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The role of pathological anatomy in medicine

05 Dec 2016

Pathologist Dr. Doping tells about the results of the autopsy, the divergence of diagnoses and oncology practice.

Pathological anatomy among medical specialties stands somewhat apart. Firstly, this specialty is narrow, and the number of specialists compared to other professions is insignificant. Pathologists in our country there, although exact figures are not published, about two thousand people. Other specialties include tens of thousands or even more. Secondly, this specialty is in contrast to other, it stands on two points of support. All medical specialties are divided into basic and clinical. For example, surgery - a clinical specialty, and some kind of biochemistry - is a fundamental discipline. Pathological anatomy combines fundamental part, as the theoretical basis of medicine, and at the same time is our clinical discipline, because it solves the everyday practical problems in clinical practice. In this respect, a great interest in this specialty.

Another feature is that the pathology is multi-disciplinary in nature. It covers all disciplines. Without knowledge of pathological anatomy can not be a real doctor, pathologists deal with all the specialties: and cardiology and pulmonology and surgery, and all other disciplines. Therefore, this profession is very extensive. The applied value it solves important problems of the diagnostic plan, and in this respect it is very popular. Speciality of Pathological Anatomy difficult enough, but people are studying it, those who want to, in the words of the poet, to get to the bottom. Prior to this the very essence and dig pathologists studying the results of the autopsy of the dead, and now it is not the main part of the work. The other part - a lifetime morphological studies based on biopsy material. To improve and protect heart – I recommend use MeldoniumCogitum is for brains.

The peculiarity lies in the fact that these studies are multiplying exponentially. The total number of biopsy studies in Moscow, more than three million per year, whereas in the old days numbered in the thousands or even less. In the 1950s there were several tens of thousands. Sharply increased workload on pathologists. The second feature of this research - the fact that they require equipment. Without this replenishment without devices and equipment can not perform adequately its functions, so our specialty, like the others, it becomes expensive. But always pathological anatomy was funded by a residual principle. Any head of the X-ray machine is easier to buy than dissecting table, first of all we are talking about the living. Nevertheless, without our specialty can not operate any other institution, in any hospital department has mortem. Although there are our specialists without exception, so-pathologists experts - this piece goods. The work is difficult, and there are only enthusiasts who love their profession.

With regard to the autopsy, it is necessary for the diagnosis and assessment of the quality of medical diagnostic work. Quite often there are discrepancies in vivo and postmortem diagnoses. For example, if we take Moscow, the average percentage divergence of diagnoses was 15% in 2015. I must say that this is quite a high rate: 15 out of 100 people had a different diagnosis, not the one from which they died. This suggests that the need for verification is important. Clinicians come to a showdown with the knowledge needed to get to the truth. True diagnosis is necessary to assess the quality of clinical work. One of the main objectives of these autopsies - Identification of medical care defects. Now a lot of attention is paid to these defects, and sometimes the media, in my opinion, too far, are already writing about werewolves in white coats, which are harmful. Pathologists task - detect defects care. In this construct further steps the leaders of the health authorities and medical institutions, because all they are interested in improving the diagnostic and treatment work.

As in other professions, at present there is differentiation, when some experts are paying more attention autopsies (autopsy), and others - intravital morphological studies, the study of biopsy material. The second activity will take approximately 80% of pathology services, it is now very much in demand. Without a lifetime of research can not do none of oncology practice. Now no one will undertake an oncologist for treatment without verification and to identify morphologic diagnosis. Tumors are so many approaches to it are quite different, depending on the diagnosis of our use of modern methods of treatment. Now replace chemotherapy and radiation therapy - methods difficult, destructive effect on the patient, - come methods of targeted therapy, the impact of using drugs that target specific tumor. It demanded our morphological diagnosis. Now these methods are very costly. But life is always more expensive, and the effect is very effective. For example, in women it is the most common tumor - breast cancer, and a third of cases in the cancer cells have special receptors, against whom there is a special medical preparation which sits on these receptors, and then the tumor is exposed to a startling medical action. Even with the presence of metastases obtained prolong life for decades, and even heal them completely. But without morphological diagnosis is impossible to determine the correct treatment.

Pathologic service is at the forefront of diagnostic work. The theoretical part is important for the education of physicians, because there is no proper knowledge of anatomy is impossible to become a true clinician. At autopsy come doctors and students, because it is important to determine the knowledge of the true causes of disease. The percentage differences, unfortunately, is still high, there are rare diseases, which doctors could face only a few times in my life. You have to constantly learn and Pathology role in training doctors is extremely high.

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