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Truth Serum

14 Dec 2016

I'll tell you about the method, which was used in Soviet psychiatry. I missed it, so you have to enjoy the lectures, which we read in refresher courses on psychopharmacology. It will focus on amytal -caffeine disinhibition. Or a truth serum as drug was nicknamed.

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First, a few words about why this method of general psychiatrists was needed. There are situations in which the really important to know what actually thinks and what the patient says nothing. Especially the patient with delirium, which he carefully hides - they say, you only tell you how to be delighted as devour! Or of the subject on the stationary forensic psychiatric examination, which has committed a serious offense, and we need to understand his motives, and man is silent, as a partisan or lying like this ... which is the gray. Or, in cases where the same person has committed a serious offense by virtue of illness (for delusional reasons, or under the influence of command hallucinations) already assigned compulsory treatment, and after a while you need to find out whether or not managed to achieve stable remission and possible treatment change to outpatient or friend just cleverly hides the symptoms.

I will not evaluate the ethical side of this process: here, if desired, you can always find a lot of arguments "for" and "against." Just this method existed, it was used, it gave its results, and it should be mentioned, if we consider the history of psychiatry and psychopharmacology: from the song words can not erase.

Now about the technique. Used for its conduct amobarbital sodium in combination with caffeine. amobarbital sodium - a barbiturate, barbituric acid derivative, a series of tools that have been used once as sedatives and hypnotics, but for several reasons, including the effect of addiction have been replaced by a more secure means. However, still used his close relatives - benzonal, phenobarbital and sodium thiopental, but the purpose of their use is quite different. Caffeinated all familiar, it needs no introduction. To cope with stress buy Phenibut, Phenylpiracetam, Phenazepam and Amitriptyline.

Dosage and application of technology do not give - to avoid. Anyway, if anyone finds out - it is not from me.

The effect looks similar to intoxication: euphoria develops after a few minutes, and the patient is willing to talks, answering questions. Including those that before answering, and not going. Surrounding it no longer perceives hostile, and so many facts and ideas, as well as plans and intentions, which he had previously concealed now sets out freely. At the end of the procedure, typically sleep occurs.

There is evidence that caffeine-amytal disinhibition are also used to work with heavy and prolonged neurosis - in order to get the patient to open up, and in this state to conduct psychotherapy. Again, I did not find the use of this technique, so it's difficult to judge how effective was like therapy.

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