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Vitamins and vitamin like bonds

01 Dec 2016

Vitamins are necessary for the normal course of many metabolic processes (including, for digestion of feedstuffs), and also for body height and restoration of cells and body tissues. Coming to an organism in small amounts, they participate in a metabolism and regulate many physiological and biochemical reactions. The vast majority of vitamins aren't synthesized in an organism and arrive with products of plant and animal origin.

At a disadvantage of vitamins the condition of hypovitaminosis which is characterized by the following general symptoms develops: deterioration in health, fast fatigability, depression of working capacity and protective reactions of an organism. Are the causes of hypovitaminosis the increased need for vitamins (caused by high training and competitive loads, features of climatic conditions and a condition of an organism); their insufficient contents in food during the winter and spring period; inadequate selection of products in a diet; wrong culinary processing of a nutrition; disturbance of vitamin exchange in an organism, etc.

At excess entering of vitamins B an organism the condition of a hypervitaminosis at which, along with a number of the general symptoms, the level of physical working capacity decreases develops. It occurs generally at the excessive use of synthetic vitamin drugs (especially And yes E).

The problem of so-called hypovitaminic states, i.e. the hidden disturbances which reasons are various is urgent now. Emergence of hypovitaminoses can have endo - and an exogenous parentage.

Endogenic reasons: insufficient entering of vitamins C a nutrition — owing to the wrong choice of products, a monotonous delivery, the wrong cooking, long storage of products.

Exogenous reasons: a) the increased need for vitamins B result of certain physiological states (pregnancy, breastfeeding of the child, hard physical work, high or low ambient temperature, infectious diseases, a chemical harmfulness in conditions of production, etc.); b) disturbance of an absorption of vitamins B digestive tract.

Vitamins are divided into two groups: water-soluble and liposoluble; allocate also group the vitamin like bonds.

Water-soluble vitamins — ascorbic acid, Rutin, Thiamin, Riboflavin, a pyridoxine, Niacin, nicotinic acid, cyancobalamin, Folacinum, folic acid, pantothenic acid, a biotin.

Liposoluble vitamins — And, D, E and To.

Vitaminopodobny bonds — a choline, an inosite, lipoic acid, orotovy acid, οΰνγΰμΰς a calcium, a carnitine.

Ascorbic acid (vitamin C)

Performs diverse functions in an organism: participates in oxidation-reduction processes; provides formation of a collagen; increases durability of walls of blood vessels (that is very important for prophylaxis of an atherosclerosis); influences functions of nervous and endocrine systems, a liver; regulates cholesterin exchange; promotes assimilation by an organism of proteins, iron and a series of vitamins; increases fastness of an organism to external influences and infections; stimulates neogenesis and healing of tissues.

Vitamin C is immediately bound to protein metabolism — with collagenic structures of an organism; stimulates formation of a procollagen from fibroblasts and its transition to a collagen; plays an important role in maintenance of the normal state of walls of capillaries and conservation of their elastance. At its disadvantage the increased fragility of capillaries and predilection to hemorrhages is observed.

Sufficient level of ascorbic acid in an organism promotes the fullest creation the glikogenovykh of stocks of a liver and increases its antitoxic function.

High content of ascorbic acid and the high need for it are characteristic of endocrine system (a pituitary body, a hypothalamus, adrenals).

Vitamin C has significant effect on a reactivity of an organism and its protective mechanisms, increases the resilience to adverse factors of the external environment, has property to increase phagocytal activity of leucocytes — therefore at various diseases enlarge its consumption.

Vitamin C isn't synthesized in a human body and has to arrive with nutrition daily.

The need for ascorbic acid is enlarged in the course of the trainings and competitions, at neuroemotional pressure, and also in the conditions of frigid and hot climate.

The daily need for ascorbic acid of the ordinary person — 70 mg.

Daily need of the athlete makes: during ordinary trainings — 150 — 200 mg; during competitions and in the next 2 — 3 days — 200 — 300 mg.

The main sources of vitamin C are greens, vegetables and fruit.

