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Training between steroid rates

16 Jan 2017

The reasons of change of training

Sooner or later the cycle of acceptance of steroids comes to an end, power results fall, the look in a mirror doesn't please. And then inevitably there is a question - that needs to be done as much as possible to keep the results achieved by means of steroids. This article answers this question from the point of view of planning of training process after a steroid rate.

It is possible to find information on various methods of an exit from a rate in the sports literature which is available now AS (anabolic steroids) with the minimum losses. But very little where the detailed attention is paid to creation of training process during rest from steroids, and it is at least important factor in fight for preserving the results achieved on a rate in the weight and force. Most often the banal recommendation to train less and less often sounds, it is final so, but many it "is less and less often" perceive in different quantitative and high-quality value. This article contains the generalized experience of a training after a rate the EXPERT of many training athletes. First of all, it is necessary to understand and reconcile to the fact that "kickback" after a rate is inevitable. And, than the training and "chemical" years of service are higher, especially the kickback is expressed. Beginners in steroid rates sustain the minimum losses and therefore are complete of enthusiasm in the plans to gain huge muscle bulk literally for several rates, without knowing what with each rate "in case of itself" will remain less and less. Therefore many also don't push luck practicing a continuous rate, doing several insignificant breaks (2-4 weeks) within a year. Thus, this article most likely will be interesting only to those who prefers the "classical" scheme of creation of steroid cycles - 2-3 cycles long 2-3 months during an annual period. Why actually there is such sharp collapse of muscle bulk within several weeks after cancellation the EXPERT, and so sharp that changes in a constitution become directly noticeable to people around which for some reason surely begin to note the fact of your "blowing off". Among many reasons most important and the most decisive sharp prevalence in an organism, during this period, glucocorticoid hormone of cortisol is.

Cortisol is the main catabolic hormone in our organism and the strongest opponent of anabolic hormones, such as testosterone, insulin and hormone of growth. During any stress cortisol in a large number arrives from adrenal glands in blood from where gets to all body tissues, destroying proteinaceous structures, a glycogen and fatty inventories there. The connections destroyed by cortisol arrive in a liver where from them glucose which goes for ensuring energy needs of an organism is produced. It is the main function of this hormone - provision of energy. The stress is more severe, the to more organism it is necessary for energy that to resist to this stress and the more cortisol will be developed to provide power supply process. The most unpleasant for us in it are two circumstances:

- a catabolism of muscular tissue in the energy purposes in case of all types of a stress – amino acids will rather easily be transformed to glucose in the course of so-called gluconeogenesis.

- the training with weights is one of types of a stress which intensively starts gluconeogenesis process.

From here becomes clear that trainings in the hall under certain circumstances can appear not only the tool for accumulation of muscle bulk and force, but the instrument of their destruction. And so, intensive trainings against the background of the raised cortisol level after a course of "chemistry" are also those circumstances which turn trainings into the instrument of destruction! Besides it is necessary to consider that work with the submaximum and maximum scales, and also with emphasis on a negative phase causes microdamages of muscle fibers which during the period will have to be restored somehow in guaranteed hostile catabolic environment. Believe, each such training us will do less and less, and as a result it will turn out that it will be more favorable not to train month at all, than to train intensively. We will keep more muscles. Though for many of us it will be psychologically heavy not to go to the hall so long. The reason for which we receive incredibly high level of cortisol after the termination of a course is that one of properties of anabolic steroids is their ability to join cortisol receptors (which are very similar on structure to androgenic), without giving thus the chance to molecules of free cortisol to join the receptors intended for them and to call the cascade of biochemical reactions including a catabolism in fabrics. Accepting anabolic steroids we reduce scales of the catabolism caused by cortisol. But our organism is difficult self-regulating system which tries to adapt to everything. Seeing that the cortisol allocated to them doesn't result in the necessary results - to essential strengthening of gluconeogenesis, by a catabolism of fats, a glycogen and proteins, he increases even more secretion of cortisol, as a result the quantity of cortisol in blood increases repeatedly and if the cortisol receptors which aren't occupied with anabolic steroids, our muscles would begin to thaw in the eyes, losing the amino acids which will turn in a liver into glucose. After the termination of course EXPERT the quantity of androgens in blood sharply decreases and receptors of cortisol are from this point ready to interaction with the hormone of cortisol which is directly intended for them which at this moment in blood there is a lot of. Excessively increased concentration of cortisol in blood will remain after course AAS not less than one month, transport proteins (albumine and globulins) transferring the cortisol allocated with adrenal glands during a course won't collapse yet. You can try Testalamin.

