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Train the brain

18 Dec 2016

Many have to open our eyes to what we can see, studying the brain. We all have to deal with this. How can we understand ourselves, if we can not understand your own brain? After all, our brains - we, our essence itself, of course I do.

For example, personality change, if the brain is damaged. If the cerebellum ceases to function, we lose control over all impulses and uncontrolled will go from tears to laughter. If you cease to operate parietal lobe, we forget our names, and our body becomes a stranger to us.
In the temporal lobe of the brain has a center of anger and fear, which may cause us to pour insults. But we have also a frontal lobe that can stop us and force count to ten.

If you are able to train so as to direct the explosion of feelings circumferential path of the cerebral cortex, you can focus on how to soothe a guilty man. You can buy olnine Semax.

Train your brain every day
Knowledge about the brain will help you see the outline of how to influence it in diseases such as depression and in a completely normal everyday situations.
For example, it may be useful to know that the brain has a tendency to prefer short-term instead of long-term benefit.
If you want to get the job done, it's very good time to promise the brain reward from time to time

On weekdays, you do not have the time to carefully read a good book? But you know that the training should start?

Then upload this book in electronic audio book and listen to it during a training run, so you will get an immediate "reward." This means that at the same time you upload to the brain dopamine reward substance.

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