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Turinabol: Properties, Effectiveness and Dosage

20 Oct 2016

Turinabol (in the common people "Turik") yet some have called the younger brother of Methandienone (Metandienone). Since it is similar in structure to Methane and effects on the body. It differs from methane only an additional chlorine atom in the 4-position. But some significant differences in efficacy is still there.

Turinabol was developed in Germany in the 60s. Initially it was used only in athletics. Turinabol was used for both men and women. The results were very good. In the absence of side effects observed a good gain in strength and speed. Eventually Turinobol become widely used by power sports athletes.

Properties and features

  • 1.As Oxandrolone, Turinabol absolutely not aromatize (not converted into estrogen). This is good and bad at the same time. The advantage is that with this property, it is not necessary to post-cycle treatment (PCT). Since the body is not observed in the increased amounts of estrogens. This means that there are no completely side effects such as gynecomastia, acne, and so on. D. The downside is that muscle mass and body mass as a whole is growing worse. Since no flavoring always negatively affects the growth of the mass.
  • 2. You will not fill with water. That is all the weight that you type on Turinabol - it will be muscle. When compared to methane, the weight gain on Turinabol goes around 2 times slower. But a high probability that after the completion of all gained weight will stay with you. In other words, you are slowly but surely gaining lean muscle. How slow? Well, an average of 3 kg per month.
  • 3.If Methane suppresses testosterone production by 60% - 70%, Oxandrolone did not suppress, the Turinabol inhibits about 20% - 30%. What is not so much. And experience shows that their level of testosterone is reduced about one week after the course.
  • 4.The half-life of Turinabol is 16 hours. That is, it is desirable to drink 1 - 2 times a day. The best 2 times to hormones was always at the same level.
  • 5.People who take it often noted a strong increase in libido. It is understandable. Because testosterone production have not changed much. And plus added more top due to this steroid. And this applies to both sexes. The same effect I observed when using Oxandrolone (for the same reasons). And the sword was smoking constantly))
  • 6. As with all tablet formulations, Turinabol toxic to the liver. The toxicity of this is similar to methane. As a rule, people who do not have liver problems, do not have them and when taking Turinabol.

Application area of Turinabol

The properties and characteristics of the anabolic steroid logically follows and its scope.

1. Turinabol is well suited for weightlifters and power-lifter. That is where you need growth force without significant weight increase. In addition, Turinabol rapidly excreted from the body (for about 7 days). Therefore, it is very convenient to be supplied to the competition.

2. Due to the minimal side effects and minimal suppression of testosterone, this drug is well suited for those who for the first time decided to try anabolic steroids. And as for the young athletes. After more than to intervene in the hormonal system in adolescence, the more complications can be obtained in the future. Turinobol is the same for their harmlessness is in second place post Oxandrolone.

3. More experienced athletes in terms of pharmacology Turinabol used as a "bridge" between the main courses of steroids to give a rest to the body.

4. In the women's sport is considered a relatively harmless drug. And if it does not reach to ultrahigh doses, it does not lead to virilization and other purely feminine negative consequences. For example, in athletics is quite normal for women is considered to be the dosage of 20 mg per day.

5. Lack of water retention does Turinabol , it is quite suitable for drying. For example, in conjunction with Stanozolol.

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Dosage and method of use of Turinabol

As I wrote above, it is advisable to take 2 Turinabol times a day (morning and evening). For adult men is usually 30 - 50 mg per day. For adolescents and women - 20 mg. If the sense of increasing the reception Turinabol to 100 mg. From then on, experts advise not.

For the duration of periods usually used in 1 - 2 months. Since muscle mass is growing rather slowly, I do not see any reason to take it less than 3 weeks. And for more than 2 months is not desirable, so as not to overload the liver.

Turinabol, as well as the majority of steroids, it is possible to take a solo. If you take only it, the need for post-cycle therapy is not (provided that you have everything in order with the liver). Since testosterone production is restored within 7 days after the course.

When typing this drug mass is often used with testosterone, Nandrolone or any other injectable drugs, which grow quite rapidly fills muscle mass and water. This ligament is used to the fact that the muscles get better.

During drying Turinabol can be used with Stanozolol (preferably injected) to less loading the liver. Naturally, in any bundle Turinabol Dosage should be somewhat less than when used solo.

Specific Turinabol drugs

Somewhere I read that there is an injectable Turinabol. But in Russia it or not occur or is extremely rare. Therefore, we will consider only the tablet form.

In general, this drug is 2 times more expensive than methane. Therefore, as a rule, those who want "cheap and cheerful", choose Methane. However, we must not forget that the draining mass (rollback), after completion of the course at Turinabol is much less than that of methane (and sometimes non-existent).

Here I want to give 3 firms, drugs which are quite common in Russia. And all of these firms are already fairly well established, and the cost of them is about the same.

«Turinabol-zhengzhou» Chinese firm «Zhengzhou Pharmaceuticals».
«Turanabol» «Balkan Pharmaceuticals» Balkan company. «Turinaver» Moldovan company «Vermodje».

By the way, a small minus Turinabol is that it is easy and often counterfeited. Lay instead Turinabol normal Methandienone than the declining production costs in half. And if you from the "Turinabol" suddenly began to fill with water, then you know it is methane.


In general, I can say, is good preparation. It will be appreciated by those who are not chasing quick results and takes care of his health. More recently it has been difficult to obtain in Russia, and he was not as widespread as it is now. But lately, it is rapidly gaining momentum. Especially among weightlifters and power-lifters.
If you want to try a solo Turinabol, start to start to take 2 tablets 2 times a day for 1 - 1.5 months. I think that 4 kg of muscle you escalate. And it's not so little. Given that almost all of them will remain with you after the course. Only it is desirable that at the time of course you had a girlfriend. And that hand will be erased)).

Expert Opinion – Dr. Doping

This article describes the features of the application Turinabol to build muscle. Despite the fact that this drug was originally used mainly in athletics, today it is actively used in power sports. In my opinion, Turinabol is a really effective drug with minimal side effects, what is the focus in this article.

Earlier in our country, it almost was not, but he is no less common than Methandienone. Of course, Turinabol is more than twice as much methane. But on Turinabol hardly celebrated mass pullback after the reception, which distinguishes it from Methandienone. In this article, the trade name given Turinabol, commercially available in our country.

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