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Who are the geniuses? And how to learn how to use your brain

28 Jun 2017

The thinking of a genius differs from that of an ordinary person in that a genius uses more of his brain's possibilities and does it in a special way. After all, our brain is an orchestra, perhaps even a jazz one, who knows how to improvise endlessly. But most of us use it as a balalaika. About what is genius and how to learn to use the capabilities of your own brain, and this article will be.

Who are the geniuses?

"We are all geniuses. But if you judge fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live a lifetime, considering yourself a fool, "- said Einstein. And indeed it is. Genial is not the one who graduated from school with a gold medal or passed the exam on 100 points, that is, fulfilled what the environment demanded of him. Genius is not counted as an IQ test. Nor are erudition and erudition the signs of the super powers of the mind. Because every person who has diligence and good memory can learn and analyze the experience gained. Do you remember Pushkin's words that "talent is the ability to work"? Genius differs from talent in that it has the ability to find non-trivial solutions to problems, to discover something new, not previously known to anyone. That's why excellent students, who are painfully anxious to know all the subjects on "5", so it is sometimes difficult to jump over a pile of books read and look at reality with a fresh, lively eye.

Indeed, today not so much is known about the genius and abilities of the intellect. What can I say, if a person has not yet fully studied the intelligence of "their smaller brothers", which is often close to the intelligence of primates, that is, ours. So, the bizarre and clever octopus can amaze any imagination: it is able to squeeze into a three-centimeter gap, open the lid from the can and disguise itself as a chameleon. Cunning is a sign of intelligence. Just imagine that in every leg-tentacle of this mollusc is the brain! It turns out that the octopus - the owner of eight brains. How is he managed with them? That's a nightmare for researchers! Is it brilliant? From the point of view of the work of the creator-nature, no doubt, yes. The list can be continued by dolphins, elephants, birds. In the latter, scientists recorded syllables and even dialects. They say that a weak system never knows a more complex system. But who are we from these two systems

We are locked inside our own brain: As he allows us, so we see

This statement belongs to the famous Russian scientist Tatyana Chernigovskaya. The fact is that our cunning brain knows more than we know, and he shares his information when he considers it necessary. Remember your sudden flash of insight when you wanted to scream "eureka"? But why geniuses their brain allows you to see more, and other people - no? Which button should I click on so that the walls of our closed world are finally parted?

A casket just opened

Actually it's not so simple. But there is nothing supernatural here either. Look at how brilliant ideas developed and you will see that in reality you just need to relax. Archimedes discovered the principle of buoyancy, equal to the weight of the fluid in the body, lying in the bathroom. Galileo came to the idea of inventing a pendulum of time, when he was in church. And the image of the structure of the atom appeared in Niels Bohr's head when he was at the racetrack.

The board relax to get access to their brilliant ideas, sounds simple. But how to achieve effective relaxation?

Today we have come to the conclusion that many spheres of our life unite, supplementing each other, to solve some common important task. For example, just about 8 years ago, leading Western neuroscience specialists decided to conduct joint research with the outstanding master of Tibetan meditation, Yonghe Rinpoche. In the course of research, it was revealed which processes occur in the brain during certain life reactions, and how meditation can help change and reveal our consciousness. Details of these studies are described in the book "Buddha, the brain and the neurophysiology of happiness." Also in the book are examples of effective meditations.

The most famous and effective practical method for developing intuition belongs to Jose Silva today. He was sure that the "loss of happy events" in life is not just for that, but because of our intuition. We intuitively understand where we need to go, with whom to meet, what to say.

Being a radio mechanic, Silva knew that with a decrease in the resistance in the network, the flow in the electrical network would increase. This is the well-known Ohm's Law. Using this theory as a starting point, Silva became interested in what would happen if the frequency of the oscillations of the human brain was slowed down? Will this lead to a more effective perception of information? And will it open up access to a previously unreachable source of creativity and intuition? The answer was positive. Based on the theory of reducing resistance, Silva conducted a series of studies and experiments with his children. He taught them to function at the levels of the brain of the alpha and theta, as a result of which he was able to significantly improve the performance of his children in school and reveal intuitive abilities.

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