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Uncontrolled stress

22 Oct 2016

5 facts about the causes and consequences of stress reaction

We often claim that stress need to learn to cope. Stress - a reaction aimed at the adaptation of the body to some changes in the environment. It occurs when these changes are unusual for us, when our body is not the final program of action, when we are faced with something completely new. In those moments when we are some kind of physical or psychological factors, first appearing in our lives, there is a stress reaction.

  • 1.Uncontrolled stress exposure

Very often, stress is accompanied by a lot of positive emotions. For this we go to the theater, so we ride a roller coaster. Stress adds to our lives euphoria. However, it has a devastating impact on our body when it gets out of control. And it does not become uncontrollable stress as a response, and stress exposure. We can not avoid it to get rid of it, to adapt to it, such as pain. But most importantly, we can not predict the occurrence of a stimulus that causes stress. In these cases, when such a situation is repeated regularly, the stress and leads to the destruction of our health, sometimes tragic changes in our behavior.

  • 2.The disappearance of conditioned reflexes during stress

The discoverer of this phenomenon was our compatriot Natalya Shenger-Krestovnikov, who worked in the laboratory of Pavlov. In 1924 she published a paper in which she described an experiment in which a dog was proposed to solve the problem in a simple differentiation of conditioned reflexes. When there is a circle, not a dog anything had to be done, and when it appeared oval, it was necessary to press the foot pedal. And then the dog got a piece of meat.

And all was well when elongated oval was enough, that is, the ratio of the axes was 1: 2. But when scientists began to gradually approach the oval in shape to a circle, to bring together the ratio of the axes so that the major and minor axis of the ellipse ratio reached 8: 9, the dog no longer distinguish between a circle and an oval. Two weeks later, the dog was trying to what we can do some vulgarise called a nervous breakdown. The dog began to worry constantly break out of the machine. Moreover, it has already gone to develop the skills of distinguishing elongated ellipse and circle.

She has gone all the conditioned reflexes, which she had learned earlier. During the experiment, the dog did not feel any physical pain: the dog did not act nor pain, nor hunger, because it has always fed in the evening in a vivarium, no matter how well it worked in the experiment. On the dog acted only psychological factor of unpredictability: she could not grasp the connection between their own behavior and the events of the outside world.

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  • 3.Learned helplessness

Such uncontrolled stress intensively investigated at present, because when scientists come out of the walls of their laboratories (here the primacy of the American Professor Seligman), they found that people are constantly exposed to uncontrollable stress themselves, and subjected it to others. And this is happening at all levels in the school, when the teacher is very often causes the pupil to whom he does not like, ask him a question, to which he is clearly not ready, and then puts the "deuce" - it creates an unpredictable situation uncontrollable. At the same time the child produces a state similar to depression. In animals, it is called "learned helplessness." Learned helplessness generates a teacher asking a question to which the student is clearly not ready to suppress the motor activity of the student. Most importantly, in a state of "learned helplessness" as a result of uncontrolled stress suppressed impulses of man, and it becomes much more manageable.

Unfortunately, very often uncontrolled situation creates the parents to their children. Hypercontrol situations when a parent tries to do everything for the child. When, for example, a mother constantly cleans the room with your child, it reduces the ability to control the situation a teenager, and here derive many maladaptive behaviors of children. What child does inappropriate actions? To sudject control of the situation. A child could be, and he would be happy to be friends with the good boys and girls, do not drink, do not smoke, exercise, a good student, but he does not do it, because it will be the parents' decision, that is, it will control the situation from their side . And to object the control of the situation, he does all sorts of outrages.

4. Physiological changes with uncontrolled stress

Since uncontrolled stress has a huge practical importance, this phenomenon has been intensively studied in the laboratory. Who carried out the following experiments: one rat sits in a cage, which is placed in regular drinker, drinkers attached to the pedal. When you press the pedal of the rat starts to flow the water drinkers. This is connected with the Drinker drinkers the same in the neighboring cell, where the pedal is false. That is, no matter how much the second rat presses on it, the water does not appear. Water begins to flow only when the presses on the pedal the first rat in the next cell.

Thus, a rat in a cage with a fake pedal turns into an uncontrollable situation: she has no idea when she will be water. And after only a week after such a procedure takes place in the rat "learned helplessness", which is characterized, first, behavioral deficits: the animal does not learn anything, it is a memory disorder, it becomes apathetic, less mobile. In addition, a variety of animal occur physiological changes, which generally correspond to the pattern of human depression: an animal develops, such as scurvy, teeth fall out. There is a misconception that in order to prevent the disease sufficiently equipped Vitamin C in abundance. However, scurvy is caused not so much by a deficiency of vitamin C, as a violation of its metabolism in the body. This exchange and disturbed by "learned helplessness." In these rats in the experiment begins scurvy: they increased mucosal ulceration of the gastrointestinal tract, there is plenty of changes in cardiac activity.

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  • 5.The hormone Progesterone

Research is being conducted, on the one hand, to clarify the mechanisms of what is broken in the central nervous system that is responsible for these changes. On the other hand, researchers wondered how these changes can be prevented. Here, the greatest interest is to elucidate the role of progesterone, its stress-protective may effect because this hormone has long been well known. From its name implies its function: it protects the pregnancy. But this hormone produced in large quantities and in the body of males also. And its physiological role in males of all kinds, including in laboratory animals, deserves close attention. In all likelihood, it plays a significant role in the mechanisms that protect our central nervous system from the harmful effects of uncontrolled stress.

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