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Use of peptides

31 Aug 2017

To date, the use of peptides that have a unique ability to restore the synthesis of proteins and improve the functioning of the leading systems of the body, is carried out both for therapeutic and preventive purposes. At the same time, these bioregulators, which support the maintenance of physiological reserves and energy potential, have found wide application in sports pharmacology.

Scope of use of peptides

The technology of peptide bioregulation was developed in the 70s of the last century. Since then, the use of peptides, which are carriers of information from one protein cell to another, helps maintain the balance of all vital systems of the human body. These biologically active substances contribute to the optimization of tissue metabolism, accelerate regenerative processes, increase the resistance of cells to oxygen starvation and other unfavorable factors.

In clinical practice, peptides based on recombinant proteins are used as drugs that promote rejuvenation and enhance the body's immune forces. However, their reception is indicated in the presence of the following violations:

  • Diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system;
  • Blood diseases;
  • Urogenital pathology;
  • Age changes in the skin;
  • Dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system;
  • Endocrine disorders;
  • General deterioration of vitality.

The use of peptides in the practice of bodybuilding has the following objectives: enhancing the secretion of endogenous (own) growth hormone, increasing muscle mass and reducing the amount of subcutaneous fat. Also in sports pharmacology, peptide drugs have been widely used, increasing endurance, stimulating weight loss, enhancing sexual desire, and facilitating the obtaining in the shortest time of a beautiful uniform sunburn. Peptides are the means intended for course use. When using them, it is recommended to strictly follow the dosage indicated in the instructions.

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