Instruction for use: Dexamethason Nycomed
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Active substance: Dexamethasone
ATX Code H02AB02 Dexamethasone
Pharmacological group
The nosological classification (ICD-10)
C81 Hodgkin's disease [lymphogranulomatosis]
Paltauf-Sternberg disease, The generalized form of Hodgkin's disease, Lymphogranulomatosis, Hodgkin's disease, Hodgkin's lymphoma, Hodgkin's malignant lymphoma, Hodgkin's lymphoma, Lymphoproliferative diseases, Reticulosis fibromyaloid, Pelya-Ebstein fever
C95 Leukemia of unspecified cell type
Acute non-lymphocytic leukemia, Leukemia undifferentiated, Undifferentiated leukemia, Non-lymphocytic leukemia, Acute leukemia in adults, Non-lymphocytic leukemia
D55-D59 Hemolytic anemia
D69.3 Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura
Werlhof's disease, Idiopathic autoimmune thrombocytopenia, Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura of adults, Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura in adults, Immune idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, Immune thrombocytopenia, Bleeding in patients with thrombocytopenic purpura, Evans Syndrome, Thrombocytopenic purpura, Thrombocytopenia of immune origin, Chronic idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, Essential thrombocytopenia, Autoimmune thrombocytopenic purpura in pregnancy, Posttransfusion purpura
E25 Adrenogenital disorders
Macroghenytozomy in boys, Adrenogenital syndrome, Decreased function of the sex glands, Congenital dysfunction of the adrenal cortex, Apera-Halle Syndrome, Crook-Apera-Halle Syndrome
E27.4 Other and unspecified adrenocortical insufficiency
Hypocorticism, Hypoaldosteronism, Adrenal insufficiency, Insufficiency of the adrenal cortex, Insufficiency of the adrenal cortex, Secondary adrenocortical insufficiency, Secondary adrenal insufficiency, Secondary insufficiency of the adrenal cortex, Temporary decrease in the function of the adrenal cortex, Dysfunction of the adrenal cortex
J30 Vasomotor and allergic rhinitis
Allergic rinopatiya, Allergic rhinosinusopathy, Allergic respiratory diseases, Allergic rhinitis, nasal allergy, Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis, Vasomotor rhinitis, Long-allergic rhinitis, Perennial allergic rhinitis, Perennial allergic rhinitis, Year-round or seasonal allergic rhinitis, Year-round allergic rhinitis nature, Rhinitis allergic vasomotor, Exacerbation of pollen allergy in the form of Syndrome rinokonyunktivalnogo, Acute allergic rhinitis, Edema of the nasal mucosa, Edema of the nasal mucosa, Swelling of the mucosa of the nasal cavity, Swelling of the nasal mucosa, Swelling of the nasal mucosa, pollen disease, Permanent allergic rhinitis, rhinoconjunctivitis, rhinosinusitis,rhinosinusopathy, Seasonal allergic rhinitis, Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis, Haymarket rhinitis, Chronic allergic rhinitis, Allergic respiratory diseases
J45 Asthma
Asthma physical effort, status asthmaticus, Bronchial asthma, Asthma lung flow, Bronchial asthma with obstruction of sputum discharge, Bronchial asthma heavy currents, Bronchial asthma physical effort, hypersecretory asthma, Hormone-dependent form of bronchial asthma, Relief of asthma attacks in bronchial asthma, Non-allergic asthma, nocturnal asthma, Exacerbation of asthma, Asthma attacks, Endogenous forms of asthma, Night asthma, Cough with bronchial asthma
K50.0 Crohn's disease of the small intestine
Granuloma of the intestine, Granulomatous enteritis, Eunoileitis, Ileit, Ileitis ulcerative, Regional ileitis, Terminal Ileitis, Ulcerative ileitis
K51 Ulcerative colitis
Colitis acute ulcerative, Colitis ulcerative, Ulcerative-necrotic colitis, Colitis ulcerative-hemorrhagic nonspecific, Colitis ulcerative and trophic, Colitis ulcerative idiopathic, Colitis ulcerative nonspecific, Nonspecific ulcerative colitis, Proctocolitis ulcers, Hemorrhagic purulent rectoxitis, Rectoccolitis ulcerative-hemorrhagic
L10 Pemphigus [pemphigus]
Benign pemphigoid of mucous membranes, Bubble dermatosis, Pemphigus, Dermatitis, vesicular, Benign pemphigus, Ordinary pemphigus, Pemphigus, Bubble dermatitis, Family benign pemphigus Hailey-Hailey
L53 Other erythematous conditions
Variable erythrokeratodermia, Malignant exudative erythema, Erythema, Erythematous, Erythroderma, Erythema from diapers
M05 Seropositive rheumatoid arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis seropositive
M06.9 Other specified rheumatoid arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis,Pain syndrome in rheumatic diseases, Pain in rheumatoid arthritis, Inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis, Degenerative forms of rheumatoid arthritis, Children's rheumatoid arthritis, Exacerbation of rheumatoid arthritis, Acute articular rheumatism, Rheumatic arthritis, Rheumatic polyarthritis, Rheumatoid arthritis, Rheumatic polyarthritis, Rheumatoid arthritis, Rheumatoid arthritis of active course, Rheumatoid arthritis, Rheumatoid polyarthritis, Acute rheumatoid arthritis, Acute rheumatism
