous membranes; Herpes simplex with skin and mucous membrane damage; Recurrent herpes; Urogenital herpetic infection; Chronic recurrent herpesvirus infection; Herpes-viral infections of various localizations

B15 Acute hepatitis A: Botkin's disease; Viral hepatitis A; Hepatitis A; Infectious hepatitis; Acute hepatitis; Acute viral hepatitis A; Subacute hepatitis; Lightning-fast hepatitis

B16 Acute hepatitis B: Viral hepatitis B; Hepatitis B; Acute hepatitis; Vaccination against hepatitis B; Subacute hepatitis; Acute viral hepatitis B; Acute lingering hepatitis B

B17 Other acute viral hepatitis

B17.1 Acute hepatitis C: Viral active hepatitis C; Viral hepatitis C; Hepatitis C

B18.1 Chronic viral hepatitis B without delta-agent: Chronic viral hepatitis B; Chronic active hepatitis B; Chronic viral hepatitis B; Chronic hepatitis B; Chronic hepatitis B HBeAg-negative

B18.2 Chronic viral hepatitis C: Hepatitis C; Recurrence of chronic hepatitis C; Chronic active hepatitis C; Chronic viral hepatitis C; Chronic hepatitis C without cirrhosis; Chronic hepatitis C with compensated cirrhosis; Chronic hepatitis C

B19 Viral hepatitis, unspecified: Anemia without hepatitis; Viral hepatitis; Viral hepatitis in children; Infection of the liver; Acute liver infection

B20 Disease caused by the human immunodeficiency virus [HIV], manifested as infectious and parasitic diseases

B25 Cytomegalovirus: Generalized CMV infection in patients with AIDS; Cytomegalovirus infection in patients with impaired immunity; Cytomegalovirus infection; Cytomegalovirus infection in patients with habitual miscarriage Cytomegalovirus retinitis; Cytomegalovirus retinitis in AIDS patients; CMV; CMV in AIDS patients; CMV infection; CMV infection in the presence of immunodeficiency; CMV infection in cancer patients with immunosuppression; CMV-pneumonia; CMV retinitis in patients with weakened immunity; CMV retinitis in AIDS patients

D48.9 Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown nature, unspecified: Pleural effusion in tumors

D84.9 Unspecified Immunodeficiency: Pneumonia in immunodeficient states; Autoimmune disease; Autoimmune diseases; Severe immunodeficiency; immune deficiency; Immunodeficiency; immunodeficiency diseases; Immunodeficiency states due to surgery; Immunotherapy for cancer; Immunomodulation; Infections in patients with weakened immune systems; Correction of immune deficiency; Correction of immunodeficiencies; Correction of a weakened immune system; Correction of a weakened immunity in immunodeficient states; Violation of immunity; Violation of the immune status; Immune System Disorders; Primary immunodeficiency; Maintaining immunity; Lowering the body's defenses; Lowering the immunity; Lowering the immunity of colds and infectious diseases; The decrease of the immune status; Lowered resistance to infections; Lowered resistance to infections and colds; Lowered resistance; Immunosuppression; Predisposition to colds; acquired immune deficiencies; Radiation immunodeficiency; The development of immunodeficiency; Immune dysfunction syndrome; immunodeficiency syndrome; primary immunodeficiency syndrome; Reducing the body's defenses; Immunosuppression; Reduced immune defense; Reducing local immunity; Reducing the total body resistance; The decrease in cell-mediated immunity; Reduced resistance to infections in children; Reducing the body's resistance; Reduced resistance; reduced immunity; Status immunodeficiency; Stimulation of the processes of nonspecific immunity; Heavy selective secondary immunodeficiency; immunity Oppression; Primary immunodeficiency

G03.0 Non-piogenic meningitis

G03.9 Meningitis, unspecified: Arachnoiditis; Consequence of meningitis; Serous meningitis; Cerebral meningitis; Meningitis subacute

G35 Multiple Sclerosis: Disseminated Sclerosis; Multiple sclerosis; Recurrent multiple sclerosis; Secondary-progressive multiple sclerosis; Exacerbation of multiple sclerosis; Mixed forms of multiple sclerosis

