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Uva Ursi

15 Jan 2017

Uva Ursi or the Bear bearberry is a family bush Heather, the sorts Bearberry.

The plant is used as tannic, tinctorial, medicinal. In sports a delivery is applied as a diuretic. The bearberry contains glycoside arbutin which has antimicrobial properties and soft diuretic action.

Extracts of a bearberry apply at diseases of genitourinary system (cystitis, urolithiasis, etc.)



Pharmacological action

Agent of plant origin.

The complex of biologically active agents of leaves of a bearberry possesses diuretic, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobic action.

From phenolic glycosides of a bearberry arbutina and the metilarbutina under the influence of enzyme of arbutaza is released a hydroquinone. Being allocated with urine through kidneys, the hydroquinone strengthens mocheotdeleniye and has antimicrobic effect.

Anti-inflammatory properties of bearberry are caused by the high content of tannins.

recommendations to application in sport

As diuretic in sports with weight categories.

Inflammatory diseases of bladder and urinary tract.

Method of application and doses

Accept inside in the form of the prepared broth (10 g of raw materials on 200 ml of water) 1/3-1/2 glasses of 3-5 times a day. You can also like Hepatamin.


Hyper sensibility to bearberry medicines.

Side effects

At reception of high doses and prolonged use nausea, vomiting, a diarrhea, an aggravation of the inflammatory phenomena in an urinary system.

Special instructions

To store the prepared broth in the cool place no more than 2 days.

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