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24 Oct 2016

Thyroxin (Levotiroksin, L-tiroksin, Tetrayodtironin, T4) — the main hormone of a thyroid gland. Tiroksin has low level of biological activity by means of special enzyme turns in an organism into more active form — triyodtironin. Thyroxin is applied in medicine for treatment of hypothyroidism, thyroxin is also widely used in bodybuilding to weight loss.

Tiroksin’s analogs

Cytover (T3) from Vermodje (a tablet on 50 mkg of N100)

Triyodtironin (T3) or liotironin is often applied to weight loss instead of a thyroxin, on the action mechanism they are almost identical. Triyodtironin is issued under trade names Tsitomel, Triakana and others. In the sports environment the brand Tsitover from Vermodje enjoys popularity. In drugstores of Russia to T3 it is unavailable.


What is the difference between T3 and T4

The thyroid gland excretes in the main T4 (thyroxine) - this hormone in itself has weak biological activity, however in tissues it is converted into more active T3 form (triyodtironin or a cytobank) by means of enzyme a selenium - a dependent monodeiodinase. The t3 in turn has the main biological effect. Thus, it is possible to consider T4 pro-hormone which in tissues turns into the main T3 hormone. Detailed description here.


On many resources, triyodtironin it is considered the best choice, however scientific data indicate the opposite. The quote from clinical pharmacology of Gudman, the last 12th edition of 2010 - the most authoritative book on pharmacology in the world:

Liothyronine is less desirable for chronic replacement therapy due to the requirement for more frequent dosing (plasma t1/2 = 0.75 days), higher cost, and transient elevations of serum T3 concentrations above the normal range. In addition, organs that express the type 2 deiodinase use the locally generated T3 in addition to plasma T3, and hence there is theoretical concern that these organs won't maintain physiological intracellular T3 levels in the absence of plasma T4.

Total we receive:

  • 1.T3 it is notable more expensively
  • 2.The t3 creates undesirable fluctuations of concentration
  • 3.Fabrics from deyodinazy use 2 types in addition triyodtironin which is formed of T4 in a cage. It means that the intratsellyulyarny T3 level in these fabrics will be lower even if concentration of a thyroxin will remain invariable (and in case of acceptance of medicine for combustion of fat it will become below a regulation). From any source it is possible to learn that in fatty tissue the deyodinaza 2 types is synthesized.
  • 4.According to messages of athletes, T4 has the smaller destroying effect on muscles.
  • 5.25-100 mkg/days of T3 are equivalent to ≈300 mkg/days of T4

Above From above the given arguments follows that thyroxin is more preferable to combustion of fat, at least by three criteria. In rare instances T4 shows low efficiency as against the background of a low-carbohydrate diet the level of its conversion of T3 decreases.


Thyroxin effects

  • Metabolism acceleration
  • Heat production strengthening
  • Combustion of fat
  • The stimulating effect on TsNS
  • Appetite suppression
  • Decrease in need for a dream
  • Increase in physical working capacity
  • By efficiency thyroxin exceeds the majority of the existing fat loss including pharmacological. Read in more detail: physiological action.

Side effects of thyroxin

  • Tachycardia (heartbeat), rising of arterial pressure - is eliminated with beta adrenoblockers
  • Osteoporosis
  • The diarrhea - is eliminated with a lope amide
  • Excitement
  • Sleeplessness
  • Muscular shiver
  • Dryness in a mouth
  • Sweating
  • Feeling of fever
  • Depression of function of a thyroid gland (arises at long courses and very high doses of a thyroxin, at the use of the recommended doses, function is restored in 3-4 weeks)
  • Allergic eruption
  • The detailed description of side effects can be found in the instruction. Consultation of the expert is also necessary for identification of contraindications.

Thyroxin for weight loss

Many women and bodybuilders resort to thyroxin use as means for weight loss. Thyroxin has powerful fat-burning effect, increases an expense of calories and accelerates metabolism. Its popularity decreased in connection with a negative impact on heart recently, thyroxin has adrenalin like effect, forcing heart to fight more often, and together with it causes feeling of nervousness and concern which aren't really well transferred.

