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Vitamin and mineral complex (multivitamins)

01 Dec 2016

Vitamin and mineral complex (multivitamins) - additives which are intended for supply of an organism with vitamins, minerals and other nutritious elements. Such additives are available in the form of tablets, capsules, a fruit candy, powder, liquid and injection solutions. Modern vitamin and mineral complexes are framed taking into account features of age, sex and activity of the person, so, for example, distinguish: multivitamins for pregnant women, children, elderly, for athletes, for men and women. Vitamin and mineral complexes don't contain hormonal and harmful substances, they aren't hazardous to health and vice versa they are referred on its strengthening, and also on activation of metabolic processes.

Assessment of quality of a complex

Now vitamin and mineral complexes have the wide range of the prices: from 100 rubles to several thousand, though structure at all almost identical. It is explained by difficult interaction of separate components of a complex. Often in inexpensive vitamin and mineral complexes there is a suppression of an absorption of some vitamins and minerals, it in turn leads to disturbance of balance of the arriving micronutrients that considerably reduces efficiency of a vitamin and mineral complex. In qualitative additives special technologies (gradual release, a microgranulation, layer-by-layer dissolution) which allow to eliminate negative interactions due to separate entering of micronutrients whereas vitamins and minerals synergists are on the contrary released at the same time are used.

Vitamins and minerals in bodybuilding

Practice shows that in bodybuilding, fitness, powerlifting or other sports it is impossible to achieve good results if not to use in addition vitamin and mineral complexes. Athletes often face a problem of the training plateau (both at a set of muscle bulk, and at depression fatty), even on condition of healthy nutrition and systematic trainings, and as the reason for that the vitamin deficiency and minerals can serve.

The problem is that requirements of an organism aren't always satisfied completely from alimentary sources, especially it is urgent in bodybuilding where a large number of a high-caloric nutrition which often contains few vitamins and minerals is required. Bodybuilders are simply not able to include enough fruit and other sources of vitamins as it will lead to a digestive disturbance in a diet. At the same time, the needs of an organism for vitamins and minerals at athletes are much higher, than at ordinary people. It dictates need of reception of vitamin complexes.

Knowing it, the beginning bodybuilders face the following problem - the choice of an optimum complex. Hundreds of multivitamins which according to the description of the producer are the best are presented at the market, however actually there isn't a lot of good complexes. As it was already told above, quality of a vitamin and mineral complex is defined by its matrixes which allow to release substances with a certain rate and in certain combinations, giving the best effect of assimilation. Besides, at sports activities (in particular bodybuilding) requirements of an organism change: one vitamins it is required 20% more, others for 100%. For this reason, athletes are recommended to get specialized vitamin and mineral complexes which are developed taking into account specific requirements of an organism in the conditions of a training. In completion of everything, sports vitamin and mineral complexes are divided by sexual appointment: on men's and women's where physiological features of both floors are considered. Add some Glandokort to your daily life.

"Attention" It is necessary to pay attention that vitamin and mineral complexes need to be accepted as at a set of muscle bulk and augmentation of power indicators, and during the work on a relief, and at weight loss.

The rating of vitamin and mineral complexes

Comparative table of structures of vitamin and mineral complexes

In this rating the best vitamin and mineral complexes which well approach as beginning, and to professional athletes are presented.

  • Daily Formula from Universal Nutrition - a good complex at reasonable price
  • Animal Pak from Universal Nutrition - vitamins, minerals and a complex of reducers
  • Opti-Men from Optimum Nutrition - a complex for men
  • Opti-Women Optimum Nutrition - a complex for women
  • Activite Sport from MHP
  • Super Multi (Dymatize)
  • Daily One Caps (Twinlab)
  • Multi Pro from AST
  • MUSCLETECH Vitakic Hardcore

