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Instruction for use: Aktiferrin compositum

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Dosage form: capsules

Active substance: Ferri sulfas+Serinum+Acidum folicum


B03AE10 Iron preparations in combination with other drugs

Pharmacological groups

Iron preparation [Macro and microelements in combinations]

Iron preparation [Stimulants of hemopoiesis in combinations]

The nosological classification (ICD-10)

D50 Iron deficiency anemia: Iron deficiency in food; Anemia due to violations of hemoglobin synthesis and iron metabolism; Anemia of iron deficiency; Iron / folic deficiency anemia; Iron deficiency anemia

E53.8.0 * Vitamin deficiency: Hypovitaminosis; Deficiency of iron and folic acid in pregnancy; Deficiency of folic acid; An additional source of folic acid during pregnancy; Folate deficiency; Increased need for folic acid; Folinic hypovitaminosis

E61.1 Insufficiency of iron: Insufficient food intake of iron; Iron deficiency; Iron deficiency in women during pregnancy; Deficiency of iron and folic acid in pregnancy; Iron deficiency after surgery; Latent iron deficiency; Lack of iron during pregnancy and lactation; Inadequate intake of iron from food; Increased need for iron; Increased need for iron during menstruation; Disturbances of iron absorption from the digestive tract; Severe iron deficiency

O25 Malnutrition in pregnancy: Hypovitaminosis during pregnancy; Deficiency of vitamins and minerals in pregnancy; Deficiency of iron and folic acid in pregnancy; Iron deficiency in women during pregnancy; Iodine deficiency in pregnancy; Iodine deficiency in lactating women; Calcium deficiency in the mother's body; Calcium deficiency in pregnant women; Mineral deficiency during pregnancy; An additional source of folic acid during pregnancy; Correction of calcium metabolism disorders during pregnancy; Lack of iron during pregnancy and lactation; Pregnancy Period; Breastfeeding period; Increased need for vitamin B1 in pregnancy


Capsules - 1 caps.

Active substances: Iron sulfate monohydrate 113.85 mg

(Corresponding to 34.5 mg of iron (II)

D, L-serine 129 mg

Folic acid 0.5 mg

(+ 15% surplus - 0.575 mg)

Auxiliary substances: rapeseed oil - 123.96 mg; Wax bee yellow - 10,33 mg; Soybean oil hydrogenated - 10.33 mg; Soya beans, partially hydrogenated oil - 41.32 mg; Lecithin soy - 10,635 mg

Shell: sorbitol - 26.95 mg; Glycerol (85%) - 41.49 mg; Gelatin - 165.82 mg; Ferric oxide black oxide (E172) -1.11 mg; Titanium dioxide (E171) - 0.93 mg; Ferric iron oxide yellow (E172) - 0.15 mg; Ferric oxide brown oxide (E172) 0.37 mg; Iron dye red oxide (E172) - 0.65 mg; White ink (titanium dioxide - 37.96%, ethyl acetate - 1.03%, shellac - 26.62%, butanol - 14.75%, methanol - 19.64%) - q.s.

Pharmachologic effect

Mode of action - Replenishing deficiency of iron, hematopoietic, replenishing deficiency of iron and folic acid.

Dosing and Administration


The iron deficiency can be approximately calculated by the formula: mg iron = kg body weight × 3.5 × (16-Hb in g%).

Threshold values, below or above which iron deficiency is accepted as requiring treatment, are indicated in the table.


Indicators children up to 6 yearsò Children over 6 years and adults
Hb, g% <11 <12
Erythrocytes, million / mm3 <3,5 <4,0
Reticulocytes,% >15 >15
Serum Fe, μg% <60 < 80
Total iron content = transferrin, μg% >380 >400
Mean erythrocyte hemoglobin, pg <25 <30
The average volume of red blood cells <30 <30

The duration of treatment depends on the etiology and severity of the disease.

To ensure an adequate response, iron therapy should be at least 8 weeks. With the subsequent normalization of hemoglobin parameters, treatment should be prolonged for the next 6-8 weeks to replenish the iron depot.

Indicators of monitoring. If necessary, the extent of iron deficiency and the subsequent need for iron replacement should be monitored at the following laboratory indices at intervals of approximately 4 weeks: hemoglobin, erythrocytes, reticulocytes, serum iron, transferrin, middle erythrocyte hemoglobin, average volume of erythrocytes.

If the doctor has not prescribed other dosages, then follow the instructions given below.

Aktiferrin compositum capsules should be swallowed whole, without chewing, squeezed with a small amount of liquid. Take 30 minutes before meals, between meals or with fruit juices containing vitamin C to improve absorption of iron in the intestine. Black tea, coffee and milk slow down the absorption of iron preparations, so you should avoid them at the same time.

Adults and adolescents, over 50 kg of body weight: 1 caps. 1-2 times a day.

Children with a body weight of 20-50 kg: 1 caps. 1 time per day.

Release form

Capsules. In a blister of PVC / aluminum foil, 10 pcs. 3 blisters in a cardboard box.


"Merkle GmbH". Ludwig-Merkleshtrasse 3, 89143, Blaubeuren, Germany.

The owner of the registration certificate: Teva Pharmaceutical Enterprises Ltd., Israel.

Address for receiving claims: 119049, Moscow

Conditions of supply of pharmacies

On prescription.


Storage conditions of the drug Aktiferrin compositum

At a temperature of no higher than 25 ° C.

Keep out of the reach of children.

Shelf life of the drug Aktiferrin compositum

5 years.

Do not use after the expiry date printed on the package.

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