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Turinabol - Frequently Asked Questions 2

20 Oct 2016

Q. Please tell me whetherpossible to take Oxandrolone and Turinabol together, or better separate the different courses, which should be a break between courses? What is the optimal dosage and duration of the course?

And what other drugs you can take for strength, endurance, speed, not injected with minimal side?
woman, 22 years old, CrossFit, weightlifting.

A. You can take a course of Oxandrolone and Primobolan. The course is 7 weeks. The break should be 2-3 months.

Q. I finished the first course of Turinabol solo at 40mg per day + 6kg gained) in how many days I can repeat the same course with the same dosages, or the second year need to increase the dosage?

A. No dose of Turinabol no need to increase. It can be repeated after a month. Please add some Meldonium to heart support.

Q. Tell me whether it makes sense to take Turinabol and Proviron together ??

A. Yes, it makes sense to use Turinabol and Proviron together.

Q. I have a question, what steroids do not cover the growth areas?

A. Primobolan and Oxandrolone do not cover the Growth areas.

Q. height 167, weight 77, 29 years (max weight, p-150, C-190, F-120), never know, but there are fat, like dry. recommends Turinabol + Stanozolol, but read that stanozolol is recommended who have chronic prostatitis, there will be enough of one Turinabol? or tell me how to better dosage and FCT. Thank you very much in advance!

A. Yes, Turinabol would be enough. take 50 mg of Turinabol per day. Add some Clomid pips

Q. I serve in the army, I want to gain lean muscle mass, I have been on the horizontal bar, parallel bars and run ..... Advise me what can I buy ?! They say Turinabol is well suited.

A. Yes you can take Turinabol. Add some Riboxin, Phenotropil and some peptides complex to your training.

Q. Please tell me, now I drink Stanozolol. I sit on a carbohydrate-free diet. I want to connect more Turinabol. Does it make sense? Thank you

A. There is no sense in Turinabol. You can add some injections Trenbolon or Testosterone.

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