Rating according to

  • Optimum Nutrition Opti-Men
  • MuscleTech Platinum Multivitamin
  • JYM Vita JYM
  • Universal Nutrition Animal Pak
  • Optimum Nutrition Opti-Women
  • Controlled Labs Orange Triad
  • RSP Nutrition BioVite Multivitamin
  • MusclePharm Armor-V
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger Series Iron Pack
  • Labrada Jamie Eason Signature Series Multi-Vitamin

Regimen of reception

Observe the recommendations made by the producer. Accept a complex within 1-2 months, then do a break within 1 month. Constant reception isn't recommended because the organism loses ability to acquire remote vitamins from a nutrition, and also synthesis of vitamins in an organism decreases. The periodization allows to support an organism healthy, and prevents tolerance development.

Modern classification of vitamins (Gromova O. Ampere-second of coworkers., 2003)


B1 vitamin / Thiaminum / Antinevritichesky vitamin, Aneurinum, beriberi vitamin, anti-beriberi vitamin

B2 vitamin / Riboflavinum / Growth factor, body height vitamin, vitamin G, Lactoflavinum

RR vitamin / Nicotinic acid, Nicotinamidum / Niacinum, antipellagrichesky vitamin, B3 vitamin, Niacinum Amidum PP, Amidum PP of nicotinic acid

B5 vitamin / Pantothenic acid / Antidermatitny, a factor against a dermatitis of chickens, a filtratny factor, Pantotenum

B6 vitamin / Pyridoxine / Adermin, Y factor

B12 vitamin / Cyancobalamine / Antianemic vitamin

Su vitamin / Folic acid / Folacinum, pteroylglutamic acid, antianemic vitamin; a factor of body height of chickens (the index "C" is made from English chicken - a chicken)

Vitamin C / Ascorbic acid / Antiscorbutic vitamin, antiscorbutic vitamin

Vitamin P (routines) / Bioflavonoids / Flavonoids, permeability vitamin, kapillyaroukreplyayushchy vitamin

Vitamin N / Biotin


Vitamin A / Retinolum / Akseroftol, antikseroftalmichesky vitamin, anti-infectious vitamin

D2 vitamin / Ergocalciferol / Antirachitic vitamin

D3 vitamin / Holekaltsiferol / Antirachitic vitamin

Vitamin E / Tocopherol / Anti-sterile vitamin, reproduction vitamin

Vitamin K / Naphthoquinones / Antihemorrhagic vitamin

Kt vitamin / Fillokhinon / Antihemorrhagic vitamin

K2 vitamin / Menakhinon / Antihemorrhagic vitamin, farnokhinon


B4 vitamin /Choline

B8 vitamin / Inosite

B13 vitamin / Orotovy acid, uracilcarboxylic acid

B15 vitamin / Pangamovy acid, ïàíãàìàò calcium

Vitamin of W / Carnitine

Vitamin U /

Vitamin F / Acidum lipoicum

Ubikhinon / Q10 coenzyme

From the pharmacological drugs which are most widely used in practice of sports medicine, the group of vitamins wins first place. It includes actually vitamins and their analogs, polyvitaminic drugs, complex drugs of vitamins C: macro - and trace substances (kvadevit, glyutamevit, komplivit, ñóïðàäèí, loprevit, oligovit, þíèêàï, etc.); antianemic factors (Vitohepatum, Sireparum, etc.); phospholipids and unsaturated fatty acids (Essentiale, lipostabit, etc.), and also kofermentny drugs (phosphothiaminum, Benphothiaminum, a cocarboxylase, Flavinatum, Pyridoxalphosphatum, Cobamamidum, etc.).

Diverse mechanisms of action of each of vitamins, and seriously reasoned data on the increased need of an organism of athletes for them are in detail covered in the numerous guides to physiology and biochemistry of sport. At the same time purely applied aspects of additional vitaminization in the conditions of sports activity, those "nuances" on which considerably degree of efficiency of use of vitamins also depends are reflected in literature much less and need, in our opinion, returning to them once again.

