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16 Jan 2017

Drug is a complex of live lactobacilli of types L.acidophilus, L.casei, L.plantarum and products of their metabolism - enzymes, vitamins, organic acids and antibiotikopodobny bonds (a lysozyme, Hydrogenium peroxide, bacteriocines).

Content of lactobacilli not less than 1õ10 in 9, WHICH. (1 ml of drug supports 1 billion live lactobacilli) the Multispecific complex of lactobacilli shows the expressed antagonichesky activity concerning a wide range of pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms, has the stimulating effect on immune system and has antitumoral activity.

Lactobacilli actively participate in processes of digestion and an absorption, stimulate an intestine peristalsis, participate in removal of toxins, acting as "a natural biosorbent", accumulating bonds of metals, Phenolums, formic aldehydes causing changes in immune system. Doesn't contain genetically modified strains of microorganisms.

Treatment and prophylactic action

Lactobacilli are an important component of a constant microflora of the person; meet throughout digestive tract and make normal from 7 to 10% of total of bacteria of an intestine, are a part of a microflora of an oral cavity and are an important component of microflora of a genital tract of women; have ability to produce substances with antibacterial activity which inhibit body height of harmful organisms including pathogenic mushrooms and viruses, promote destruction of pathogenic bacteria; participate in synthesis of irreplaceable amino acids, vitamins of group B, ascorbic acid, increasing thereby fastness of an organism to adverse factors of the external environment. You can also like Renisamin.

Lactobacilli of the drug "Trilakt" have high biological and functional activity, exert the normalizing impact at disturbances of bakteries of a female genital tract, and positive influence on a human body in general, actively showing the following properties:

  • actively participate in processes of digestion and an absorption; stimulate an intestine peristalsis;
  • increase comprehensibility of proteins;
  • promote removal of toxins;
  • synthesize vitamins of group B, K, a biotin, Riboflavinum, folic and ascorbic acids;
  • produce lactic acid and bacteriocines (natural antbiotik) which inhibit body height of pathogenic and keep quantity of opportunistic microbes at the safe level;
  • have immunomodulatory and antitumoral effect;
  • participate in synthesis of irreplaceable amino acids (tryptophan) and Histaminum;
  • regulate a metabolism of bile acids, cholesterol;
  • stimulate reproduction of bifidobacteria;
  • the raised aerogenesis, flatulence of an intestine and disorder of chair warn.

Route of administration and doses

Before the use to stir up vial. "Trilact" accept 2 times a day. The adult the single dose of a daily dose is possible. Accept in 30 minutes prior to food, washing down with a small amount of water. At a stomach hyperoxemia, emergence of heartburn drug is accepted in time or after food, washing down with alkaline mineral water.

Vaginalno: To apply 3-5 ml of medicine on a surface of the tampon impregnated with warm boiled water and to enter into a vagina for 4-8 hours. The recommended rate of 10-12 days. Interaction with other medicines: In case of antibacterial therapy to accept from the first day of treatment, in 2-3 hours after acceptance of an antibiotic. For achievement of the best therapeutic effect we recommend to conduct a course of acceptance together with liquid medicine – Bifidum BAGH.


Idiosyncrasy of components of medicine.

Expiration date and storage conditions

Store within 3 months in the refrigerator at a temperature of (4+2)0C. In case of storage serum peeling is possible. Before opening to stir up a bottle. 1 packaging - 10 bottles on 12 ml

Dosage (1 teaspoon contains 5 ml of drug): To children from 18 months to 12 years – 2-3 ml a day in 30 minutes prior to or after food; To Adults and children 12 years - 3-5 ml a day in 30 minutes prior to or after food are more senior.

Recommended duration of reception of 14-21 days.

It is rectal: At diseases of a large intestine it is effective to enter 3-5 ml of the drug divorced in 50 ml of warm water, microclyster. The recommended course of 10-12 days.

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