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23 Nov 2016

The plant on production of the pharmaceutical medicines SC "VERMODJE" SRL is located in an environmentally friendly country zone, in 10 kilometers from the capital of the Republic of Moldova, the city of Chisinau. A total quantity of the employees working at the entity - 40 people. The entity exists since 2001 and successfully is engaged in production and implementation of various type in pharmaceutical products, veterinary and human appointment.



In 2013, the new laboratory was constructed according to all requirements and the GMP standards. The pharmaceutical plant has 4 production lines of sterile ampoules, bottles, tablets and capsules. The industrial complex represents the two-storeyed building with a total area of 835.3 sq.m with the adjacent parcel of land with a total area of 0,258 hectares.

On production the equipment of the leading global manufacturers, such as Carvalho, Zanasi, Uhlmann, Appatebau, Kenwood is used. Capacity of an equipment in place allows to make up to 60000 tablets an hour.

The personnel of the pharmaceutical entity are selected taking into account availability of the professional system education (confirmed with the diploma), and also availability of the specific work experience (confirmed with the corresponding recommendations and entries in labor documents). All employees know requirements and rules of production and quality control of medicines, belonging to their work and undergo elementary and repeated training in necessary amount, including by rules of personal hygiene.

The list of the medicines issued by VERMODJE contains tens of various names of optional appointment. It is necessary to distinguish from achievements of Vermodj'a directly several awards from the Ministry of Health of Moldova. Certificates for the highest quality and efficiency noted such medicines of production of Vermodzh as: Androver, Naposim, Stanover, Turinover, etc. In injection air as the solvent ethyloleate (oleate) at the expense of what is used morbidity from oil injections is removed. Do not forget take Nootropil for better results.

There passed only several years as the company appeared in the market of steroids and very actively occupied the niche, in some degree at the expense of a good publicity move and are final at the expense of a combination the price quality. Vermodje SRL positions the steroid medicines as veterinary, but it only for decrease in taxes and simplification of certification of products, and so they differ in nothing from similar medicines of other producers for people.

Criminal Investigation of Customs Service

Criminal Investigation Customs Service considers the criminal case file No. 2014869039, begun 11.03.2014 upon a non declaration when exporting from the Republic of Moldova of medicines.

Representatives of the SC "Vermodje" SRL company deny, in the letter No. 18 of April 13, 2014 sent to the address of Customs Service the fact of implementation of medicines and a non declaration to their customs authorities, in particular: Trenaver of 100 mg/ml x 10 ml, Testaver of P 100 mg/ml x 10 ml, Testaver From 200 mg/ml x 10 ml, Sustaver of 250 mg/ml x 10 ml, Dekaver of 250 mg/ml x 10 ml, Stanover of 50 mg/ml x 10 ml, Mastever of 100 mg/ml x 10 ml.

In officially answer it is said that the above-stated names to Ceese of a time weren't registered in the Sanitary and Veterinary Agency.

We ask you to report to us in the shortest possible time about that if the SC "Vermodje" SRL company imported for the entire period of existence in the territory of the Republic of Moldova the following goods (active agents for the work of drugs): Trenbolone Acetate, Trenbolone Enantat, Testosterone Propionat, Testosterone Tsipionat, Testosterone Enantat, Testosterone Isokaproat, Nandrolon Dekanoat, Stanozolol, Metandiyenon, Drostanolon Propionat, Metenolon Enantat, Mesterolon.

On your request we report to you that, according to the database, SRL "Vermodje", Gos-Nomer 1002600034343 imported active agent for the work of medicines of Metandiyenon, according to the customs declaration No. 3003I02204 of 16.04.2010. Also, we report to you that in a heading of 31 customs declarations, other names of the active agents specified in a request weren't found.

The SC "Vermodje" SRL company, responding to your request of March 27, 2014 Nr. 28/06-5217 we bring to your data that our company doesn't sell this medicine.

Considering that your request isn't the first, we suspect that medicines are a low-quality counterfeit for discredit of image of the company.

Also, we tell you that the File of the medicines interesting you were submitted to the Sanitary and veterinary Agency for registration but so far we didn't receive registration.

At the same time, in the course of criminal investigation it was established that on the website, in the heading "pharmaceutical means of veterinary appointment" the above-stated medicines are provided for free sale.

Proceeding from stated, we ask to inform us on that if is the official site of your company. In case of affirmative answer we ask you to provide information on those who have the admission to administration of the website.

Criminal Rasledovaniya's management Customs Service considers the criminal case file No. 2014869039, begun 11.03.2014 upon a non declaration when exporting from the Republic of Moldova of medicines.

In the course of criminal investigation need of transactions on import performed by the SC "Vermodje" SRL company appeared.

Feedbacks about Vermodje

Products from Vermodje producer quickly won attention of the athletes who are interested in sports pharmacology since the price quite decent and quality as it appeared, at the good level too. Feedbacks about Vermodzhe's steroids of some batches often have negative assessment since some medicines allegedly are "non-working", or the amount of active ingredient in them doesn't correspond to declared. However it can quite speak a large number of the counterfeits which captivated the market.

For better representation we suggest to study Vadim 'Do4a' Ivanov's story about history of the company, wars with Pharmacom Labs and products counterfeits. The report on the analysis of medicines on compliance of amount of active ingredient begins from 17th minute (quality of many medicines really appeared not at height so negative feedbacks about Vermodje are quite justified).

However, considering difficult relations, Vermodzhe and Daughters, his opinion can hardly be considered impartial.

On the other hand, it is necessary to consider that radjay by hearsay is the affiliated organization of Vermodje. Experience with turinaboly from radjay showed that there is no active ingredient in a product. Draw conclusions.

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