In practice of sports medicine three technologies of vitamin and mineral correction can be marked out: medical, preventive and immediately referred on rising of level of physical efficiency of athletes. The choice of strategy is based on expression of a clinical manifestation of the vitamin deficiency which is defined by degree of the available deficiency.

The replaceable, or medical technology is applied in the presence of clinical signs hypo - and avitaminoses, and also at treatment of the diagnosed dismikroelementoz.

The correct tactics of replacement therapy has to consider preliminary quantitative estimate of concentration of vitamins and minerals in various biosubstrates of the person. The medical technology of vitamin correction assumes use of higher medical doses of vitamins, carrying out more intensive, and in some cases - longer courses of correction at strictly proved deficiency and under constant medical control. Here use of special drugs with high doses of vitamins is expedient. At treatment vitamin monodrugs are often used (vitamins K, E, A, B1, B2, Su, B5, B6, B12, C, D2, D3, N). A medical vitamin therapy strictly regulates also treatment duration. The course of treatment hypo-and an avitaminosis is defined by the doctor individually for each patient. However at purpose of vitamins-kumulyantov (vitamins A, E, D, K, B12) the course of treatment is always limited (no more than 30 days). More prolonged use of these drugs is possible only at constant medical control.

At the prophylaxis and technology which is immediately referred on rising of level of physical working capacity, vitamin complexes have to contain the doses of vitamins which are brought closer to daily requirement. They really solve problems of the prevention of developing of various diseases, risings of working capacity and adaptation to exercise and mental stresses, optimization of processes of restoration after exercise and mental stresses, the postponed diseases. Mass prophylaxis of hypovitaminoses is around the world carried out by vitamins B the doses which aren't exceeding daily requirement.

Day norms of consumption

At purpose of vitamins specialists dietarians constantly refer to the so-called recommended day norms of consumption (RDA). These digits determined by Department of products and deliveries at National council of the USA by researches represent doses of the main vitamins which should be accepted daily for maintenance of health. RDA depend on gender and age (for example, they are various for women is more senior than fifty five and more young than twenty four years).

As for RDA digits, it is necessary to consider several important points:

the amounts of vitamins and other nutrients regulated by RDA are designed to save from extremely ill health; they don't meet higher requirements;

RDA reflect needs of wide groups of the population, but aren't applicable to separately taken persons as each person can need larger or smaller amount of this or that nutrient reflected in RDA;

RDA don't provide the special cases demanding reception of the raised doses of any vitamin.

At the choice of agents for carrying out preventive vitaminization it is necessary to consider existence between vitamins one-and bilateral antagonism: at purpose of high doses of one of vitamins exchange of others is broken. In particular, high doses of B1 vitamin cause disturbances of exchange of B2, B6, C, PP vitamins; the overdosage of B12 vitamin breaks exchange of B1, V2 vitamins, folic acid; at excess of vitamin A exchange of vitamins C, E, K, etc. suffers.

In this regard when carrying out preventive vitaminization preference certainly has to be given not to separate vitamins, but Polyvitaminums and complex drugs of vitamins C macro - and trace substances as under the influence of larger exercise stresses (especially in the summer) the egestion of iron, copper, manganese progressively increases and it results in negative balance of these elements [3]. However at the same time it is necessary to be sure that they won't be blasted by pathogenic intestinal microflora.

It is necessary to estimate also at the choice of polyvitaminic drug its structure, balance and compliance of maintenance of components to the recommended standard daily rate. The surplus of this or that component can bring to opposite in relation to the expected results.

Many vitamin and mineral complexes at the same time contain vitamin C and copper in the structure. However it is important to know that copper negatively influences safety and activity of vitamin C. It is proved that at simultaneous entering in an organism of vitamin C and copper, especially in high doses, ascorbic acid is blasted.