However many side effects can be eliminated if to combine thyroxin and beta-blockers. Beta-blockers inhibit receptors by means of which thyroxin influences heart, thus, they prevent a negative impact of a thyroxin on heart, normalize a rhythm and reduce manifestation of some other side effects of thyroxin.

Many consider thyroxin can be irreversible to suppress function of an own thyroid gland, however in researches was shown that even high doses of medicine in 3 weeks of acceptance reduce secretion of own hormones only by 20%, at the same time in 4 weeks secretion returned to a regulation.

Benefits of thyroxin: high availability and efficiency. Shortcomings of thyroxin: rather large number of side effects, however it is possible to prevent many of them. Do not forget take Meldonium for better results.

How to accept thyroxin: course for weight loss

  • Begin reception of thyroxin with 50 mkg a day, 2 times a day (on 25 mkg) in the first half of day. Accept 25 mg of a metoprolol (a beta-blocker which removes an overload of heart and heartbeat) in the morning if pulse rate after a lunch is higher 70 per minute at rest, accept 25 more mg of a metoprolol.
  • Gradually increase a dose to 150-300 mkg a day, 3 times a day till 18:00. Increase a daily dose of Metoprolol to 100 mg (2 times a day on 50 mg). The dosage of a metoprolol is selected individually, so that pulse rate at rest was 60-70 per minute.
  • Lower a dose of a thyroxin if there were expressed ghost effects.
  • You track pulse rate if at rest the frequency of heartbeat is higher 80 - increase a dose of a metoprolol by 25 mg if pulse at rest is lower than 60 beats per minute, lower a dose of a metoprolol by 25 mg.
  • You track arterial pressure, it shan't be higher than 140/90 mm of mercury. Metoprolol allows to reduce arterial pressure.
  • Duration of course is 4-7 weeks.
  • Don't stop reception of thyroxin sharply: begin to reduce a dose in 2 weeks until the end of a cycle, continue step-by-step lowering before complete canceling.
  • If you had a diarrhea - include in course loperamide on 1-2 capsule a day.
  • The minimum break after the termination of course 3-4 weeks.
  • In case of origin of gravity in heart Asparkam in addition is better to add to Metoprolol. 4-6 tablets a day, partitioned into 2-3 receptions, after food. Also absolutely not superfluous will be to improve operation of heart the medicine Inosine. 2-4 tablets for once, 2-3 times a day. Inosine will improve a myocardium energy balance, and Asparkam will become a source of Potassium and Magnesium, necessary for maintenance of a normal warm rhythm.

Course clenbuterol + thyroxin + yokhimbin

This combination is used for weight loss of CYX3 from AxioLabs, and is one of the most powerful. It is possible to save significantly if to accept active agents separately. Outstanding performance of a complex is caused by what thyroxin (or òðèéîäòèðîíèí) is capable not only to accelerate independently metabolism and to start combustion of fat, but also to increase sensitivity of adrenoceptors through which work clenbuterol and yokhimbin.

The following combination of initial substances is accepted to one unit (unit):

Clenbuterol - 40 mkg

Thyroxin - 25 mkg

Yokhimbin - 5 mg (it is available in shops of sports food)

The dosage is multiple to the issued tableted forms of the mentioned medicines. It is possible to exclude from a complex yokhimbin if you have no opportunity to purchase it, at the same time dosages and the mode of acceptance of the medicines which remained 2kh will be former.

Recommended course rate:

day 1-3: 1 pieces.

day 4-6: 1,5 pieces.

day 7-9: 1 units in the morning, 1 unit after a lunch

day 10-12: 1,5 pieces.

day 13-15: 1 pieces.

day 16-19: 0,5 pieces.

day 20-21: 0, 25 pieces.

In the next three weeks it is recommended to give to an organism rest then the rate can be repeated. All substances are recommended to be accepted in 30 minutes prior to a breakfast, washing down with regular water.

"Attention" in case of a feverish condition is recommended acceptance of 1-2 mg of a ketotifen in the second half of day. It is necessary to apply beta-blockers to protection of heart and decrease in heart rate (metoprolol in a dose of 50 mg 2 times a day).

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