M35.9 Unspecified systemic involvement of connective tissue
Hyperplasia of connective tissue, Diffuse connective tissue disease, Collagen diseases, Collagenosis, Systemic diseases of connective tissue, Diffuse connective tissue diseases
N04 Nephrotic syndrome
Nephrosis, Edema of the kidneys, Nephrotic syndrome, Lipoid nephrosis, Nephrotic syndrome without uremia, Acute nephrotic syndrome, Edematic syndrome of renal genesis, Renal form of diabetes insipidus, Segmental glomerulonephritis, Focal glomerulonephritis, Family Nephrotic Syndromes, Chronic nephrotic proteinuric syndrome, Lipiduria, Jade hereditary, Nephrotic-proteinuric syndrome
R57 Shock, not elsewhere classified
Obstructive shock
T78.2 Anaphylactic shock, unspecified
Anaphylactic shock, Anaphylactoid reaction, Anaphylactic shock, Anaphylactic reactions, Anaphylactic shock to drugs
T78.4 Allergy, unspecified
Allergic reactions to insulin, Allergic reactions to insect stings, Allergic reactions similar to systemic lupus erythematosus, Allergic diseases, Allergic diseases of mucous membranes, Allergic diseases and conditions resulting from increased release of histamine, Allergic diseases of mucous membranes, Allergic symptoms, Allergic symptoms in the mucous membranes, Allergic reactions, Allergic reactions caused by insect bites, Allergic reactions, Allergic conditions, Allergic laryngeal edema, allergopathy, allergic conditions, Allergy, House dust allergy, Anaphylaxis, Cutaneous reactions to medications, Skin reaction to insect stings, Cosmetic allergy, Drug allergy, Acute allergic reaction, Laryngeal edema allergic genesis and background radiation, Food and drug allergy
T79.4 Traumatic shock
Hemorrhagic shock, Crush syndrome, hemorrhagic shock, postoperative shock, post-traumatic shock, traumatic shock, hemorrhagic shock and encephalopathy syndrome
T81.1 Shock during or after the procedure, not elsewhere classified
Operating shock, Postoperative shock, Operational shock
Composition and form of release
1 ampoule with 1 ml solution for injection contains dexamethasone 4 mg in isotonic sodium chloride solution, in a box 5 ampoules.
pharmachologic effect
Pharmacological action - anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, immunosuppressive.
Rheumatoid diseases, including collagenoses, allergic reactions, bronchial asthma, inflammatory bowel diseases (ulcerative ileitis / colitis), kidney disease (nephrotic syndrome), acute severe dermatosis (pemphigus, erythroderma), blood diseases (leukemia, lymphogranulomatosis, immuno-hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenic purpura ), Insufficiency of the adrenal cortex or anterior pituitary gland, adrenogenital syndrome, shock states (posttraumatic, toxic, anaphylactic, burn shock).
Hypersensitivity, systemic fungal infections, peptic ulcer, severe myopathy, viral diseases, glaucoma, psychosis, diabetes, heart failure, Itenko-Cushing syndrome, generalized osteoporosis, pregnancy, breast-feeding.
pregnancy and lactation
Contraindicated in pregnancy. At the time of treatment should stop breastfeeding.
Side effects
Suppression of the function of the adrenal cortex, exacerbation of peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, violation of the menstrual cycle, insomnia, agitation, weakened immunity, steroid diabetes, sodium retention, edema, osteoporosis, myopathy, hypertension, cataracts, increased risk of thrombosis, aseptic necrosis of the femoral head bones.
Strengthens the action of cardiac glycosides; Reduces hypoglycemic activity of antidiabetics, anticoagulant activity of coumarin derivatives. Barbiturates and rifampicin decrease corticoid activity. Increases the excretion of potassium - with saluretics, the risk of gastrointestinal bleeding - with anti-inflammatory drugs.
Dosing and Administration
In / in (intravenously) (slowly) and in / m (intramuscularly) for 4-20 mg (not more than 80 mg) per day; Intrasinovial to 4 mg.
Precautionary measures
With diabetes, tuberculosis, bacterial and amoebic infections, hypertension, thromboembolic processes, cardiac and renal insufficiency, use very carefully and only with simultaneous adequate treatment of the underlying disease. With prolonged use, you can not abruptly cancel the drug, you should reduce the dose gradually. To avoid growth disorders with long-term treatment of children under 14 years, every 3 days, interrupt therapy for 4 days.
storage Conditions
In the dark place at room temperature.
Keep out of the reach of children.
Shelf life
5 years.
Do not use after the expiry date printed on the package.