J06 Acute upper respiratory tract infections of multiple and unspecified locations: Frequent colds of viral diseases; Infections of ENT organs; Acute respiratory illness of influenza nature; Pain for colds; Acute catarrhal disease; Cold; Colds; Colds; Respiratory infection; Seasonal catarrhal disease; Seasonal colds; Pain in infectious and inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract; Bacterial infections of the upper respiratory tract; Bacterial infections of the respiratory system; Viral respiratory disease; Viral respiratory tract infections; Inflammatory disease of the upper respiratory tract; Inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract; Inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract with difficult to separate sputum; Inflammatory respiratory disease; Secondary infections for colds; Difficult sputum separation in acute and chronic respiratory diseases; Upper respiratory tract infections; Infections of the upper respiratory tract; Respiratory tract infections; Respiratory and lung infections; Infectious-inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract; Infectious-inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract and ENT organs; Infectious-inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract in adults and children; Infectious-inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract; Infectious inflammation of the respiratory tract; Respiratory tract infection; Qatar upper respiratory tract; Catarrh of the upper respiratory tract; Catarrh of the upper respiratory tract; Catarrhal phenomena from the upper respiratory tract; Cough in diseases of the upper respiratory tract; Cough for colds; ARVI; ARI; ARI with phenomena of rhinitis; Acute respiratory infection; Acute infectious-inflammatory disease of the upper respiratory tract; Acute respiratory disease; Persecution in the throat or nose; Respiratory and viral infections; Respiratory diseases; Respiratory infections; Recurrent respiratory tract infections; Secondary infections with influenza; Influenza states; Feverish conditions for influenza

J11 Influenza, virus not identified: Influenza; Influenza in the early stages of the disease; Influenza in children; cold in the chest; Begins flu-like condition; Acute disease parainfluenza; parainfluenza; parainfluenza state; influenza epidemics; The pains of the influenza

J18 Pneumonia without specification of pathogens: Alveolar pneumonia; Community-acquired pneumonia atypical; Community-acquired pneumonia non-pneumococcal; Pneumonia; Inflammation of the lower respiratory tract; Inflammatory lung disease; Shared pneumonia; Respiratory and lung infections; Infections of the lower respiratory tract; Cough with inflammatory diseases of the lungs and bronchi; Croupous pneumonia; Nosocomial pneumonia; Exacerbation of chronic pneumonia; Acute community-acquired pneumonia; Acute pneumonia; Focal pneumonia; Pneumonia abscessing; Pneumonia bacterial; Pneumonia croupy; Pneumonia of focal; Pneumonia with difficulty in sputum discharge; Pneumonia in AIDS patients; Pneumonia in children; Septic pneumonia; Chronic Obstructive Pneumonia; Chronic pneumonia; Lymphoid interstitial pneumonia

J42 Chronic bronchitis, unspecified: Recurrent bronchitis; Asthmatic bronchitis; Asthmatic bronchitis; Bronchitis chronic; Inflammatory respiratory disease; Disease of the bronchi; Qatar smoker; Cough with inflammatory diseases of the lungs and bronchi; Exacerbation of chronic bronchitis; Chronic bronchitis; Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases; Chronical bronchitis; Chronic bronchitis of smokers; Chronic spasmodic bronchitis; Allergic bronchitis; Bronchitis allergic

K25 Stomach ulcer: Helicobacter pylori; Pain syndrome with gastric ulcer; Pain syndrome with peptic ulcer of stomach and duodenum; Inflammation of the gastric mucosa; Inflammation of the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract; Benign ulcer of the stomach; Disease of the stomach and duodenum, associated with Helicobacter pylori; Exacerbation of gastroduodenitis against ulcer disease; Exacerbation of peptic ulcer; Exacerbation of gastric ulcer; Organic GI disease; Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum; Postoperative Stomach Ulcer; Recovering ulcers; Symptomatic Stomach Ulcers; Chronic inflammatory disease of the upper gastrointestinal tract associated with Helicobacter pylori; Helicobacter pylori eradication; Erosive-ulcerative lesions of the stomach; Erosive lesions of the stomach; Erosion of the gastric mucosa; Peptic Ulcer; Stomach ulcer; Stomach ulcer; Ulcerative lesions of the stomach; Symptomatic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum

K26 Ulcer of duodenum: Pain syndrome with duodenal ulcer; Pain syndrome with peptic ulcer of stomach and duodenum; Disease of the stomach and duodenum, associated with Helicobacter pylori; Exacerbation of peptic ulcer; Exacerbation of duodenal ulcer; Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum; Recurrence of duodenal ulcer; Symptomatic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum; Helicobacter pylori eradication; Erosive-ulcerative lesions of the duodenum; Erosion-ulcerative duodenal lesions associated with Helicobacter pylori; Erosive lesions of the duodenum; Peptic ulcer disease of the duodenum; Ulcerative duodenal lesions

