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To drink or not to drink? That is the question

30 May 2017

Dr. Doping told whether the "Drinkday" is really only the first step towards the disease and why authoritarian parents with the slogan "do it all themselves" can cause the future alcoholism of their children.

"Attention, a question! How does a Russian person relieve stress? Well, yes, yes, he misses a glass, then another glass. A whole layer of culture is built, which began with the fact that "Russian heroes were drinking honey". But "heroes are not you" and before our very eyes the curve of alcoholism is growing ever faster. And more and more myths are born of this primordially Russian evil.

My friend, a successful businessman, regularly says: "Well, let's have a bun and she'll fix it herself." Or: "It is necessary to drink, thoughts will run happier". In Russia "drinking determines consciousness." This is an axiom. And even the word "alcoholism" causes laughter, but in vain. This is a chronic disease. Dependence, get rid of which by effort of will is simply unreal. In addition to the pathological craving for alcohol, it is characterized by the need to take the substance in addition to ease the condition. But why does such an addiction arise?

The theory of transactional analysis asserts that every person has a parental status, an adult and a child. "Parental" status often depresses "childish", a person is uncomfortable when he wants, but can not get acquainted or chat with someone. Some people, for example, can not enter into communication without drinking alcohol. Alcohol is used as a means of removing "parental" control.

Why, after drinking, a person often wants a "feat": to sing, to perform certain actions, which he would never have done in a sober way? The first thing that alcohol does is remove the inner critic. How many times have we seen a drunken man behave like a big child. His emotions are disinhibited, he allows himself what he can not do sober.

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Often, those who could not take off the parental pressure, whose personality it suppressed, come to this bait. In this case, the authoritarian parent can become the cause of alcoholism in the future. Complicated relationships in the family are the cause of addiction. And in a family where alcohol is the norm, the likelihood of raising an alcoholic is higher. Often I speak about this strict parents-businessmen who bring up their children in an atmosphere of "do it yourself".

But this is not the worst evil. Strongly worse, when in the morning after "abuse" pulls to improve health. Every self-respecting boss has at least a small mini-bar. And it is not surprising, because since the evening of the event, after which the buffet. And, they say, we know: "Nedopoy worse than drinking."

One of the former colleagues, did not communicate with journalists and visitors in the morning, if not "corrected" health. But if there is a need to become drunk, then the dependence has already formed. The notion that it is necessary to "take a little bit" to feel good and go to work is not a healthy lifestyle advice, it is a serious misconception.

It happens, of course, that this is vital, when there is no other way to relieve the terrible metabolic disorders. But this is when the person is on the verge. In other cases, in healthy people who do not have a disruption in the functioning of internal organs, there is no such need.

And what happens at the end of the week? All the channels that connect us to the outside world are called Friday. "Drinkday", "drunkard", "on the night from Friday to Monday". The network teems with pictures depicting the "separation" of office plankton "on Fridays. It is often asked if a person does not drink by drinking, but drinks, for example, on Fridays, is there a chance to become an alcoholic? There is.

Depending on the individual characteristics, the withdrawal syndrome may or may not form, but the probability is very high. The speed of its formation is also different. From two to three years to five eight. The longer a disease is formed, the less likely to be cured. Therefore, the habit of "yesterday was Wednesday, today is Monday" is better to forget. Otherwise, the next stage begins.

At the first stage of treatment from alcoholism, motivation is extremely important. When the patient addresses to the doctor from her and the conversation begins. Determine, for example, the losses that a patient will incur if he stops "abusing". And often in the example are films, and even cartoons. Funny, but even "Well, wait, for example." After all, a whole cultural layer was built on this in its time.

Often people simply do not realize the seriousness of the problem. Both I and my colleagues often hear "alcoholism is after all when drunken, foul-smelling people are lying around there." Lack of understanding is such protection. If a person realized what he was doing, he would not kill himself.

Often, relatives or friends - are co-dependent on the alcoholic, it is more difficult for them to help than the most dependent on the psychoactive substance. "She is cutting me, because I drink, or I drink, because she is sawing me." In this case, it is better to come to the party together.

It is important to remember that any person can be cured. Even if it is already at the third stage of alcoholism, when internal organs suffer, and stops taking alcohol, then gradually the recovery does happen. The truth is that it will take 5-8 years.

But if you are accustomed to pour with joy, with grief, after a quarrel, "stress relieve", with boredom, etc., then for any trifling occasion the habit can return. Therefore, counting on "magic" injections and pills is meaningless. We must seriously work with the brain. And this can only be done with a doctor.

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