Content of vitamin C in various vegetables and fruit (in mg on 100 g of a product): a dogrose dried — 1200, blackcurrant — 200, a cauliflower — 70, spinach — 55, a white cabbage — 50, a sorrel — 43, lemons — 40, green onions, tangerines — on 30, a garden radish — 25.

The factors blasting vitamin C:

1) high temperature (inactivates ascorbic acid);

2) oxidation by its oxygen (at the wrong storage and cooking);

3) influence of alkalis;

4) its oxidation at contact to the ware made of iron or copper (aluminum doesn't oxidize vitamin C because has oxide Membranula);

5) enzyme of an askorbinaz, contained in all products of plant origin (except a lemon, swede, a turnip).

The best conservation of vitamin C is promoted by acidic reaction of a product, Saccharum, Amylum.

As additional sources of vitamin C it is recommended to apply fruit and vegetable juice, and also the special infusions and broths prepared from the richest with this vitamin of natural products.

Content of vitamin C in fruit and berry and vegetable juice (in mg on 100 g of a product): in blackcurrant juice-86, grapefruit and orange — 40, strawberry — 34, tangerine — 25, tomato — 10, apple — 2. Carrot and apricot juice is rich with Carotinum.

Broth from dogrose. 15 g of dried fruits of dogrose (a daily dose on one person), wash out in cold water, knead, fill in with 1 glass of boiled water and boil in the enameled or aluminum ware within 10 min. at the closed cover. Then broth draw 3 — 4 h (it is possible to leave to infuse on all night long) in well closed ware then filter through the gauze put in several layers and drink on 1 glass a day.

Content of vitamin C in 1 glass of broth — about 100 mg. For taste it is possible to add Saccharum or cranberry juice. It is necessary to store infusion no more than 2 days. At the use of a peel of dogrose the daily dose decreases twice.

Needles infusion. 30 g of the coniferous needles which are just separated from branches (a daily dose on one person), wash out in cold water, crush a knife or a sechka and fill in with the cooled boiled water in the ratio 1:3 in wooden, glass, clay or aluminum ware and insist during 2 — 3 h. After that infusion is filtered through a gauze or cotton and defended during 6 — 7 h. Then liquid is carefully merged, exempting it from the deposit containing tarry substances. Drink on 1 glass a day.

Content of vitamin C in 1 glass of infusion — 40 — 50 mg. For improvement of tastes it is possible to add to it cranberry drink or other drinks. It is possible to store infusion in the darkened cool place no more days. For the best conservation it is recommended to add to it citric, hydrochloric or acetic acid (at the rate of 5 — 6 g on 1 l).

For preparation of infusion it is possible to prepare needles branches for emergency — on condition of their storage under snow no more than 2 months.

Vitamin P (Rutinum and other bioflavonoids)

Mainly provides the normal state of walls of capillaries. Together with vitamin C participates in oxidation-reduction processes; contains in the same products. Daily requirement about 50% of need for vitamin C.

Content of vitamin P in food (in mg on 100 g of a product): a mountain ash black-fruited — 2000, blackcurrant — 1000, dogrose — 680, oranges and lemons — 500, cowberry-320 — 600, a cranberry — 240 — 330, cherry — 280, Fragaria — 150 — 172, plum-110 — 300, grapes — 290 — 430, carrots — 50 — 100, apples-10-70

B1 vitamin (Thiaminum)

Is of great importance for the correct functioning of the central and peripheric nervous systems. At its disadvantage carbohydrates not completely burn down that leads to accumulation in an organism of pyrogrape and milk acids. Thiaminum participates in albuminous, fatty and mineral exchanges; plays an important role in carbohydrate metabolism.

At hypovitaminosis irritability, pains in heart, bystry fatigability, deterioration in attention, muscular delicacy, a loss of appetite, constipations are observed. In these cases in urine pyruvic acid appears.

The increased need for vitamin B, becomes perceptible at intensive trainings, by preparation for competitions in the conditions of high or low temperatures, and also at an excessive psychological strain.

