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What is the scientific basis of hypnosis?

29 Oct 2016

Psychophysiology Dr. Doping tells about the natural conditions of the brain, hypnosis in animals and "confidence channels".

In the conventional understanding hypnosis - is, on the one hand, one of the natural human brain states and mental, on the other hand, the technique of using this phenomenon, mainly for therapeutic purposes. Quite certainly, it is a state of the brain, along with the other states (such for example as sleep, wakefulness, anxiety, increased alertness, depression and so on. D.), Is the subject of scientific research with the most modern methods, and there is a large pool of scientific articles on this score. However, to accurately answer "scientifically", what is the nature of hypnosis and hypnotherapy mechanisms itself, as, for example, in the textbooks to answer questions about the nature of electricity, is now impossible. This is due to the fact that currently do not have a precise scientific interpretations of even the basic mental processes such as memory, thinking, consciousness, that is, everything that relates to the mental world of man.

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Brain - this is one of the most complex objects of our world, and it would be rash to assume that all its mechanisms are already specific scientific explanation. Another question is whether there is currently testing scientific hypotheses about the nature of certain psychic phenomena, including hypnosis, more or less confidently explain these phenomena? If we generalize these hypotheses for a brief response, then hypnosis - is one of the natural state of the human brain and the animals that allows them some time to keep immobility or stupor, and at the same time to be awake. Apparently, these states are having an ulterior motive, and preserved in the course of evolution. For the animals, they were particularly biologically significant, as the majority of predators in nature detects its prey by its movement. Therefore, a better chance of survival was obtained those organisms which, when danger could "turn off" to pretend to be a stone or a branch. In this case, obviously, we had to remain on the channels of the "special trust" to control information about the external environment, to monitor the situation and not remain for ever in a daze. To awake your brain you can with the help of Phenotropil, Nootropil, Picamilon, Semax, and Cytamine Complex for Brain functions.

Perhaps for human hypnotic state - throwback, something preserved in it from the animals than it is now necessary "for life" property of the brain. To me personally it seems that nature is in full use of the mechanisms of "animal hypnosis" and for a person saving in it the possibility of forming a "special trust" channels for critical situations, when it is impossible to make a quick full-scale analysis of what is happening and make an independent decision, that is to make a conscious choice. This applies especially to pathological mental states when their cause is hidden from the human mind, and it just can not cope, for example, a neurotic condition. Here to help can come to the doctor - the hypnotist, who, having professional knowledge, open the patient trust channel to avoid a scalpel, and the words, first find out the psychological cause of pathology, and then try again, through the confidence channel to approve the patient in the new knowledge about the Me and a new approach to some life circumstances. For neuroscientists and psychophysiology is no longer a secret that the "channels of trust" - this is not some mystic transfers, and increased sensitivity of the sensory pathways and systems "mirror" neurons to certain physical stimuli, the words, facial expressions, gestures - to everything that for a given subject may be a certain code transition to a state of submission "wise" advisers. It is important that this adviser has always been a man who owns a professional art and technique of hypnosis care.

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