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Toothache pain killer – Next painkiller for toothache

21 Mar 2017


Toothache or odontalgiya, it is a signal of our body that with oral is not all right. Soreness can occur suddenly and vary in intensity. Sometimes odontalgiya is so strong that without the help of medication for toothache can neither eat nor sleep, nor work. Therefore, the appearance of the unpleasant symptoms you need to turn to the dentist as soon as possible.

Toothache pain killer, best painkiller

What causes toothache

The appearance odontalgii often cause various dental diseases such as caries, periodontitis, pulpitis, as well as other changes, for example, exposure of dentin, cracks in the teeth, gums or tooth trauma during treatment. But there are times when the appearance of pain is the result of trigeminal neuralgia, sinus inflammation, cluster headaches, acute otitis media, and others. To suspect the true cause of a toothache can be by its nature.

Tooth decay is the gradual destruction of the tooth enamel to root. The pain in these cases may be of a periodic nature and appear as a reaction to cold, hot, acidic foods. If time does not cure tooth odontalgiya can disturb at every meal or to accompany the person all the time, indicating that it is necessary to take urgent measures in addition to use painkillers.

Periodontitis occurs due to inflammation of the tissues of the tooth apex and is characterized by constant aching and throbbing pain. Suspected periodontitis may also be in such obvious signs like swelling of the gums and loosening of teeth.

Pulpitis is the result of inflammation of the "flesh" of the tooth due to the penetration of pathogens through a crack in the enamel, or cavities. The pain may be of a different character from acute paroxysmal to constant nagging that is usually worse at night.

Exposure of the dentine, t. E. A yellowish layer under the enamel in the tooth neck area accompanied by bouts odontalgii in the use of cold or sweet foods, as well as inhalation of icy air.
Gum disease such as gingivitis and periodontitis, are inflammatory in nature and apart from dental pain accompanied by bleeding gums.

The drug for toothache
Unfortunately, when a toothache is not always possible for several hours to be in the dentist chair. Odontalgiya may be surprised in any situation, to break all the plans and significant impact on health. In order to temporarily relieve the state of waiting for doctor's reception, you can take the medicine for a toothache - analgesic drug a wide range of NEXT. This combined analgesic, which thanks to its member components - paracetamol and ibuprofen - affects various mechanisms of pain. That is why the remedy for toothache NEXT has a pronounced analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effect. Thus, the modern drug toothache NEXT helps to quickly cope with odontalgiey different origin and to return to the habitual rhythm of life!

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