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Why people are divided into owls and larks?

28 Dec 2016

Somnology Dr. Doping tells about chronotype, social factors and the influence of age on the mode.

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Often in his defense staff when they come to work too late, try to say that they are owls, they are not used to go to bed early and wake up early. Is it so? Are people can be divided into types according to their tendency to late or early recovery?

In the course of special investigations it was found that there is a definite genetic component, which determines the type of commitment to the people larks or owls - the so-called chronotype. Initially, these studies have focused on the differences of biological rhythms in animals. And then they were first discovered the genes responsible for chronotype - is PER genes and CLOCK. Then, over the next thirty years, it was discovered several genes in this group, and continue to open today.

We can not say that there is some kind of gene due to which a person is bound to be an owl and lark. Simply there is a certain combination of genes, which is more common in some and less in others. And some well-defined recipe "owls" and "lark" no. Genetically belonging to one or another type is determined by about 54%. At 3% belong to the owls or larks determined by the person's age. This can be represented in the form of a dome-shaped curve: about twenty people there is a tendency to "weakly formalized," the man from birth to this age, more and more becomes an owl, and after twenty years, he has more and more become a lark - a curve like I would go back. There is a third kind of chronotype - pigeon. Pigeons - these are people who have no clear preference of the evening or early morning regime, they work equally well in the morning and in the evening, and they do not care, when to be active.

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The remaining 43% probability that the person will be time to go to bed and wake up, determined by social factors. Social factors - is adopted in daily society of the day, the need to go to school or work, and these factors forced people to obey. That is, if the owl, which tells his boss that she could not in the morning just to wake up and come to work because she had such genes, Head reduce wages or simply dismiss the owl, it will instantly be able to adapt to the new rhythm of work, because 43% of the rhythm of life does not depend on genetic and social factors.

For the biorhythm of sleep and wakefulness social factors - the second most important vremyazadatel after light exposure. We use it to improve the sleep of people, as many of the activities that relate to the methods of the so-called sleep hygiene, behavioral therapy for insomnia, just include changing social point of view, a change in the daily routine, regime change in the conditions in which man is before going to sleep . Why is the daily routine? It allows you to set the biological rhythm for some time. We have the ability to shift the cycle of sleep and wakefulness, and if we act on the continuous mode, respectively, can fix the desired time lifting and placing time.

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