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03 Nov 2016

Trenbolone (Parabolan, Tren, Finadzhekt, Finapleks is also known under trademarks) - the powerful anabolic steroid used earlier in veterinary science for the purpose of increase in muscle bulk and appetite of the cattle. Trenbolone isn't applied to increase in duration of action in an initial type, as a rule esterified derivatives are used: trenbolone acetate (with the smallest duration of action), trenbolone enantat and trenbolone cyclohexylmethylcarbonate and hexahydrobenzylcarbonate. After introduction in a muscle trenbolone air gradually decays a plasma lipase, providing long intake of active agent in blood. Possesses powerful anabolic action, however has many side effects therefore isn't the best choice.

Trenbolone acetate - one of the most popular forms of medicine (trademarks: Trenbol-100, Finapliks, Finapleks, Finadzhekt, Finadzhet). Trenbolone acetate has the short period of semi-destruction therefore it is entered every day. The effective dose constitutes about 50 mg daily or 100 mg every other day.

Trenbolone Trenolone

Trenbolone cyclohexylmethylcarbonate or trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate - trademark Parabolan, differs in long action - up to one and a half weeks. Long time trenbolone the cyclohexylmethylcarbonate and hexahydrobenzylcarbonate were absent in the market, and all existing medicines under the name of Parabolan were counterfeits. Now the situation with a large number of counterfeits remains, however the official version - Parabolan from Balkan Pharm (Moldova) is released. Injections become once a week, or time in 10 days though it is better to break a week dose into two injections to reduce differences of concentration of medicine in blood. An effective dose - 300 mg a week (200mg-300mg in a combination with other medicines). You can use Hypoxen too.

Trenbolone enantat is the form of medicine is similar in pharmacological properties to previous. Trenbolone enantat has the long period of action - about 10 days. Injections are carried out 1-2 times a week. An effective dose - 300 mg a week.

Steroid profile

Trenbolone has high similarity to androgenic receptors, the capability of binding exceeds by 4-5 times that at testosterone. It caused high anabolic activity of medicine. Trenbolone is one of the strongest steroids on a capability to increase power indicators and muscle bulk. In too time it affects the frequency of side effects which probability of origin is enough a bike, especially in case of incorrectly constituted rates.

Trenbolone purchased the popularity mainly because it isn't capable to be flavored in estrogen under the influence of aromatasia; according to analyses there can be an opinion that it provokes raising of an estradiol in blood (effect much less at hexahydrobenzylcarbonate), however this wrong judgment since testosterone metabolites in analyses can be designated as эстодиол. It doesn't deprive of it such side effects as ginekomastia and accumulating of liquid which are generally shown at the expense of progestin activity.

Trenbolone suppresses products of own testosterone, at the expense of a feedback mechanism and progesteron activity (which can provoke ginekomastia). It pours out in such side effects as decrease a libido, a sluggish erection and an atrophy of testicles.

Trenbolone is 19-nor derivative testosterone that does it similar with nandrolon concerning progestin activity. Trenbolone is capable to contact progesteron receptors that in rare instances leads to a ginekomastia, to decrease in a libido (a sound board - it is wild), this property is expressed not strongly.

Detection time - up to 5 months.

Effects of trenbolone

Increase in muscle bulk (to 10 kg for 8 week rate of trenbolone)

Increase in power indicators

Can raise a libido and a potentiality, however also the boomerang effect can be observed (or this effect can not be shown at all)

Increases the level of insulinopodobny factor of growth by 200%

Trenbolone promotes combustion of fat as independently, and due to growth hormone secretion stimulation

Reduces the level of cortisol

Trenbolone – side effects

  • Most often during a course of trenbolone side effects are possible: sleeplessness, high arterial pressure, the increased aggression, an acne, baldness, the raised skin oiliness, etc.
  • Decrease a libido, a sluggish erection ("Attention" is very frequent during a rate) is possible (however it is shown individually: at someone it can be shown, at someone isn't present, and also the boomerang effect) and an atrophy of testicles in connection with considerable suppression of products of testosterone is seldom or never possible. "Attention" Is prevented by entering of gonadotrophin and cabergolin.
  • Toxic influence on kidneys - is absent. This imaginary side effect of trenbolone is a consequence of the fact that urine during a rate is painted in red color by the removed metabolites that mistakenly is understood by some athletes as a sign of damage of kidneys.
  • Toxic influence on a liver isn't proved in moderate doses.
  • Androgenic effects are shown seldom, estrogen/progestin are almost always absent.
  • The risk of undesirable reactions increases if trenbolone is combined with Klenbuterol or Ephedrine.


Most of handicraft producers use for production of the brands of trenbolone veterinary medicine Revalor or his analogs. It is used for sagination of animals before slaughter. Revalor contains 80-200 mg of trenbolone of acetate and 8-24 mg of estradiol depending on the version. For this reason the estrogenovykh of side effects is often reported about development: ginekomastiya, hypostases, etc. For elimination of these symptoms the blocker the estrogen of receptors toremifen is used.

Trenbolone course

The general rule for all steroids - the is more powerful medicine, the it is more than side effects, well is suitable for Trenbolone. The safest rate of trenbolone is under construction as follows:

  • Don't exceed recommended dosages (Trenbolone acetate - 50 mg a day, Trenbolone enantat and B'day - 300 mg a week)
  • Begin acceptance with the minimum dose to check shipping (possibly emergence of negative reactions which will demand interruption of a cycle).
  • Duration of a rate is no more than 5-6 weeks without application of gonadotrophin.
  • Post course therapy is carried out 2 weeks later after entering of the last injection when medicine is almost completely removed from an organism, or in 2-3 days if acetate was entered. It is applied clomid or toremifen according to the standard scheme PCT. Tamoxifen isn't recommended as strengthens progestin side effects of trenbolone.
  • For recovery of products of testosterone, begin acceptance of the testosteron booster since the beginning of the last week of a rate and continue it to accept 3-4 weeks.
  • For maximum efficiency of a rate accept a complex of sports food for a set of muscle bulk and keep to a diet for a set of muscle bulk.
  • Surely consult with the doctor before acceptance for an exception of contraindications.
  • It is recommended to accept testosterone in the minimum dose 250mg/week to have the normal physiological level of testosterone.

Combined trenbolone courses

For a set of muscle bulk there is no special need for trenbolone combination with other medicines. During a rate of drying it is recommended to combine trenbolone with Vinstrol or Anavar. In this case use half dosages of each medicine. Duration of the combined rate - up to 8 weeks. Anti-estrogen isn't required.

Professional course

As is well-known professional cycles almost always combined. Dosages for acetate are given in the listed examples.

The dose of medicine reaches 100 mg, every other day (especially for precompetitive preparation in bodybuilding). In case of a set of muscle bulk the rate joins testosterone enantat in a dose of 250 mg a week; use of nandrolon is allowed in 200 mg, but it isn't recommended (you shouldn't combine progestin medicines on a rate) because negative progestin effects increase (a sound board - is wild (a sluggish erection), ginekomastia). Duration of a cycle can reach 10-15 weeks. It is necessary to notice that similar approach is hazardous to health.

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