Speaking about physiological interrelation between various vitamins, it is necessary to remind: at the combined use, activly participating in biochemical processes, they can have stronger and versatile biological effect. So, interaction between vitamins C, B1 and V2 is established. The augmentation of a dose of the entered vitamin C increases the need of an organism for B2 vitamin. At a disadvantage of a nutrition of B2 vitamin the level of vitamins C and B1 in tissues decreases. At the same time antagonism between the B1 and V6 vitamins passing into an active form by phosphorylation is found. Besides, the interrelation of exchange of B6, B12 vitamins and ascorbic acid is taped. Numerous researches prove a distinct synergy at a combination of vitamins C and River.

As for dosages of vitamin drugs, proceeding from the references of the Austrian institute of sports medicine (tab. 8) recognized as most of experts, the need of an organism of athletes for the majority of vitamins quite can be covered when using preventive doses of such complexes as glyutamevit, komplivit, selmevit, etc.

Table 8 the Average doses of vitamins recommended at consecutive stages of preparation at various orientation of training process, mg (the Pro-cop L., 1979)

Vitamins / Not athletes / Athletes / High-speed and power work / Work on endurance / Training period / Competitive period / Training period / Competitive period

A / 1.5 / 2 / 2-3 / 3 / 3-6

B1 / 1.5 / 2-4 / 2-4 / 3-5 / 4-8

B2 / 2 / 2 / 3 / 3-4 / 4-8

PP / 20 / 30 / 30-40 / 30-40 / 40

C / 70 / 100-140 / 140-200 / 140-200 / 200-400

Å / 7-10 / 14-20 / 24-30 / 20-30 / 30-50

Average doses of vitamins (mg) recommended at separate stages of training of athletes at various orientation of training process are given in tab. 9.

Table 9 of the Dosage of the main vital vitamins, recommended for use for athletes (Gromova O. Ampere-second of coworkers., 2003)

Vitamins / Units of measure / Healthy / Sports / High-speed and power / Endurance / Training period / Competitive period / Training period / Competitive period

A / ME / 3500 / 4000 / 4500 / 4500 / 5000 ME

B1 / mg / 1.3-2.6 / 2-4 / 2-4 / 3-5 / 4-8

B2 / mg / 1.5-3.0 / 2 / 3 / 3-4 / 4-8

PP / mg / 15-20 / 30 / 30-40 / 30-40 / 40-45

C / mg / 75-100 / 100-140 / 140-200 / 140-200 / 200-400

Å / mg / 7-10 / 14-20 / 24-30 / 20-30 / 30-50

B6 / mg / 1.5-3.0 / 3.0-4.0 / 4.0-5.0 / 4.0-5.0 / 6.0-9.0

B12 / mkg / 2-3 / 3 / 4 / 5-6 / 6-9

B5 / mg / 7-10 / 12-15 / 14-18 / 15 / 15-20

Probably it is expedient to use higher doses of vitamins only in the conditions of average and highlands, high and low temperatures, at appreciable ultra-violet radiation, weight loss, and also against the background of reception of the certain drugs and xenobiotics influencing assimilation and a metabolism of vitamins.

Penicillinum, Streptomycinum, Biomycinum, Levomycetinum limiting participation in a metabolism of an active form of B2 vitamin, and also Tubazidum, Ftivazidum and Cycloserinum blocking PP and B6 vitamins in the corresponding links of a metabolism at the tuberculosis originator belong to similar agents except Sulfanilamidums; many drugs used for treatment of malignant tumors; the diseases caused by protozoa, etc. (Raskin I. M., 1972).

According to V. B. Spirichev (1987), even single use of Neomycinum considerably reduces a vitamin A absorption, tranquilizers of a trioksazin series suppress B2 vitamin utilization, and acetylsalicylic acid breaks exchange of folic acid. The last circumstance should be considered very essential as an appreciable part of the population (including the advanced countries) has the insufficient level of security of an organism with folic acid. For athletes important value has the fact that depression of content of folic acid can arise under the influence of a stress.

Systematic unreasonable use of vitamins B the quantities significantly exceeding the actual requirement of an organism can lead to their strengthened removal during reception and to the increased disintegration after its termination, i.e. to cause further states hypo - and an avitaminosis.