B1 vitamin, stimulates working capacity. Its additional reception allows to transfer appreciable training loads easier. A daily dose of B1 vitamin for athletes — 0,7 mg on 1000 kcal of a ration. The stimulating effect of B1 vitamin isn't shown at a single dose — only at systematic and prolonged use.

The main sources of B1 vitamin — vegetable products. Especially there is a lot of it in a cover of grains of various cereals therefore athletes are recommended to use bread from coarse flour. A significant amount of vitamin B contains also in nuts, haricot, peas, oat and buckwheat grain, in pork, a liver, kidneys; but most of all - in beer yeast.

Content of B1 vitamin in food (in mg on 100 g of a product): yeast dry — 5,0, yeast beer — 2,0, peas-0,81, nuts a peanut — 0,74, haricot — 0,50, grits — 0,39, buckwheat — 0,43, kidneys beef — 0,39, kidneys pork-0,29, walnuts — 0,38, a liver — 0,30, white bread-0,21, meat (beef) - 0,06.

B2 vitamin (Riboflavinum)

Plays an important role in processes of biological oxidation and formation of energy, hemopoiesis processes; participates in formation of visual purple, protecting a retina from excess impact of ultra-violet radiation.

The daily need for Riboflavinum makes 0,8 mg on 1000 kcal.

The maintenance of Riboflavinum in food (in mg on 100 g of a product): milk and dairy products — 0,19 — 0,55, meat-0,15 — 0,25, fish — 0,1, eggs — 0,8, a liver — 3,96 — 4,66, buckwheat and oat grain — 0,14 — 0,24, bread — 0,12 — 0,3.

B6 vitamin (pyridoxine)

Plays an important role in processes of intermediate exchange of amino acids: transamination, decarboxylation, peresulfirovaniye. It is necessary for transformation of linolic acid in arachidonic, for formation of RR vitamin from a tryptophan. Participates in formation of a hemoglobin, splitting of a glycogen, synthesis of biogenic amines (a serotonin, Histaminum) and other biologically active agents.

The daily need for B6 vitamin makes 5 — 10 mg. At protein content augmentation the need for a pyridoxine increases in a ration.

The maintenance of a pyridoxine in food (in mg on 100 g of a product): yeast dry pothouses - 4,0 — 5,7, meat - 0,22 — 0,35, fish - 0,35, eggs-0,12, bean-0,15-0,44, bananas - 0,4, potatoes — 0,15, milk and bread — is lower than 0,4 mg of %:

RR vitamin (Niacinum)

Provides power education processes, participating in the major oxidation-reduction reactions. Also takes part in functioning of the central nervous system, hemopoiesis processes; has effect on cardiovascular system (in particular, vasodilating).

RR vitamin is partially formed in an organism of a tryptophan (the niatsinovy equivalent makes 60 mg of amino acid on the I mg of vitamin). This source of Niacinum has to be considered at assessment of foodstuff. Contains in products of both an animal, and plant origin. In grain crops Niacinum, also as well as Thiaminum, mainly contains in external covers of grains. So, the maintenance of Niacinum from wallpaper wheat flour is peer bread to 3,5 mg of %, from wheat flour of the first grade — 0,7 mg of %.

Daily need of athletes for Niacinum — 28 — 42 mg. The need for Niacinum is enlarged at a low-albuminous delivery, intensive exercise stresses.

The maintenance of Niacinum in food (in mg on 100 g of a product): fowl — 6 — 8, mutton — 5,8, beef — 4, a liver — 15 — 16, fish — 3, dry beer yeast — 40, mushrooms dried — to 60, croups — 1,5 — 4,0.

B12 vitamin

Major importance of vitamin B12 consists in its antianemic action. He participates in reactions of transmethylation and is necessary for synthesis and disintegration of a number of amino acids, formation of purin, pyrimidines and nucleinic acids, synthesis of white, oxidation of fatty acids with odd number of atoms; has lipotropny properties. Contains mainly in animal products. You can buy - Vitamin B12 cyanocobalamin injection.