L20 Atopic dermatitis: Allergic diseases of the skin; Allergic skin disease noninfectious etiology; Allergic skin disease etiology nemikrobnoy; Allergic skin diseases; Allergic skin lesions; Allergic reactions on the skin; atopic dermatitis; Allergic dermatosis; Allergic diathesis; Allergic itching dermatosis; Allergic skin disease; Allergic skin irritation; allergic Dermatitis; atopic Dermatitis; allergic dermatoses; exudative diathesis; Itchy atopic eczema Itchy allergic dermatosis; Allergic skin disease; Cutaneous allergic reaction to drugs and chemicals; Cutaneous reactions to medications; Skin and allergic disease; Acute eczema; common neurodermatitis; Chronic atopic dermatitis; Exudative diathesis

L30.9 Unspecified Dermatitis: Allergic dermatoses complicated by a secondary bacterial infection; Anal eczema; Bacterial maturation; Varicose Eczema; Venous dermatitis; Inflammation of the skin; Inflammation of the skin upon contact with plants; Inflammatory Skin Disease; Inflammatory Skin Diseases; Inflammatory Skin Diseases; Inflammatory skin reactions; Inflammatory processes of the skin; Hypostatic dermatitis; Fungal Eczema; Fungal dermatosis; Dermatitis; Dermatitis is stagnant; Dermatitis and eczema in the anal area; Dermatitis acute contact; Perianal dermatitis; Dermatosis; Dermatosis of the scalp; Dermatosis of psoriasis; Dermatosis with persistent itching; Dermatoses; Dermatoses itchy; Other itching dermatoses; Significant eczematous manifestations; Itching with dermatoses; Itching eczema; Itching dermatoses; Itching dermatitis; Itching dermatosis; True eczema; Skin reaction to insect bites; Skin itching with dermatosis; Constitutional eczema; Weeping eczema; Drowsing inflammatory skin disease; Dying Infectious-Inflammatory Skin Disease; Non-allergic dermatitis; Nummular eczema; Acute contact eczema; Acute inflammatory skin disease; Acute dermatosis; Acute severe dermatosis; Perianal dermatitis; Superficial dermatosis; Subacute Contact Eczema; Simple dermatitis; Occupational dermatitis; Psychogenic dermatosis; Bubble dermatitis of newborns; Pustular eruptions; Irritation and redness of the skin; Low-flammable eczema; Dry atrophic eczema; Dry eczema; Toxic dermatitis; Ear eczema like dermatitis; Chronic eczema; Chronic dermatosis; Chronic dermatosis; Chronic common dermatosis; Scaly papular dermatosis; Eczema; Eczema anal region; Eczema of the hands; Eczema Contact; Eczema lichenized; Eczema Nummular; Eczema acute; Eczema acute contact; Eczema subacute; Eczematous dermatitis; Eczema-like rashes; Ecome exogenous; Endogenous eczema; Gluteal dermatitis; Limited itching dermatitis

M06.9 Rheumatoid arthritis, unspecified: Rheumatoid arthritis; Pain syndrome in rheumatic diseases; Pain in rheumatoid arthritis; Inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis; Degenerative forms of rheumatoid arthritis; Children's rheumatoid arthritis; Exacerbation of rheumatoid arthritis; Acute articular rheumatism; Rheumatic arthritis; Rheumatic polyarthritis; Rheumatoid arthritis; Rheumatic polyarthritis; Rheumatoid arthritis; Rheumatoid arthritis; Rheumatoid arthritis of active course; Rheumatoid periarthritis; Rheumatoid polyarthritis; Acute rheumatoid arthritis; Acute rheumatism

M15-M19 Osteoarthritis

N34 Urethritis and urethral syndrome: Urethral buzhirovanie; Gonococcal urethritis; Urethrocystitis; Gonorrheic urethritis; Urethritis; Non-gonococcal urethritis; Negative urethritis; Lesion of the urethra; Acute gonococcal urethritis; Acute gonorrhea urethritis; Acute urethritis; Infection of the urethra; Bacterial nonspecific urethritis; Bacterial urethritis

N48.1 Balanoposthitis: Non-specific balanoposthitis

N74.4 Female pelvic inflammatory disease caused by chlamydia (A56.1 +): Chlamydial salpingitis; Chlamydial infections; Chlamydia

