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Vitamins, minerals and antioxidants for a training and health

01 Dec 2016

Intense, long trainings and serious exercises, especially, aerobic exercises, subject an organism to a stress. The corresponding consumption of energy, proteins, vitamins and minerals — all this is important for health and result. These nutrients, are acquired best of all if they are received from the various food rich with nutrients, such as vegetables, fruit, haricot, bean, grain, fast meat, fish, dairy products and nonsaturated oils. Besides providing with well-known nutritious elements such food also contain wide structure of other bonds, such as phytochemical (vegetable) components in a vegetable nutrition concerning which we constantly find new and fascinating information. The choice of the delivery containing such chemicals represents the healthy idea as in a nutrition there is their interaction accelerating them biological influence and it means that you can eat also other bonds which will be taped. Researches of dietarians show that most of athletes are capable to implement recommendations on consumption of vitamins and minerals at the expense of a daily delivery. Those who put themselves at risk due to insufficient consumption of these micro nutrients enter the following categories:

Athletes who limit energy consumption, especially, during the long periods, for the purpose of loss of weight

Athletes who eat, limiting a variety, eat the nutrition poor in nutrients

The best way for correction of this situation consists in receiving council from the qualified specialist in a sports delivery, for example, of the sports dietarian. If it is impossible to improve adequately meal, for example, when the athlete travels to the country and has the minimum stock of food or if the athlete suffers from lack of any concrete vitamins or minerals, then the restore can be justified. Generally, the nutritional supplement containing multivitamins and minerals is the best way for support in a case of a limited food allowance though concrete nutritional supplements can be necessary for correction of deficiency of nutrients (for example, deficiency of iron).


Antioxidants are important to help to protect fabrics from an oxidizing stress. As physical activity increases development of oxidizing products, it is logical that athletes who intensively train could get advantages from anti-oxidizing additives. However, the researches concerning athletes who accepted the additives containing regular antioxidants, such as vitamin E and With didn't show the improved results during the training. Actually, some researches showed the return result. Now we know that some oxidizing stress is important — it gives a signal to an organism to raise own anti-— oxidizing protection. But new work also shows that the oxidizing stress gives signals which help muscles to adapt to the most training impulse. If we nullify some of these signals, we can not bring our reaction to a training to a maximum. Now it is recommended to avoid fixed acceptance of the additives containing high doses of vitamins C and E and to increase consumption various anti-oxidizing and the phytochemicals containing in food. One of the Best drug is Testalamin.

The ideas on improvement of a variety of food and the use of the food rich with nutrients.

Don't hesitate to taste new food and new recipes of preparation (though not directly before an important competition!)

  • Use fresh seasonal items more
  • Try any combinations of different food
  • Mix and select different products during food
  • Think before excluding some product or group of products of your diet.
  • In each meal include vegetables and fruit. Bright colors of many fruit and vegetables are a sign of high content of various vitamins and other food antioxidants. Set the task to fill the plate with food of bright colors to guarantee the various diet consisting of the components promoting health. It is good to imagine that you eat "rainbow" every day, choosing fruit and vegetables on each of the following schemes:
  • White color - for example, a cauliflower, bananas, onions, potatoes
  • Green — for example, broccoli, salad, green apples and grapes
  • Blue/purple, for example, bilberry, plums, red grapes, raisin
  • Orange/yellow, for example, carrots, peaches, oranges, mango
  • Red: water-melon, cherry, berries, red apples, pepper

Special problems

Iron. Deficit of iron is the most widespread deficit of nutrient in the world. It can arise at athletes and is negative influence a training and result of a competition. The inexplicable fatigue, especially, at vegetarians, shall be researched by the sports doctor or the specialist in sports food. It is wrong to accept ferriferous additives all the time: it is also harmful too much, as well as it isn't enough. Self-treatment by ferriferous additives can not solve this problem causing fatigue or to solve the reason of insufficient content of iron.

Calcium. Calcium is important for healthy bones. The best source of calcium are dairy products, including products with low content of fat. The enriched soy products can provide useful replacement if athletes can't daily receive dairy products.

Adults need calcium acceptance three times a day, in case of the increased requirement during growth period in the childhood and youth, during pregnancy and feeding by a breast.

To women more calcium and gland, than to men is recommended to use even if they consume less food. It means that women — sportswomen shall be more attentive in case of the choice of food.

Watch the section "women there are sportswomen" for receipt of recommendations about food which is a good source of iron and calcium.

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