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Instruction for use: Ethanol

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Dosage form: solution for external use

Active substance: Ethanol


D08AX08 Ethanol

Pharmacological group:

Antiseptics and disinfectants

The nosological classification (ICD-10)

L02.9 Skin abscess, furuncle and carbuncle, unspecified location: Multiple abscesses; Furuncle; Subcutaneous abscesses

L03.0 Flegmon fingers and feet: Purulent inflammation of the fingertip; Paronychia; Paronychia pyogenous; Paronychia with lymphangitis; Periodicals

N61 Inflammatory Diseases of the Breast: Mastitis; Purulent mastitis; Non-maternity mastitis; Postpartum mastitis; Mastitis

Z100 * CLASS XXII Surgical practice: Abdominal surgery; adenomectomy; Amputation; Coronary angioplasty; Angioplasty of the carotid arteries; Antiseptic skin treatment for wounds; Antiseptic Hand; Appendectomy; atherectomy; Balloon coronary angioplasty; Vaginal hysterectomy; The coronary bypass; Interventions in the vagina and cervix; Interventions on the bladder; Intervention in the mouth; Restoration and reconstructive surgery; Hand hygiene of medical personnel; Gynecologic surgery; Gynecological intervention; Gynecological surgery; Hypovolemic shock during operations; Disinfection of purulent wounds; Disinfection of wounds edges; Diagnostic intervention; Diagnostic procedures; Cervical Diathermocoagulation; Long-surgery; Replacing the fistula catheters; Infection in orthopedic surgery; Artificial heart valve; cystectomy; Short-term outpatient surgery; Short-term operation; Short surgical procedures; Krikotireotomiya; Blood loss during surgery; Bleeding during surgery and in the postoperative period; Kuldotsentez; laser photocoagulation; laser coagulation; retinal laser coagulation; Laparoscopy; Laparoscopy in Gynecology; CSF fistula; Small gynecological operations; Small surgical procedures; Mastectomy and subsequent plastic; mediastinotomy; Microsurgical operations on the ear; Mukogingivalnye operation; suturing; Minor surgery; neurosurgical operation; Immobilization of the eyeball in ophthalmic surgery; testectomy; pancreatectomy; Perikardektomiya; The period of rehabilitation after surgery; The period of convalescence after surgery; Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty; Pleural thoracentesis; Pneumonia postoperative and posttraumatic; Preparation for surgical procedures; Preparation for surgery; Preparation of the surgeon's hands before surgery; Preparation of the colon for surgical procedures; Postoperative aspiration pneumonia in neurosurgical and thoracic surgery; Postoperative nausea; Postoperative bleeding; postoperative granuloma; postoperative shock; The early postoperative period; myocardial revascularization; Radiectomy; gastric Resection; bowel resection; uterine Resection; liver Resection; enterectomy; Resection of part of the stomach; Reocclusion of the operated vessel; Bonding tissues during surgical procedures; Removal of sutures; Condition after eye surgery; Condition after surgery; Condition after surgery in the nasal cavity; Condition after gastrectomy; Status after resection of the small intestine; Condition after tonsillectomy; Condition after removal of the duodenum; Condition after phlebectomy; Vascular surgery; Splenectomy; Sterilization of surgical instruments; Sterilization of surgical instruments; sternotomy; Dental surgery; Dental intervention in periodontal tissues; strumectomy; Tonsillectomy; Thoracic surgery; Thoracic surgery; total gastrectomy; Transdermal intravascular coronary angioplasty; Transurethral resection; Turbinektomiya; Removal of a tooth; cataract surgery; Removal of cysts; tonsillectomy; Removal of fibroids; Removing the mobile primary teeth; Removing polyps; Removing broken tooth; Removal of the uterus body; Removal of sutures; Fistula likvoroprovodyaschih ways; Frontoetmoidogaymorotomiya; Surgical infection; Surgical treatment of chronic limb ulcers; Surgery; The surgery in the anal area; The surgery on the colon; Surgical practice; The surgical procedure; Surgical interventions; Surgery on the gastrointestinal tract; Surgical procedures on the urinary tract; Surgical procedures on the urinary system; Surgical intervention of the genitourinary system; Surgical procedures on the heart; Surgical manipulation; surgery; Surgery on the veins; Surgical intervention; Vascular surgery; Surgical treatment of thrombosis; Surgery; cholecystectomy; Partial gastric resection; hysterectomy; Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty; Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty; Coronary artery bypass; tooth Extirpation; Extirpation of milk teeth; pulpectomy; pulsative cardiopulmonary bypass; tooth Extraction; teeth Extraction; cataract extraction; Electrocoagulation; endourological intervention; episiotomy; Etmoidotomiya; Complications after tooth extraction


