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Vitamin B12 - strong and healthy hair

19 Nov 2016

Advantages: improved appearance of hair, helps with hair loss, faster hair growth

Disadvantages: you need to be careful with the dose

Sometimes, in response to a topical application of vitamins B6 and B12 may experience an allergic reaction. A hypervitaminosis of Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin injection) as a symptom urticaria, and together with these allergic disorders result in itching, sometimes - in the head region.

However, in most cases, expressed negative impact directly on the hair a slight excess of these vitamins will not help.

And then I realized that in no case should not be confused with these vitamins. They did not hurt so much together as a lapse. Vitamin B 6 is not absorbed with B 12 and B 1, etc. That is, it is not economical and pointless.

Recipe mask:

1 tbsp of burdock oil

1 tbsp castor oil

The ampoule 12 

1 tsp of coconut oil (it seemed to me that it dries hair, but then I have significantly reduced the dose, and all was well)

2 tbsp hair balm

Then all you need to rinse shampoo.

Vitamins in capsules is a good replenishment to hair. but should be used wisely and not to exceed the dose. But your hair is not even with them will be healthier if you eat poorly absorbed and bad habits. I take a month and really got better hair. Stopped so hard to fall and the pleasing appearance.

Someone from the Oman - just purchased the goods:
Cerluten 60 capsules