Influence of separate vitamins on immunity also has strict doze dependance character.

According to N. G. Bogdanov et al. (1986), one of the reasons aggravating development of a vitamin deficiency in an organism is insufficient entering with a daily ration of the proteins influencing intensity of assimilation, a retention and deposition of vitamins, their transformation into kofermentny forms, a proteinization of the last. According to authors, at representatives power and high-speed strength sports the increased need for B2, B6, C vitamins is most often observed; at representatives of sports with primary development of endurance - Bj and C vitamins; at female sportswomen - B6 and PP vitamins.

We in the work for additional vitaminization of athletes use domestic polyvitaminic complexes and in addition once a month we resort to parenteral administration of separate vitamins, in particular, of B1, V2, V6, V12 vitamins in the following doses - 4 ml of 5% of solution, 4 ml of 1% of solution, 4 ml of 1% of solution, 500 Y 5% of solution respectively. The similar option of elimination of a vitamin deficiency at patients with pathology of digestive tract is given in P. Ya. Grigoriev and A. V. Yakovenko's work . In our practice it very well proved.

As for separate vitamins, here we adhere to the following tactics: additional reception of vitamin C in a dose to 500 mg a day throughout all year training cycle and additional reception of folic acid in a dose of 15 mg a day during performance of loads of power and high-speed and power character.

It would be desirable to note: according to results of our long-term observations, peroral and the more so parenteral administration of vitamins (except vitamin C), in particular Sh and V6, it is expedient to stop not later than 7-10 days before responsible starts, otherwise athletes complain of some flaccidity, a sleepiness, apathy. By the way, this observation is confirmed also by results of researches of P. V. Vasilyev et al. (1971), established that B2 and PP vitamins not only don't exert antihypoxemic impact, but even lead at tests in the conditions of a hypoxia to deterioration in indicators of conditioned-reflex activity.

And there is a question: and whether vitamins can be used in general (and if yes, that what) for rising of physical efficiency of athletes?

According to N. N. Yakovlev, the majority of vitamins, and first of all those which are sources for formation of coenzymes can exert positive impact on physical working capacity only in that case when the need for them is satisfied not completely. In the absence of similar deficiency the raised doses of vitamin drugs don't lead to working capacity augmentation. The exception, according to the author, is made only by the vitamins which are immediately participating in reactions of a metabolism, in particular B15 vitamin (pangamovy acid). The last improves lipide exchange, increases digestion of oxygen tissues, enlarges the maintenance of a creatine phosphate in muscles and a glycogen in muscles and a liver, has detoksikatsionny effect, favorably influences metabolic processes in a cardiac muscle, reducing possibility of a myocardial dystrophy owing to a chronic physical overstrain, especially in the conditions of middle mountains (the truth, it is necessary to notice that we in the observations didn't find significant influence enough high doses of B15 vitamin on indicators of physical efficiency of athletes).

Most often allergic reactions (asthmatic character, aknepodobny, vegetative, toksikodermichesky, etc.) cause water-soluble vitamins (B1, V2, RR, Wb, B12, C), especially Bt, B12 and folic acid. At the same time the combined use of B1 and V12 vitamins causes allergic reactions considerably more often than their separate appointment (Maksimovich of YA.B., 1971). Development of allergic reactions to vitamin B, is promoted by stresses, a series of infectious diseases, preliminary treatment by antibiotics and vitamins (Kononyachspko V. A., 1970). At reception of high doses of nicotinic acid the eruption, an itch, a furunculosis, brown coloring of a skin, a papillary dystrophia, abdominal crises, a diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, an anorexia, an exacerbation of a peptic ulcer, an amblyopia, an icterus, depression of tolerance to a glucose, Diabetum, a hyperuricemia, a mydriasis, a papilledema, atrial fibrillation, disturbance of sokratitelny function of a myocardium, a black acanthosis and a fish-skin disease are possible (Demurov E. A. et al., 1975).

