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Instruction for use: Liothyronine (Liothyroninum)

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Pharmacological group of substance Calcitonin

Hormones of the thyroid and parathyroid glands, their analogs and antagonists (including antithyroid agents) / 67 /

Nosological classification (ICD-10)

C73 Malignant neoplasm of thyroid

Thyroid cancer, Thyrotropin-Dependent Thyroid Carcinoma, Anaplastic thyroid cancer, Thyroid carcinoma, Medullary thyroid cancer, Thyroid tumors, Papillary thyroid cancer

E00.0 Syndrome of congenital iodine deficiency, neurological form

E00.1 Syndrome of congenital iodine deficiency, myxedematous form

E00.2 Syndrome of congenital iodine deficiency, mixed form

E00.9 Syndrome of congenital iodine deficiency, unspecified

Iodine deficiency in newborns, Lack of iodine in the body in children, Iodine deficiency goiter in newborns, Cretinism, Endemic cretinism

E01 Thyroid gland diseases associated with iodine deficiency and similar conditions

Hormonal deficiency of the thyroid gland due to iodine deficiency in the body, Goiter endemic, Iodine deficiency alimentary state, Iodine deficiency disease, Iodine Deficiency, Endemic cretinism

E03 Other forms of hypothyroidism

hypothyroidism, Hypothyroid conditions, Thyroid hypothyroidism, Diagnosis of hypothyroidism, Myxedema, Primary hypothyroidism, Simple goitre,Spontaneous hypothyroidism, Iatrogenic hypothyroidism

E03.9 Unspecified hypothyroidism

Hypothyroidism, Hypothyroid conditions, Thyroid hypothyroidism, Diagnosis of hypothyroidism, Simple goiter, Hypothyroid edema,Wolf-Chaikoff effect, Congenital hypothyroidism, Secondary hypothyroidism, Hypothyroid obesity, Hypothyroid status, Obstructive hypothyroidism

E04.9 Non-toxic goiter, unspecified

The sporadic goiter, Non-toxic goiter

E66.9 Obesity, unspecified

Obesity in adolescents, Obesity in the background of diabetes, Hypothyroid obesity, Obesity hypertrophic and hyperplastic

E91 * Diagnosis of endocrine system diseases

Diagnosis of hypogalactia, Diagnosis of thyroid suppression, Diagnostic test of thyroid function, Diagnosis of hypothyroidism, Diagnosis of disorders of gonadotropic pituitary gland function, Thyroid scintigraphy test, Diagnostics of pheochromocytoma

Code CAS



Synthetic thyroid hormone, levorotatory isomer of triiodothyronine.


Pharmacological action - replenishing deficiency of thyroid hormones.

Increases the need for tissues in oxygen, stimulates growth and differentiation of tissues, increases the level of basal metabolism (proteins, fats and carbohydrates). In small doses anabolic, and in large - catabolic effect. Inhibits the production of thyroid-stimulating hormone. After oral administration, 95% is absorbed within 4 hours. The latent period is 4-8 hours. It binds to proteins in the blood. The maximum pharmacological effect occurs in 2-3 days. T1 / 2 - 2,5 days.


Hypothyroidism (primary, secondary), myxedema, cretinism, cerebrohypophyseal diseases with hypothyroid conditions, hypothyroid obesity, endemic and sporadic goiter (relapse prevention), thyroid cancer (suppressive therapy), hypothyroidism diagnosis.


Hypersensitivity, untreated thyrotoxicosis, ischemic heart disease, myocarditis, untreated adrenal insufficiency, cachexia.

Restrictions for use

Tachycardia, tachyarrhythmia, heart failure, diabetes, elderly.

pregnancy and lactation

It is not recommended to be used during pregnancy as part of combination therapy in the treatment of thyroid hyperthyroidism in combination with thyreostatic drugs (drugs for the treatment of thyroid hyperfunction), since this can lead to the development of hypothyroidism in the fetus.

Action category for fetus by FDA - A.

Side effects

Headache, irritability, tachycardia, arrhythmia, angina pectoris, progression of heart failure, dysmenorrhea, allergic reactions.


Increases the effect of oral anticoagulants, vasoconstrictors, reduces - insulin and other hypoglycemic agents. Activity is reduced by oral contraceptives and colestyramine. The likelihood of developing adverse events in the appointment of antidepressants, cardiac glycosides, ketamine increases.

Routes of administration


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