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Vitamins in sport: whether efficiency is proved?

01 Dec 2016

The rational principles of a delivery in modern sport occupy one of the main places in system of training of athletes since at the same time sports working capacity increases, processes of restoration and adaptation to exercise stresses improve. Now indications to reception of vitamins and polyvitaminic complexes at sports activities are formulated. The daily need for vitamins of the adult healthy person not of a bike is also completely provided with the compensated diet. At systematic physical trainings, especially in those sports where long loads on endurance prevail, according to different authors, on each additional one thousand kilocalories need of athletes for vitamins increases for 33%. The position of most of specialists in a sports delivery is as follows: at physical activity of low and moderate intensity the vitamin status of the athlete at the balanced ration doesn't suffer, but at high-intensive trainings with loss of weight, at restriction of consumption of calories or excision of one or more food groups of the diet additional reception of vitamins is necessary. You can also like Semax.

All presented researches on use of vitamins and polyvitaminic drugs for athletes in the Kokreynovsky database (2014) were studied. Also researches on efficiency of use of the domestic and foreign polyvitaminic complexes recommended by experts in sports medicine were analysed: "Aerovit", "Glutamevit", "Dekamevit", "Polivitapleks", Supradin, "Tetravitum", "Undevitum" and "Oligovit", and the polyvitaminic drugs presented on the numerous websites as "specialized foodstuff for a delivery of athletes": "Anavite", "Animal Cancer", "Dualtab", "Full Spectrum Minerals Caps" and "Activize OxyPlus".

Results and their discussion

In total 34 clinical trials since 1960 were found in Kokreynovsky library. From them only 17 were randomized. Systematic reviews on use of vitamins or polyvitaminic drugs weren't found in sport. All taped researches were conducted with a small number of participants (from 20 to 300 people), duration of researches made from 21 days to 8 weeks. The positive effect from use of vitamins and polyvitaminic drugs for athletes was described only in 8 of 34 clinical trials: 5 of them were randomized clinical tests, 3 - neradomizirovanny. In 26 clinical trials (randomized and nonrandomized) effect of use of polyvitaminic drugs it wasn't established. Clinical trials on the vitamin complex drugs "Aerovit", "Glugamevit", "Dekamevit", "Polnvitapleks", "Tetravit", "Undevit" and "Oligovit" weren't found in Cochrane's library. On the polyvitaminic drug "Supradin" randomized clinical trial was revealed: 216 women from 25 to 50 years, duration of administration of drug are 9 weeks. According to authors, drug improved the lowered mood and cognitive functions, concrete results weren't presented. Clinical trials but to the polyvitaminic complexes "Anavite", "Animal Cancer", "Dualtab", "Full Spectrum Minerals Caps" and "Activize OxyPlus" weren't found in Cochrane's library. The drugs "Dualtab", "Full Spectrum Minerals Caps" and "Activize OxyPlus" had no data on certification in the Register the evidence of the state registration (a uniform form of the Customs union, the Russian part). Therefore, above-mentioned drugs at the moment aren't considered as safe and can't freely be on sale in the territory of the Russian Federation the Conclusion. So far authentically positive vitamins and polyvitaminic complexes in sport aren't taped. For the reference further qualitative researches are required for a wide clinical use of vitamins at athletes.

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