Daily need of athletes for vitamin B12 makes 0.004 — 0.01 mg.

Content of B12 vitamin in food (in mkg on 100 g of a product): beef liver — 50 — 130, cod liver — 40, a cod - 10, beef - 2-8, pork - 0,1 — 5, cheese — 1,4-3,6.

B9 vitamin (folic acid)

Physiological value of folic acid consists in its participation in the blood formation process which is carried out in interaction with B12 vitamin. Folatsin participates in synthesis the purinovykh and the pirimidin of the bases, nucleinic acids and white; in education it is well-cared, adrenaline, creatine; in exchange of a number of amino acids; in utilization of many vitamins.

Daily need of athletes for the folatsena is equal to 0.6 — 0.4 mg.

The main sources of folic acid are fresh vegetables and greens; from animal products — a liver and kidneys, an egg yolk, cheese.

The maintenance of folatsin in food (in mkg on 100 g of a product): an asparagus — 83 — 142, spinach — 48 — 115, parsley-38, cabbage — 15 — 30, potatoes — 8 — 20, carrots — 7 — 15, blackcurrant — 6 — 18, grapes — 4, beef liver — 290, cheese — 8 — 19, egg — 4 — 8.

B5 vitamin (pantothenic acid)

Participates in implementation of such biochemical processes as: oxidation and biosynthesis of fatty acids; oxidizing dekarboksit an iro-vaniye of ketoacids; synthesis of lemon acid; biosynthesis of steroids; neutral fats, porphyrines; synthesis of acetylcholine and other biologically active agents. This vitamin is found practically in all products of an animal and a phytogenesis.

Daily need of athletes for pantothenic acid makes 15 — 20 mg.

Content of pantothenic acid in food (in mg on 100 g of a product): a liver - 4,0 — 9,0, kidneys — 2,5-4,0, an egg yolk — 2,7 — 7,0, meat — 0,5 — 1,5, potatoes — 0,32-0,65, tomatoes - 0,10-0,37, cabbage - 0,18-0,80, a buckwheat-2,6, oats - 2,5.

Vitamin N (biotin)

Participates in reactions of carboxylation and transcarboxylation; in synthesis of substrates of a cycle of Krebs; in an ureapoiesis; in synthesis of fatty acids and protein; in utilization of a glucose. Also stimulates processes of methylation and strengthens action of Folacinum.

Daily need of athletes for a biotin makes about 0.3 — 0.4 mg.

Content of biotin in food (in mg on 100 g of a product): a liver — 0,08 — 0,10, kidneys — 0,09 — 0,14, an egg yolk - 0,056, soy, beans — 0,06, green peas — 0,05, rye — 0,046, peanuts — 0,04, cabbage, potatoes — 0,001.

In a delivery of athletes from among liposoluble vitamins vitamins A, E and are most important.

Vitamin A (Retinolum, Retinolum, retinoyevy acid, their Aethers)

Possesses a broad spectrum of activity: participates in photoreception processes (ensuring twilight, light and color vision); it is necessary for formation and body height of bones of a skeleton, procreation of posterity, a differentiation of an epithelial tissue, maintenance of the immunologic status; influences many parties of a metabolism (inhibition of an albuminolysis, stimulation of oxidation of pyruvic acid and unsaturated fatty acids, ensuring synthesis of fat, etc.).

Vitamin A comes to an organism only with animal products. Cod-liver oil, a liver, eggs, milk, butter are especially rich with it. In an organism vitamin A can be synthesized from provitamins — β-Carotinum, contained in large numbers in the vegetables and fruit having yellow-red color and three other carotenoids: α-Carotinum, γ-Carotinum and β-cryptoxanthine.......... At the same time 1 mg of vitamin A is equivalent to 2 mg of β-Carotinum ((((((((((dissolved in fat or in the form of pharmaceutical drug), 12 mg of "alimentary" β-Carotinum and 24 mg of other three carotenoids.

The daily need for vitamin A makes 2.5 — 4.0 mg.

