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Which peptides are better

25 Oct 2017

Which peptide is better for muscle mass gain? For today this question is rather actual both among beginning bodibilderov, and among professionals of iron sports. Indeed, with such a huge variety of sports pharmacological products is difficult to determine and choose exactly what you need.

Which peptides are best for weight gain?

Asking which peptides are best, you first of all need to define specific goals for yourself, and also calculate your financial possibilities. Professionals recommend to use not mono drugs (solo), but ready peptide complexes (ligaments) for a qualitative set of muscle mass. This is due to the fact that synergistic biocatalysts at times enhance each other's action and allow achieving the maximum anabolic response.

So which peptides are better? Most of the protein complexes used in sports pharmacology, simultaneously, but with different effects, have a dual effect: they stimulate muscle growth and increase the burning of subcutaneous fat. From the point of view of a practicing bodybuilder, the most suitable solution for the collection of dry muscle mass are the following drugs:

  • Ipamorelin
  • GHRP-2
  • GHRP-6
  • CJC 1295 DAC
  • Peg MGF
  • Sermorelin
  • Hexarelin
  • CJC-1295

The best courses for a set of muscle mass

A good choice for debutants interested in which peptide is better for mass gain will be the combination of CJC-129 DAC + Hexarelin.

For athletes engaged in weightlifting, powerlifting, bodybuilding or power extreme, the complex GHRP-2 + PEG MGF + CJC-1295, which promotes accelerated growth of muscle mass, and also increases strength and endurance, is best suited. Passed many years of testing and ideal in the ratio of price: quality is the peptide bond CJC-1295 DAC + GHRP-2 (GHRP-6).

For the maximum possible increase in muscle mass, professionals use the Hexarelin + PEG MGF + CJC-1295 DAC complex. And another effective course for dry muscle mass and an increase in the strength of PEG MGF + CJC-1295 DAC.

As can be seen from all of the above, the choice of peptides that help to effectively build muscle mass is quite extensive. And which of the proposed options will be the most optimal - it's up to you.

Which peptides are best for sunburn, weight loss and libido

The best way to effectively burn subcutaneous fat deposits is peptide HGH-176-191. This powerful fat burner can be used as a monopreparation, or in combination with other pharmacological products (CJC-1295 DAC, Ipamorelin, etc.).

An excellent tool for safe suntan is a synthetic analogue of melanocortin Melanotan 2. Very popular among girls is the peptide complex HGH-176-191 + Melanotan 2, which helps to acquire a beautiful shade of skin and simultaneously get rid of several hated kilograms

And, finally, the best means for producing endogenous testosterone and libido, especially relevant during post-course therapy, are Gonadorelin and RT-141.

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