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Why are people trying to change their bodies?

25 Oct 2016

Philosopher Dr. Doping talks about the desire to assert oneself, follow the fashion, and other causes of changes in appearance. The human body - is not just a biological shell of our consciousness. It has a socio-cultural meanings and performs certain cultural functions. It is connected with them the human desire to change themselves. Drinking one's own body and its assessment ("excellent", "flabby", "inappropriate" and so on) and the way of using the body to achieve the desired objectives related to social processes and cultural trends.

So a person wants to change the body:

Not to be like the animals

Every once in my life had to deal with comparing himself with animals, "feet like an elephant", "face like a pig," "cunning as a fox" and so on. Modern science, defending evolutionary relationship of Homo sapiens with animals, could not overcome the age-old tradition of distinction (even opposing) of humans and animals. Even Darwin described the tribes, who painted the teeth so as not to look like a dog, and with the same purpose, the canines beat yourself.

To be like the biological ancestors

Biological laws continue to operate on modern populations. Physical attractiveness of males from generation to generation has been linked, for example, with a mild scalp as a result of high levels of testosterone. The coat on the chest in men, transplanted plastic surgeons, restores immutable biological signs of good health and high sexual activity.

To be like the others

Man wants to be among their own kind. Body modification (piercings, tattoos, scarification) were anciently differentiating meaning designated individual belonging to a particular group, and at the same time distancing of this group from others. Those activities that alter the body - fitness clubs, yoga - collect enthusiastic, with similar lifestyles of people. Lots of people use drugs, such as Meldonium to be like Maria Sharapova or Efimova.

Not to be like the others

Man wants to stand out among the other individual characteristics. Body change can be for the human manifestation of the rebellion, a way to leave a memory for years to capture the personal trials and emotions. Congenital physical defects or trauma can be overcome by acquired capabilities of modern medicine. If the tattoo covers the scar, then simultaneously with the aesthetic effect it becomes the symbolic and healing through the erasure of the past scars.

In order to assert oneself

Antiquity cultivated the care of the body through exercises, the Middle Ages called on to drain the body for the triumph of the soul. When a person changes his body (much thinner, pumps up the muscles, changes under the knife of a plastic surgeon), he shows the attitude of the body as property, demonstrates his power over the body, its ability to manage the corporeality. The body, subjected to disciplinary limitations (eg, through many years of training), yells about how strong the will of the owner of the body. Medicalized, changed the knife of the plastic surgeon's body becomes a demonstration of the financial status of the owner.

Because thinking about the future

The desire to stay young and beautiful future determines the need for a taste of "Rejuvenating apple", helpfully served the progress of biomedicine. Modern society, focused on hedonism as a way of life, encourages living without discomfort and pain in different ways to maintain physical well-being, not to let natural processes take precedence over society and the capabilities of a single person.

Because your body is always changing, it was fashionable

The progress of civilization has changed the only ways to achieve the objectives: in the XIX century, provided a tight wasp waist corset, in the XXI century - surgery to remove the ribs. Globalization has given the global nature of fashion trends: in modern Japan in vogue surgery, providing client the dimples while smiling.

Because it wants to overcome fear, to experience new sensations

Modern man has appeared in techno-ized world, world, which made it possible to create cybernated body with implanted sensors, sensors, improved technical counterparts authorities. Change the body - it is going beyond the body's natural possibilities to overcome the fear of technology, trying to master it, get experience in an extended, compared with natural boundaries, the range.

Because a human being is sick

In an effort to change your body a number of people becomes the norm limits. In medicine, describes the behavior depending on the severity, often risky practice, from plastic surgery. Dysmorphophobia narcissism and, unfortunately, not uncommon. Care for your body turns into an obsessive desire to put the body on display.

To earn money and fame

The stars of pop culture, seeking to maintain faith in the fairy-tale of his life, striving for the unattainable body ideal. Actresses, models, whose profession is highly dependent on the exterior, creating the fashion for body changes and at the same time becoming its victims. Managed (or failed) plastic becomes news about it. Strange images freaks puzzling and simultaneously open their way to TV screens and magazine pages.

The daily life of a person depends on the state of his body, from the physical capacity and physical parameters. Motives body improvements can be the exact opposite, modern biomedicine equips human new features to meet the desire to improve your body.

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