Solution for external use and preparation of dosage forms

active substance:

A mixture of ethanol and water containing 95% by volume of ethyl alcohol

Description of dosage form

Solution: transparent, colorless, mobile volatile liquid with a characteristic alcohol smell.

Pharmachologic effect

Pharmacological action - antiseptic.


Antimicrobial, with local application has an antiseptic effect (denaturing proteins of microorganisms). It is active against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria and viruses. Antiseptic activity increases with increasing ethanol concentration. For disinfecting the skin, 70% solution is used, penetrating deeper layers of the epidermis better than 90-95%, which has a tanning effect on the skin and mucous membranes.

It is a solvent for a number of drugs, as well as an extractant for a number of substances contained in medicinal plant raw materials.


When used externally, it is absorbed from the surface of the skin and mucous membranes into the systemic circulation. In the metabolism of the drug, the isoenzyme CYP2E1 participates, the inductor of which it is.

Indication of the product Ethyl alcohol 95%

treatment of initial stages of diseases: furuncle, panaritium, mastitis;

the treatment of the hands of the surgeon (the methods of Fürbringer, Alfeld), the operating field (including those with sensitivity to other antiseptics, children and operations on areas with thin skin in adults - neck, face);

conservation of biological material;

manufacture of medicinal forms for external use, tinctures, extracts.



With caution: pregnancy; lactation period; childhood.

Application in pregnancy and lactation

Allowed if the benefit to the mother exceeds the potential risk to the fetus and the baby.

Side effects

Allergic reactions, skin burns, hyperemia and soreness of the skin at the site of compression.

For external use, it is partially absorbed through the skin and mucous membranes and may have a resorptive general toxic effect (CNS depression).


No data available.

Dosing and Administration

Outer, in the form of lotions.

To process the surgical field and pre-surgical disinfection of the hands of the surgeon, 70% solution is used, it is recommended to use a 40% solution for compresses and rubbing (to avoid burns).

95% solution should be diluted to the required concentrations in accordance with the indications.

Drugs prepared on the basis of ethanol are used in accordance with the instructions for the medical use of these dosage forms.


No data available.

Special instructions

In external application, ethanol is partially absorbed through the skin and mucous membranes, which must be taken into account when used in children, pregnant women and lactation.

Influence on the ability to drive vehicles and work with machinery. A medicinal preparation used as a solution for external use does not affect the ability to drive a car and other potentially dangerous mechanisms. For drugs prepared on the basis of ethanol, the influence on the ability to drive a car and other potentially dangerous mechanisms is determined in accordance with the instructions for medical use for these dosage forms.

Release form

Solution for external use and preparation of medicinal forms, 95%. In bottles of glass with a screw neck, sealed with PE stoppers and screwed caps or aluminum roll-on caps with gaskets, 50, 100 ml. Each bottle in a pack of cardboard.

40 f. on 100 ml or 70 fl. 50 ml in a box of cardboard or a box of cardboard (for hospitals).

40 f. on 100 ml or 70 fl. 50 ml in a box of cardboard or a box of cardboard (for production departments of pharmacies).

10, 21.5, 31.5 liters in PE canisters (for production departments of pharmacies).

10, 21.5, 31.5 liters in PE canisters. On the canister is attached instructions for use (for hospitals).

Conditions of leave from pharmacies

On prescription.

Storage conditions of the product Ethyl alcohol 95%

In the dark place at a temperature of 12-15 ° C. In a well ukuporennoy packaging, away from sources of fire.

Keep out of the reach of children.

Shelf life of the Ethyl alcohol 95%

solution for external use and preparation of medicinal forms 95% - 2 years.

Do not use after the expiry date printed on the package.

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