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The use of peptides

21 Aug 2017

Every athlete engaged in bodybuilding knows firsthand about the role of quality nutrition in creating a sculptured, muscular body. But, unfortunately, not all athletes who take peptide drugs adhere to the principles of type selection and dosage. Proper use of peptides is a whole science that allows you to achieve the ideal physical form without the slightest harm to health.

Basic rules for the use of peptides

Peptides used in sports pharmacology are structural compounds isolated in highly purified crystalline form. Their main purpose is to activate somatotropin, stimulate the growth of dry muscle mass, increase metabolism, burn fat, strengthen bone-cartilage tissue, increase immune forces and rejuvenate the body. The use of peptides, digested much easier and faster than full-fledged proteins, should be carried out taking into account the narrowly specialized direction of their action. This is explained by the fact that each peptide bioregulator has an organotropic effect, that is, it acts on a specific organ or system of organs. At the same time, the simultaneous use of several amino acid products of a similar action allows for synergy and maximum return.

The use of peptides in bodybuilding often involves their injection. This is a fairly simple method of delivery of the drug, requiring compliance with sterility and the necessary safety measures. In order to protect yourself from confusion and possible overdose when calculating the right amount, when starting to use, you should carefully study the instruction and follow the following rules:

Use as a solvent sterile, or special bactericidal water for injection, which can significantly extend the shelf life of the solution;

When dissolving the powder, inject the liquid very carefully, along the wall of the vial, without intensive shaking;

Mixing of different peptides in one ampoule is not allowed;

An insulin syringe is used for subcutaneous injection;

Injections "put" in the abdomen, at a distance of 8 cm from the navel.

Also, the correct use of peptides requires observance of the strict regime of the day and a special diet. Equally important are regular intense muscular loadings, normalized rest and periodic monitoring of the basic regulatory systems of the body. Dosage, ideally, should be prescribed by a sports doctor or trainer. With the independent use of peptide drugs, due to their excessive or inadequate administration, it is possible to develop adverse side effects, or the absence of the expected anabolic effect.

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