Content of vitamin A in food (in mg on 100 g of a product): cod-liver oil — 19,0, beef liver — 3,6, cow's milk — 0,02, sour cream of 20% fat content — 0,15, egg — 0.35.

Vitamin E (tokoferola)

Interferes with perekisny oxidation of nonsaturated lipids, providing thereby integrity of cellular membranes; influences function of sexual and other endocrine glands, exchange of nucleinic acids and proteins; stimulates activities of muscles; increases resistance of an organism to a hypoxia; stimulates phosphorylation of creatine and accumulating of a glycogen; makes active some enzymes; promotes digestion of fats, vitamins A and.

Daily need of athletes for vitamin E makes 40 mg.

Content of tocopherol in food (in mg on 100 g of a product): sunflower oil — 50 — 75; bean — 2,6 — 17,0, wheat flour — 2,6 mg, grits — 3,4, meat — 0,15, a liver - 1,28, butter — 2,9, an egg yolk — 2.

Vitamin D

Regulates exchange of calcium and phosphorus in an organism, promoting absorption and their adjournment in bones. Arrives in an organism with animal products and it is partially formed by endogenous synthesis in skin under the influence of ultra-violet radiation.

The regulation of consumption of vitamin D for athletes is definitely not established. It is considered to be that in the conditions of regular insolation and the balanced food the need of an organism of adult athletes for it is satisfied. At the same time in cases of use of the high-carbohydrate food allowances disbalanced on a ratio in them of calcium and phosphorus in case of insufficient content in a diet of animal products, and also in need of ensuring training process in the conditions of Far North, the additional amount of vitamin D — 400 — 1000 ME in days is required. Young athletes also need additional consumption of vitamin D — 100-500 ME daily.

Content of vitamin D in food (in ME on 1 g of a product): fat of a liver of a tuna — 10 000 — 50 000, fat of a liver of the Baltic herring — 250, eggs — 2 — 4, a liver (pork or beef) — 0,2 — 2,0, milk — 0,01 — 0,20, butter — 0,2 — 0,8.

Treats vitaminopodobny connections it is well-cared which performs three main functions in an organism: lipotropny factor, an initial product for formation of acetylcholine and the donator the metalnykh of groups. Holin is formed in an organism of methionine. In case of its shortcoming synthesis of phospholipids is broken and there is a fatty infiltration of a liver.

Daily need of athletes for the holena makes 1000-2000 mg; it increases in the conditions of the increased temperature of the external environment.


Possesses lipotropny action, normalizing function of the central nervous system, stimulates blood formation and growth of an organism. Recommended daily consumption of an inositol — 0,75 — 1,5 g.

Content of an inositol in food (in mg on 100 g of a product): bran wheat — 100, germs of grains 0 700-900, oranges — 250, heart — 60 — 200, brains — 200.

Lipoic acid. Intensifies consumption of glucose and a piruvat fabrics, stimulates synthesis of a glycogen and protein. Contains in many vegetable products; its greatest numbers are found in cage chlorolayers.

Daily need of athletes for lipoic acid of 1-2 mg.

Orotovy acid

Intensifying synthesis of nucleinic acids and protein, has distinct anabolitichesky effect; stimulates growth of an organism; raises a sokratitelny capability of a myocardium; stimulates blood formation; promotes growth and development of muscle bulk of an organism. Anabolic effect of orotovy acid amplifies B12 vitamin, folic acid, an inositol.

Recommended daily consumption of orotovy acid of 0,5 — 1,0 g.

Pangamat of calcium (B15 vitamin)

Improves digestion of oxygen fabrics, increases resistance of an organism to a hypoxia, stimulates synthesis of a glycogen and kreatinfosfat in skeletal muscles and a myocardium. The metilnykh of groups is a source labile, participates in processes of transmethylation and has lipotropny properties. In large numbers contains in seeds of plants, yeast, a liver.

Standard daily rate of consumption of a pangamat of calcium — 150 — 200 mg.