The greatest ability to join receptors of a hydrocortisone testosterone (all its Aethers) and metandienon has, their reception leads to essential depression of a catabolism, but also at the same time promotes very high rise in level of a hydrocortisone in a blood and for this reason the courses constructed on the basis of these active agents lead to strongest "kickback" after their termination. It is possible to build of course the courses on the basis of turinabolum, trenbolone, stanozolol, boldenon, but in this case it is necessary to approach after careful consideration drawing up the training program, not to make mistakes in a diet and in general to consider many factors. Drugs with low androgenic activity don't forgive methodical and dietary mistakes, but we that don't stop making them and as a result either green beginners, or very experienced athletes are able to afford to achieve more or less noticeable body height. Therefore we have what we have - we raise the weight and force on "test" and "methane", and then we fight for their conservation. Let's return to a subject of trainings. As showed researches, the training with intensity is higher than average and lasting more than half an hour promotes rise in level of a hydrocortisone in a blood, sometimes it can rise to 500% from initial, besides the quantity of catecholamins (an adrenaline and Noradrenalinum) which are also possessing catabolic action increases, and the quantity of testosterone and insulin against the background of a training is on the contrary guaranteed decreases. In a restoration phase secretion of testosterone rises to the level exceeding pretraining (approximately days later), and then comes back to initial level, that is to normal for physiology of concrete organism.However, by this time concentration of cortisol in blood though will become slightly lower than the level which was directly after the training, but nevertheless still remains raised, and at daily trainings and will remain considerably high. "On a course" we didn't pay attention to these jumps of levels of hormones as have artificially created an anabolic environment, favorable for themselves, and here out of a course, and especially right after his termination, increase in secretion of catabolic hormones in response to trainings will have very important value. We have to build training process so that not to cause physical activities of excessively high secretion of cortisol because the quantity of cortisol in blood and is so increased as a result of reception cancellation the EXPERT, and it is necessary to repeat loading when the level of cortisol which has jumped up as a result of a training goes down to more or less acceptable level. From here has also arisen "less and less often". At the same time it is necessary to know that cortisol begins to be allocated in blood not right after the beginning of a training. Originally transition of an organism from a condition of rest in the mode of readiness for an extreme situation is carried out by means of hormone of the adrenaline relating to catecholamines. Adrenaline intensifies all functions of an organism including activating gluconeogenesis, but isn't so strong as cortisol, and after a while, trying to save resources of system, the human body switches to ensuring power supply by means of cortisol. Time of such transition depends on many factors including from volume and from intensity of loading, but approximately to the expiration of 30 minutes from the beginning of a training secretion of cortisol will be quite accepted and not menacing.

Now we will pass to concrete schemes of a training. What is "less"? It is less very little, it on the present isn't enough. If the athlete carried out on legs ten approaches of a press legs and will reduce the number of approaches to five whether there will be it less? Will be, but if at the same time he does in each approach only a half from possible number of repetitions! That is, to work without straining. There is other option – to execute only two approaches or even one, but the number of repetitions will be greatest possible for this weight. In the first case loading turns out more volume, but each approach doesn't cause essential falling of level of glucose in blood that doesn't cause strong increase in secretion of cortisol, cortisol begins to be allocated in blood when falling level of glucose below a certain level. Pauses between approaches shouldn't be such small that the last approach was negative, at the same number of repetitions, as the previous approaches. It is not system "10 on 10", it on the present the easy, not exhausting training. This scheme of performance of exercises reminds the initial stage of a power cycle in powerlifting. After the competitions or after completion of the next training cycle, troyeborets significantly reduce weight in the main movements to 50-60% of a maximum and work with them in the range of 5-8 repetitions though could make also 15-20. During this initial stage just many also stop acceptance the EXPERT, connecting them only in one and a half-two months prior to competitions or peak of a power cycle. It turns out that transition from maximum loads to lungs is directly connected with the termination and a steroid cycle as to train with such low intensity and to accept steroids there is no sense, and thanks to small and short loadings powerlifters practically don't notice recession of force and working capacity. In the second case loading is more intensive, but the amount of this loading is very small, one or two approaches on muscular group and everything, we pass to another. Only it is not the Heavy duty system of Mike Menttser. There is no need to come to the peak of intensity in the unique approach, but one muscular group should be trained more often than once for a week cycle, in it the scheme offered below will remind rather training from Doggcrapp. It is possible to combine the first and second scheme of accomplishment of exercises on different muscular groups, for example for some for a breast it is enough to execute one intensive approach, and on legs will be to make three approaches on ten repetitions more effectively with a weight which could be made everything 20. Accomplishment of such small amount of approaches will allow minimizing stressful impact on an organism during the period after the termination of a rate of "chemistry" and at the same time will be sufficient to support the acquired earlier sports results.

Approximate program 1

Warm-up isn't specified, it should be carried out in the scheme, habitual for itself, only working approaches are specified.

Day 1. Leg-breast-biceps.

  • Squat with a bar 3Õ8
  • Press of a bar lying on an inclined bench 1õ8-10
  • Cultivation of dumbbells on a horizontal bench 1õ10-12
  • Raising of dumbbells on a biceps serially 2õ10

Day 2. Back-shoulders-triceps.

