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Instructions for the use of somatropin

20 Oct 2017

Recombinant STG, obtained by genetic engineering, is a pharmacological agent identical in its composition to natural human growth hormone. Detailed information on this preparation contains instructions for the use of Somatropin, which is an obligatory document that ensures its safe and effective use.

Description of the properties of recombinant somatropin

The attached instructions to Somatropin include the following items:

  • Active substance;
  • Dosage form;
  • Pharmacological properties:
  • Indications and contraindications;
  • Method of administration and dose;
  • Overdose and side effects;
  • Drug interaction.

Before using somatropin, you should consult a trainer or sports doctor, and carefully study each point of this document.

Active ingredient of recombinant Somatropin, produced in the form of lyophilized powder for injection, is growth hormone. The instruction to Somatropin states that this agent, which has an anabolic and anti-catabolic effect, stimulates protein synthesis, promotes protein metabolism regulation, increases the excretion of hydroxyproline, increases the number and size of muscle cells, and enhances the process of burning subcutaneous fat.

Instructions for use Somatropin is attached to each package of the drug. It shows the optimal dosing regimen, but, in the opinion of professionals, in each case it must be set individually, taking into account the weight of the athlete and the goals pursued by him.

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