Content it is well-cared in food (in mg on 100 g of a product): eggs - 565, a liver — 632, cottage cheese — 73, cheese — 48, cabbage and potatoes — 28,

Carnitine (vitamin B)

In an organism its most probable source is glyutaminovy acid. The carnitine participates in processes of a transmethylation, is capable to stimulate oxidation of fatty acids at intensive exercise stresses.

The satisfaction of need of athletes for vitamins has to be carried out first of all at the expense of natural food.

In natural food vitamins contain in a type of complexes with various substances and are better acquired by an organism. Some vitamins are easily blasted at culinary processing and in the course of storage. Vitamin C which is considerably blasted during the cooking and suppression of a nutrition is especially unstable. Vitamin A and carotene, on the contrary, are a little blasted when cooking, but lose the activity in acidic environment. Group B vitamins more resistant, than vitamin C. For the best conservation of vitamin C when cooking a nutrition it is recommended to clean and cut vegetables and greens just before preparation of dishes. It is necessary to add Acetum or a brine of sauerkraut to salads and vinaigrettes (for creation of the acidic environment promoting vitamin C conservation).

At the end of winter and in the spring the amount of vitamins B the remained fruit and vegetables considerably decreases. That is why at this time it is especially necessary to care for the sufficient content of vitamins B a delivery: to include sauerkraut, vegetable and fruit juice, broth of a dogrose and various vitamin concentrates in a ration.

At impossibility to provide necessary entering of vitamins B an organism at the expense of natural products.

delivery and concentrates it is expedient to apply vitamin concentrates (dogrose infusion, yeast, etc.), and also vitamin complexes in which vitamins contain in the most optimum ratios, at obligatory medical control.

For vitaminization of diets in special conditions use synthetic vitamin drugs (ascorbic acid, Thiaminum, etc.) which administer in the required dose in a ready nutrition (first courses, tea, kissel, milk, etc.) just before its distribution.

At the beginning of educational and training process it is necessary to provide a certain saturation of an organism with vitamins. For this purpose athletes are recommended to accept within 5 days on 2 — 3 dragees polyvitaminic and the vitaminnomineralnykh of drugs ("Undevitum", "Dekamevit", "Glutamevit", "Aerovit", Supradin, "Oligovit" and δπ).

It is necessary to emphasize once again that the uncontrolled independent use of synthetic vitamin drugs not only doesn't promote working capacity rising, but also is very hazardous to health. Some vitamins (for example, And, E) can collect in an organism and at an overdosage to cause serious complications.

When determining daily need for the main vitamins it is necessary to be guided by energy expenditure of athletes. Calculation is recommended to be made on each 1000 kcal: vitamin C — 35 mg, B1 — 0,7 mg, B2 — 0,8 mg, mg PP1, vitamin E — 5 mg, vitamin A — 2 mg on 3000 kcal, with the subsequent addition on 0,5 mg on each 1000 kcal (the maximum dose — no more than 4 mg a day).

Where all vitamins ran away?

Hardness No. 2 source

All know, the healthy nutrition, and not only is how important for formation of a good figure, but also in general for health of the person. But whether you thought of that, products which we use are how useful? The doctor of medical sciences, the member of advisory council of Healthcare Committee of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, the president of NPP B AD Tatyana Pilat will help to find out the truth to us: "At the moment we have ubiquitous disturbance of a delivery of Russians. We speak about low life expectancy, about a bad bionomics, a high mortality, etc. One of major factors, according to WHO data, is the healthy and improper feeding".

Reasons of hypovitaminosis

  • 1.Refusal of fruit and vegetables
  • 2.Frequent use of fast food
  • 3.Monotonous ration, inability and unwillingness to cook a house food
  • 4.The use of the tinned, sublimated, frozen nutrition which is grown poor on many biologically active components
  • 5.Lack of a diet. Usually we eat not when we want it and when an opportunity appears.

Certainly, most of body builders will consider that these points don't concern to them, accurately specialized menu and the regulated diet is a conduct of life of the modern bodybuilder. However usefulness of products which we daily use raises great doubts.