  • Pulling up by the wide successful fellow 1õ10-12
  • Draft of a bar in an inclination 2õ6-8
  • Costing a press of a bar because of the head 1õ10-15
  • Cultivation of dumbbells in the parties 1õ10
  • Californian press 2õ10

Day 3. Leg-breast-biceps.

  • Press legs 1õ15-20
  • Gakk-prised 1õ12-15
  • Press of dumbbells in an inclination 1õ10
  • Push-ups on bars with emphasis on a breast 1õ10
  • Rise on a biceps on Scot's bench 2õ10

Day 4. Back-shoulders-triceps.

  • Draft of the block narrow reverse grip 1õ10
  • Draft of two dumbbells in an inclination 2õ8-10
  • Press of dumbbells sitting 1õ8-10
  • Cultivation of dumbbells in an inclination 1õ10-12
  • Press from top to bottom on the block 2õ10
  • And the cycle is repeated again.

Explanations to the program

- If not to stir between approaches, then each training will easily be located in 35 minute period. If it isn't possible to execute a training during this time, so too much time leaves on rest. The maximum number of approaches for a training turns out 7 if to have a rest after each 2 minutes, then the general time of rest between approaches will take 14 minutes, the rest of the time precisely will be enough for performance of working approaches and warm-up, considering that time of performance of each approach will hardly exceed 30 seconds.

- Between trainings 1-2 days of full rest, on health if rates of a catabolism rather strong, then breaks between trainings have to be not less than 2 days, and even all 3 days.

- The press and calves during the period doesn't make sense to train, during this period of a muscle all the same won't grow, and the catabolism due to the lack of loadings doesn't threaten a press and calves as they and it is so constant under loading.

- Trainings on days of the week can be placed as follows, put 1 Monday, day 2 Wednesdays, day 3 Fridays, day 4 Mondays of the next week, etc. tying trainings to concrete days of the week (Monday, Wednesday, Friday). It is not the tough scheme, it is always possible to add one day of rest or on the contrary, to hold the 4th training to revival, the current week, but not on Monday following, but it is desirable that between trainings there was an interval not less than 48 hours.

It is possible to pass to the program right after the termination of a rate, or in advance within the last weeks of a rate if that terminates on "light" medicines.

- Approximately in 1.5-2 months it is possible to increase amount of loadings, having added working approaches and (or) exercises. And many will be able to begin to progress according to this program, especially if to begin to increase gradually the number of repetitions in those exercises which were carried out not to a limit.

- The arsenal of exercises can be changed, choosing for itself the most effective, but nevertheless to experienced athletes who pay much attention to quality of muscles, it is desirable to alternate them to each training to influence muscles under different corners, and here the young athletes gaining lump can be limited in general to trainings of days 1i 2, carrying out them serially.

Program 2

Here even more radical program in respect of sparing and sheaves that is useful for those, who after a rate have pain in case of accomplishment of heavy exercises:

Day 1. Legs shoulders

  • Press legs 2õ15-20
  • Press in Smith sitting before itself 2õ10-12

Day 2. Back triceps

  • Pulling up by the wide successful fellow 1hMAKS
  • Thirst of dumbbells for a belt in an inclination with a support a breast about a bench 2õ10
  • Press lying the narrow successful fellow 2õ10-12

Day 3. Breast biceps

  • Bar press in an inclination 2õ10-12
  • Serial raising of dumbbells on a biceps sitting 2õ10-12

Explanations to the program.

- This program is calculated for the first one or one and a half months after a rate, further, if the catabolism stopped, it is possible to begin to add gradually training amount, or to increase its intensity due to accomplishment of approaches to a limit, but all the same not before complete refusal that is if you aren't able independently to execute the following repetition, then and it isn't necessary to begin it. Between trainings one complete day of rest, trainings short on time.


Unfortunately, the increased cortisol level after acceptance cancellation the EXPERT is not the unique reason of a collapse of results. It is necessary to realize really that anabolism level in case of acceptance of hormones from the outside 10 times more what the own hormones produced by an organism can give us. If we gained 6 kg of weight and on 20 kg of force in the main basic movements for one rate, at the same time accepting in total 1500 mg of steroids a week, then unless it is possible to hold everything gathered, only natural secretion of testosterone equal pathetic 40 mg a week. Unless it is possible to be recovered with the natural level of testosterone which is thirty times less than what we have "on a rate" also successfully after 12 approaches on a breast for a seven-day period? I think, the answer is obvious. Without a doubt, amount and intensity of a training shall correspond to our level of recovery opportunities. Refusing acceptance of steroids, it is necessary to refuse also the training program which was "on a rate". Also it isn't necessary to amuse itself with illusions that acceptance of gonadotrophin, anti-estrogen, tribulus, klenbuterola, insulin and various nutritional supplements will allow to train with the same intensity and with the same amount.

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