Also ascorbic acid, so widely and quite often uncontrolledly applied by athletes isn't deprived of side effects. In a number of works it is shown that the overdosage of vitamin C can lead to sharp depression of permeability of capillaries the gistogematicheskikh of barriers and, therefore, to deterioration in a delivery of tissues and organs, rising of the main exchange, change of hematological indicators (to depression of number of erythrocytes and an appreciable neutrophylic leukocytosis with a sharp lymphopenia), to disturbance of a trophicity of a myocardium (the inverted and ostrovershinny teeth of T), deterioration in neuromuscular transmission. At prolonged use of high doses of vitamin C exaltation of the central nervous system (concern, feeling of fever, sleeplessness) is possible. Long reception of ascorbic acid promotes education calcium and the uratnykh of stones in kidneys, to development of pentosurias, an exacerbation of hyperacid gastritises and a peptic ulcer. Under the influence of vitamin C megadoses perhaps also oppression insulin - the producing function of a pancreas, emergence of Saccharum in urine, rising of coagulability of a blood. Besides, the return correlation between intensity of an absorption and a dose of exogenous vitamin C is known.

Vitamin C hyper doses also lead to augmentation of losses from an organism of B12, B6 and B2 vitamins. In very high doses vitamin C exponentiates a mutagenesis. It is established that ascorbic acid in the course of oxidation leads to formation of two toxiferous metabolites - degidroaskorbinovy and diketogulonic acids. The high dose of the consumed vitamin C, the is higher contents in an organism of its oxidized forms. Also one more very important observation is made: after long consumption even of slightly enlarged amounts of ascorbic acid the human body becomes extremely sensitive to its most insignificant shortage causing symptoms of an acute S-avitaminosis. In this regard athletes, trainers and sports doctors probably need to reconsider the relation even to incidental use of shock doses of this vitamin.

At use of the raised doses of vitamin A which is recommended by a series of authors as the drug possessing a certain anabolic action (Vorobyov A. I., 1990), it must be kept in mind a possibility of chronic poisoning.

At children it is shown by irritability, appetite loss, a hair loss, gait disturbance, a tumescence, morbidity of the lower extremities, a productive periostitis, seborrheal rashes, a staxis of a mucosa of labiums, and at adults can be followed by headaches, a sleepiness, a vision disorder, a paresis of eye muscles, a nystagmus, long diarrheas, appetite loss, the liver augmentation, an ekzoftalmiya, hyperesthesias, paresthesias, hemorrhages which is slowed down by an adhesion of wounds. Carotinum, judging by data of literature, doesn't possess similar side effects (YA.B., Gaydenko A. I. Maksimovich., 1980).

And here we can't but give results of foreign randomized placebo - controlled test (S.N.'s Hennekens et al., 1996) in which 18 314 patients with high risk of development of lung cancer and cardiovascular diseases took part. It showed distinct negative consequences of the combined use (3 Carotinum and vitamin A. In particular, the observations lasting on average 4 years showed: the relative risk of development of lung cancer increased in group of such combination therapy and made 1,17 at a dicrotic index from 1,03 to 1,33 years. I.e., when it is about use of the vitamins including relating to group of antioxidants (And, E and C), it is necessary to adhere to tactics of moderate doses as effects of high and ultrahigh dosages aren't always predictable.

So, the Swedish scientists found communication between reception of polyvitaminic complexes and risk of development of oncologic diseases. Results of 20-year researches with participation of group of female examinees were given in one of numbers of the specialized edition "American Journal of Clinical Nutrition". Scientists surveyed the state of health of 35 thousand women aged from 49 up to 83 years. Other factors leading to cancer diseases were considered: way of life, excess weight, smoking and heredity. Examination was conducted by two stages within 20 years. In 2007 as a result of a mammography research it became clear that in 10 years 974 women developed a breast cancer. Having compared data from the questionnaires completed with participants of an experiment scientists with surprise learned: about a third of all which developed a breast cancer regularly accepted multivitamins B to hope to protect the organism from a senilism and illnesses. 9 thousand participants of an experiment supplemented with in total vitamin complexes the ration.

