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What determines the mood?

01 Dec 2016

Psychologist Dr. Doping tells about the external and internal factors of mood, satisfaction of basic needs and the importance of self-realization.

For a more clear understanding of the subject matter you want to divide the mood, emotional state and emotional reactions, that is, to distinguish between the concepts that relate to the emotional life. Reaction - a rapid change emotional state in response to any external or internal events. Emotional states last a period of time, and the mood is a strong emotional characteristics.

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The causes and factors that affect mood, are divided into external and internal. External causes - this is the situation, life events, the processes that are set from the outside and are mediated through our internal characteristics. Different people in the same situation, given the external context, feel differently. This is because they have different attitudes to the situation in different ways to evaluate it, see it as a different implications and prospects. And when we talk about the external factors of mood deterioration, some trouble, failure, loss, loss, it is always worth remembering that these factors have never themselves do not work - they are mediated through personal cognitive mechanisms by which the person handles them.

Internal factors biopsychosocial. Biological factors of mood - this is definitely the role of somatic health, the tone of the nervous system, some biochemical balance and imbalance. Also to biological factors include mood swings, due to seasonal or daily time: there are people who feel depressed only in the spring and autumn, during periods of transition, or, for example, only in the morning, but not during the day or evening. If this occurs in childhood or adolescence, then we assume that it is a consequence of the internal mechanisms of internal biochemical reasons.

If we talk about the psychological factors that affect the mood, you can see the mood as a result of satisfaction of basic human needs. When basic human needs are met, the mood is most often good. First Global group needs - the problem of security, safety, some predictability - that provides a person peace of mind or lack of alarm. However, it is not itself the mood, because a calm person - it's not a person in a good mood, but it is some basis for that man could somehow live and experience life and to be in a particular emotional state. If security needs are not met and people experiencing direct or indirect threat (eg, afraid to be ill in some dangerous disease, but for this there is no reason), it is alarmed that it drains. Long experience of anxiety leads to the fact that a person becomes depressed, loses energy and simultaneously he has the depressive symptoms. You can struggle with depression by the help of Phenibut, AfobazolPhenazepam, Selank.

The second factor is powerful enough - is the ability to experience pleasure and to create for himself the situation in which pleasure is experienced. This is a big problem for modern people, especially for the inhabitants of the metropolis: the people every day experience the pleasure and experience positive emotions - mainly their life is filled with a routine that they perform, and do not ask "What do I feel now?". The pleasure and positive emotions - this is what gives the psychic energy. If we are experiencing positive emotions, we are in good shape though, become vigorous and strong in the psychological sense of the word.

The next component of this structure - it is about the experience itself. A person can not be in a good mood when experiencing negative emotions in relation to their identity. If he is dissatisfied with himself, can not respect yourself, if it is low self-esteem, it will be at every step encounter the negative experience that will affect his mood. The feeling of support and self-esteem, a feeling that you are at failure is still not leave themselves also contribute to emotional well-being.

The last factor, the characteristic is not for everyone, but for most - is self-realization, that is, understanding that your life for chego-to necessary that you leave a meaningful mark on this earth and that it is good not only for you but also for all over the world. For some, this is manifested in the education of children, someone - in your favorite profession for someone - in the hobby. This sentiment factor strongly associated with the prospect of life with eternity, with the future.

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