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Why there is a hangover?

01 Dec 2016

Chemist Dr. Doping tells about human physiology and reaction to alcohol.

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A hangover is due to alcohol consumption. The more alcohol, the stronger the hangover. It is believed that the primary mechanism of alcohol hangover - a violation of water-salt balance and dehydration of the brain that causes headaches. These symptoms are easily cropped and folk remedies, for example, ibuprofen. However, besides the actual alcohol hangover is caused by its metabolites, mainly acetaldehyde. The fact that a complete breakdown of alcohol in the body, if simplistic, two-stage: alcohol dehydrogenase oxidizes alcohol to acetaldehyde and then acetaldehyde is aldehyde dehydrogenase oxidizes to carbon dioxide, acetic acid and water.

To reduce hangover – take MeldoniumPhenotropil, Pantogam or Vinpotropile.

With regular consumption of alcohol the body synthesizes a lot of alcohol and alcohol very quickly oxidized man slightly drunk and able to drink a lot of alcoholic beverages, while maintaining control and practically no feeling of euphoria. However, for unknown at the moment science reasons aldehyde synthesis is rarely enhanced. As a result, people who had been drinking a lot, aldehyde undergoes a hangover, that is poisoning acetaldehyde. It is characterized by: palpitations and arrhythmia, irrational longing and fear, the swelling and redness of the face, the inability to accurately motility, psychological depression, persisting two or three days, and sleep disorders. Unfortunately, as acetaldehyde - a strong carcinogen. I think the one who finds a way to activate the aldehyde dehydrogenase, will receive the Nobel Prize.

The progress of these biochemical processes determines the individual sensitivity to alcohol. If the decay is slower alcohol than the oxidation of acetaldehyde, the presence of acetaldehyde in the blood will be minimized. Hangover will not grow. And when, on the contrary, some people like more resistant to alcohol and not get drunk even objectively large doses of alcohol (0.5-0.7 liters of strong alcohol and more), acetaldehyde accumulates and provides terrible hangover without prior intoxication.

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