N76 Other inflammatory diseases of the vagina and vulva: Vulvovaginitis atrophic; Vulvovaginitis bacterial; Vulvovaginitis estrogen-deficient; Bacterial vaginosis; Vaginitis; Vaginitis bacterial; Inflammatory diseases of the vagina and vulva; Inflammatory diseases of female genitalia; Inflammatory diseases of female genital organs; Vulvit; Vulvovaginitis; Vulvovaginitis; Gardnerella; Fungal vulvovaginitis in girls and virgins; Infection of the vagina; Infection of the genitals; Colpitis; Violation of purity of the vaginal secretion; Nonspecific cervicovaginitis; Nonspecific vulvitis; Nonspecific vulvovaginitis; Nonspecific colpitis; Recurrent nonspecific bacterial vaginosis; Senylic coverings; Mixed Colpus; Chronic vaginitis; Vulvovaginal infections; Bacterial vaginitis; Bacterial vaginosis; Bacterial vaginitis; Mixed vaginal infections

T30 Thermal and chemical burns of unspecified site: Pain syndrome with burns; Pain in burns; Pain with burns; Sluggishly healing post-burn wounds; Deep burns with a wet scab; Deep burns with abundant compartments; Deep burn; Laser burn; Burn; Burn of rectum and perineum; Burn with mild exudation; Burn disease; Burn injury; Superficial burn; Superficial burn of I and II degree; Superficial skin burns; After-burn trophic ulcer and wound; Post-burn complication; Loss of fluid in burns; Sepsis burn; Thermal burns; Thermal skin lesions; Thermal burn; Trophic after-burn ulcers; Chemical burn; Surgical burn

Z54.0 Recovery period after surgical intervention: Conditions after neurosurgical operations; Conditions after removal of gallstones; Conditions after surgery; Restorative period after surgical interventions; Recovery period after operations; The rehabilitation period after surgical interventions; The rehabilitation period after surgical operations; Reconvalence after surgery; Reconvalence after surgical intervention; Reconvalescence in the postoperative period; Recovery period after surgery in front of eyes; Period after hemorrhoidectomy; Postoperative period; Period of postoperative rehabilitation; The rehabilitation period after injuries

Characteristics of the substance Meglumine acridînacetate

Low-molecular inducer of interferon.


Mode action - antiviral, anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating.

It stimulates the production of alpha, beta and gamma interferons (up to 60-80 U / ml and higher) by leukocytes, macrophages, T- and B-lymphocytes, epithelial cells, and also by the tissues of the spleen, liver, lungs, brain. Penetrates the cytoplasm and nuclear structures, induces the synthesis of "early" interferons. Activates T-lymphocytes and natural killer cells, normalizes the balance between subpopulations of T-helpers and T-suppressors. Promotes correction of the immune status in immunodeficient states of various genesis, incl. HIV-related.

It is active against viruses of tick-borne encephalitis, influenza, hepatitis, herpes, CMV, HIV, various enteroviruses, chlamydia.

It is highly effective in rheumatic and other systemic diseases of connective tissue, suppressing autoimmune reactions and providing an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.

It is characterized by low toxicity and absence of mutagenic, teratogenic, embryotoxic and carcinogenic effects.

When administered to the maximum allowable dose of Cmax in the blood is achieved after 1-2 hours, the concentration gradually decreases after 7 hours, after 24 hours is detected in trace amounts. Passes through the BBB. T1 / 2 is 4-5 hours. Does not cumulate with prolonged use.

Application of the substance Meglumine acridînacetate

Solution for injection, tablets:

- infections: HIV-related, cytomegalovirus, herpetic; Urogenital, incl. Chlamydia, neuroinfections (serous meningitis, tick-borne borreliosis, multiple sclerosis, arachnoiditis, etc.), acute and chronic viral hepatitis (A, B, C, D);

- immunodeficiency states of various etiology (postoperative period, burns, chronic bacterial and fungal infections, including bronchitis, pneumonia);

- Stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer;

- oncological diseases;

- rheumatoid arthritis;

- degenerative-dystrophic diseases of joints (deforming osteoarthritis, etc.);

- skin diseases (neurodermatitis, eczema, dermatosis).

Tablets: influenza and SARS.

Liniment: genital herpes, urethritis and balanoposthitis (nonspecific, candida, gonorrhea, chlamydial and trichomonas etiology), vaginitis (bacterial, candida).


Hypersensitivity, pregnancy, breast-feeding; Solution for injection, tablets (additionally): decompensated liver cirrhosis, children's age (up to 4 years).

Side effects of the substance Meglumine acridînacetate

Allergic reactions.


Compatible with other drugs (including antibiotics, vitamins, chemotherapy, immunomodulators, interferons).

Routes of administration

Intramuscular or intravenous, intravenous, intraurethral, intravaginal.

Precautions measures

In diseases of the thyroid gland, treatment should be carried out under the control of the endocrinologist.

Treatment of chronic herpes infection is recommended to be supplemented with other antiviral drugs and vaccines.

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