The Danish, American and Serbian doctors investigated influence of vitamin complexes on the frequency of diseases of the digestive system. According to results of this work, reception of these vytamin is a little, but unambiguously increases risk of tumors of digestive tract, and the combination of vitamin A and beta Carotinum is especially dangerous. It increases risk of development of cancer of an intestine for 30%.

In 1998 WHO warned: "Yet there is no additional information on how beta Carotinum and other carotenoids influence the processes leading to cancer, any of these substances shouldn't extend among the population as the agent preventing development of tumors. Prevention of cancer fresh fetuses and vegetables remains to more effective, than reception of one or several similar substances in the form of nutritional supplements".

In 2003 researches of the cardiologist Mark Penna who summed up the results of experiments with vitamin E é beta Carotinum lasting from 1,5 up to 12 years were published in the Lancet magazine. In 82% of cases at participants of experiences additional doses of vitamin E didn't reduce probability of an atherosclerosis, infarct or stroke and didn't enlarge life expectancy. Beta Carotinum from which in an organism the vitamin A applied on 140 thousand healthy people even slightly turns out enlarged their mortality.

"The antioxidatic system rather well works for us, and reception of high doses of antioxidants will do only harm. Therefore the healthy person needs to be limited to standard Polyvitaminums, - the biophysicist, the expert of Institute of biology of aging Igor Artyukhov considers. - Additional reception of antioxidants is recommended if the protective system doesn't cope: periodically at larger loads or at the infrequent genetic diseases causing the accelerated aging" (> node/Polemika_o_porze_i_vrede_ vitaminov) (2010).

Scientists from University of Copenhagen declared that the addicting for synthetic vitamins can enlarge risk of early death by 16%. At the same time it is emphasized: this side effect can be carried only to synthetic complexes, but not to the vitamins consumed in a natural look together with vegetables and fruit.

In 2000 at an annual conference of the American cardiologic association the group of scientists made the statement according to which high doses of vitamin C cause bystry development of an atherosclerosis. Participated in a research the 570th persons. Comprehensive inspection of volunteers (middle age - about 54 years) showed: vessels investigated normal. In one and a half years inspection was repeated: an atherosclerosis of the carotids supplying with a blood a brain is 2,5 times more often noted at those who excessively were fond of ascorbic acid (people accepted in day 500 mg of vitamin C just for prophylaxis of an atherosclerosis).

Pediatricians note body height of allergies at children to whom activly prescribed the raised vitamin C doses in the preventive purposes. At some children splitting of vitamin C to its final products because of a disadvantage of the enzymes regulating exchange can be broken. At usual doses of vitamin these disturbances would be compensated, but at larger there comes the decompensation (Sedova M., 2010).

Mineral substances and minerals

Modern classification of minerals (Gromova O. Ampere-second., 2003)


Essentsialny (necessary) / Fe, I, Cu, Zn, With, Cr, Mo, Se, Mn

Conditional / As, In, Vg, F, Li, Ni, V, Si

Toxic / Al, Cd, Pb, Hg, Be, Wa, Vi, T1

Potentially toxic / Ge, Au, In, Rb, Ag, Ti, Those, U, W, Sn, Zr, etc.


Essentsialnye for immune system / Fe, I, Cu, Zn, Co, Cr, Mo, Se, Mn, Li

Immunotoxic / Al, As, B, Ni, Cd, Pb, Hg, Be, Vi, Tl, Ge, Au, Sn, etc.

Note. F, Li, Ni, V, Si carry to conditional essentsialnym to minerals; As, In, Ge can show immuno-toxic effects at excess receipt. Unfortunately, all these elements are included in many vitamin and mineral complexes. However it is necessary to remember that purpose of such medicines has to be strictly proved by existence of laboratory proved deficiency or accommodation in the elementodefitsitny geographical region.

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