Useful substances in products becomes less Analytical methods researches every year allowed to conduct comparative tests for content in vegetable food micro and macrocells. The results depressing. For example, the amount of iron in spinach of 100 years - made 157 mg back, and by 2003 more than by 70 times decreased (to 3 mg)! By data and United States Departments of Agriculture (in Russia similar researches weren't conducted) - content of iron in apples decreased by 40%, vitamin C - for 42%. To fill standard daily rate of iron in an organism in the 50th years of the 19th century was to eat one apple of a grade "Antonovka" enough. Today the same concentration of useful substances can be received only from 3 apples.

Low content of iron in a human body is shown in fatigue and muscular weakness. Shortage of this element - the frequent phenomenon among athletes, especially vegetarians. Nutritionists advise for its reasonable control to use meat, citrus bread, apples and spinach. As we see from the provided examples, not all these products really will help to be stocked by iron.

Cabbage lost 84% of calcium, 81% of iron, 84% of phosphorus. What in it remained? Only food fibers and vitamin C! In meat content of amino acids decreased (for example, in beef by 68%). Content of vitamin A in chicken meat - for 70%.

Besides we got used that carrots are rich with carotene, meat - macrocells, and cabbage - in general, a well of vitamins. It appears, it not absolutely so. Tables which all explain are given below.

Decrease of content of useful substances in products for the last 30-40 years:

In beef the content of Vitamin A decreased by 99%.

In fowl of Vitamin A decreased by 70%.

In sheet cabbage the content of Calcium decreased by 85%.

In parsley and fennel the content of Magnesium decreased by 30%.

In apples Iron for 40%.

In a citrus Vitamin C for 42%.

Deficiency of useful substances at the population of the Russian Federation:

Vitamin deficiency population Percent

Vitamin C of 70%

Vitamin A of 40%

Vitamin B of 35%

Selenium of 95%


Today practically all products before getting to us on a table, are exposed to technological processing. It leads to loss of biological nutrition value. For a simple example we will give digits on carrot juice. One average carrots contain 1 mg of nicotinic acid. But if we make of it carrot freshly squeezed juice, this indicator will decrease to 0,12mg, That is the simple juice extractor reduces amount of useful substances by 10 times! What then to tell about technological processing of products at factories and the enterprises?

But the main problem is buried even more deeply, literally in the earth. For only some 20 years from the soil and owing to what and from plants, necessary minerals, such as zinc, selenium, magnesium disappeared. Often happens that vegetables and fruit collect immature, green and absolutely unsuitable for the use. They ripen when transporting, and then already get on the shelves of supermarkets. Though in due form ripening of vegetables and fruit shall take place in the last week before harvesting.

With meat the situation is even more sad. Animals grow in hypodynamia conditions, stuff them with antibiotics and hormone of growth that can lead to irreparable consequences. Ask the grandfathers with what size of a leg tempted the girl's gentlemen in the middle of the last century? 37-38. And now? The most popular size of women's shoes - 40-42! How you think why? Result of effect of hormone of growth containing in meat which we use. Specialists of NPP BAD under the leadership of Tatyana Pilat hold such opinion.


"We will be enough to frighten, we already know what to live harmfully!" — you will tell. But nobody was going to frighten you. Our main task - to inform broad masses of the fact that the theory of healthy nutrition can come to naught because of products, poor on useful substances. With respect thereto dietary supplements and the enriched products can become main "saviors" of the person (read - the body builder) in this difficult situation. Some doctors oppose dietary supplements, call them "chemistry" and fraud, however even they will hardly challenge the fact that the modern person has not so many alternatives to dietary supplements.

Russia - the leader in quantity of the enriched products. All of us know, for example, about special programs of the Government "Iodinated salt", on enrichment of juice vitamins, etc. In our country were invented and already medicines which eliminate shortage in a human body of such important elements as Selenium, Calcium, Potassium and others spread through drugstores.

At the same time, it is worth warning our readers against rash actions. Not all expensive dietary supplements are really effective. Don't follow the tastes of swindlers. On forming of a diet you approach the solution of any task in a complex and having consulted with specialists. Good luck!

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