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What we read in the genome of a Neanderthal

30 Nov 2016

Biologist Dr. Doping tells about the branches of the development of mankind, the mysteries of the genome and the origin of Neanderthals. What is the difference Neanderthal and Homo sapiens? Could these two species interbreed? How many characters contains a gene of the average person?

At some point it became clear that the Neanderthals - a sister, a side branch, that is, they were not our direct ancestors, and even the Neanderthals lived in Europe and Asia, and our ancestors most of the time spent in Africa, and modern man as an independent view originated in Africa. And in Europe, we have come relatively late, Neanderthals split from the main branch of about half a million years ago (for comparison: a man separated from chimpanzees about 7 million years ago).

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Modern humans began to disperse about 200 thousand years ago. These data do not follow the analysis of the bones, and only from the analysis of the genome. The most distant branches of modern people, namely all modern people and South African Pygmies, separated 200 thousand years ago. This so-called Khoisan, they are special languages that have clicks - sounds that, apart from them, no one can say no, and genetically they are really used to all departments. And ancestors have modern Europeans and Asians came from Africa and about 50-60 thousand years ago came to Europe, apparently, through Asia Minor, near present-day Turkey. And here is a mystery, because he came to Europe, they met with the Neanderthals, who have lived here half a million years. The anthropological and archaeological literature widely discussed, they met at all or not.

Neanderthals became extinct around the same time, and therefore it was not clear whether some physical or even eye contact between Cro-Magnons that came from Africa and Neanderthals, who lived in Europe.

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