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The rating of the best steroids

15 Oct 2016

The analysis of data shows that modern and safe steroids don't exist. Lately there were no developed new medicines except for the separate class SARMs which effect is only studied. For the rest the variety is caused by the fact that various producers give the trade names therefore it is always necessary to estimate active ingredient. For example, widely known metandrostenolon has about 50 various trade names.

In this article from open sources comparative data on efficiency and safety of anabolic steroids are collected. Application of strong means is possible only to destination and under control of the medical specialist in connection with risk of development of side effects.

The rating of international popularity of anabolic steroids producers

List of main producers:

  • Balkan Pharmaceuticals (Moldova)
  • Pharmacom Labs (Moldova)
  • Vermodje SRL (Moldova)
  • Golden Dragon
  • British Dragon
  • Alpha Pharma (India)
  • Axiolabs
  • Zhengzhou Pharmaceutical (China)
  • SP Laboratories (SP Labs)
  • British Dispensary (Thailand)
  • British Pharmaceuticals
  • Lyka labs (India)
  • Finax Pharmaceuticals
  • Organon (Holland, Pakistan, Egypt)
  • Aburaihan Pharmaceutical (Iran)
  • BM Pharmaceuticals (India)
  • Bayer Schering Pharma (Germany)
  • BHMT
  • Desma Spain
  • Unigen Life Sciences (Thailand)
  • Thaiger Pharma (Thailand)
  • MaxPro Pharma (China)
  • SB Laboratories (Thailand)
  • Gen Shi (Japan)
  • Radjay Healthcare (India)
  • British Dragon Platinum (BD Platinum)
  • Biomedis
  • Body Pharm
  • British Pharma
  • Cloma Pharma
  • Dynamic Development Laboratories (Mauritius)
  • Genetic Labs
  • Geofman Pharmaceuticals
  • Zambon
  • Troy Labs (Australia)
  • Farmak (Ukraine)

Best steroids for a set of muscle bulk

Testosterone (Enantat, Tsipionat)

Testosterone is one of the main anabolic steroids which is included into base practically of all cycles and complexes. Testosterone is applied both at a set of muscle bulk, and during the work on a relief and weight loss though in each case his certain version is preferable. So at a set of muscle bulk it is more preferable to use enanthate and cypionate, and at decrease in fatty weight - propionate. Testosterone is converted into estrogen and can cause violations in an axis a hypothalamus hypophysis testicles therefore it has to be applied with care. Some information about Phenotropil

Metandrostenolon (Dianabol)

Steroid, most popular in the world - Metandrostenolon famous also as Danabol (Dianabol). Today it is possible to find a lot of critical information concerning this medicine, however from the objective point of view of Dianabol remains to the best to this day. Many defects of this medicine can be eliminated completely if it is correct to apply it. Dianabol quickly and effectively increases muscle bulk, however the expressed phenomenon of kickback of results, moderate toxicity and conversion in estrogen takes place.


Medicine for intake, is similar in chemical structure with metandrostenolony, however the added atom of chlorine interferes with aromatization. It means that Turinabol doesn't cause the estrogenovykh of side effects (a liquid delay in an organism, a ginekomastiya, etc.). Turinabol is toxic for a liver in high doses therefore he is more often used in the combined courses. Now many fakes meet.

Nandrolon (Deka-durabolin, Retabolil)

Nandrolone Decanoate better known as Deca Durabolin or Retabolil takes leading positions in bodybuilding in many parameters among anabolic steroids. Now Deca Durabolin is the best anabolic steroid for a set of muscle bulk. It is distinguished by outstanding performance, relative safety, low androgenic activity, an insignificant phenomenon of kickback, lack of aromatization and low toxicity. Deca Durabolin can apply as separate medicine, and to enter combinations. Deca Durabolin quite often causes erectile dysfunction for the period of a cycle that is connected with lowering of the level of dihydrotestosterone on a feedback mechanism.

Oxymetholone (Anadrol, Anapolon)

This anabolic steroid is one of the most potent, on ability of augmentation of muscle bulk and force any drug can't be compared to it. In too time of Anadrol has the expressed side effects: liver lesion, hypertrophy of a cardiac muscle, disturbance of hormonal balance and other. Collateral reactions at excess of the recommended doses or duration of a cycle are especially expressed.

Sustanon 250

Sustanon is a mix of various air of testosterone. Uniqueness of this medicine is that separate air is acquired with various speed. Thus, injections of Sustanona are carried out less often.


Trenbolone is derivative a testostosterona where 3 additional communications which hinder with conversion of medicine in estrogen and dihydrotestosterone are added. Chemically medicine resembles Retabolil, however has bigger androgenic activity. Trenbolone is about 4 times more powerful than Deca Durabolin, in too time has considerably the bigger frequency of ghost effects. Trenbolone has unique ability, it increases the level of an insulinopodobny factor of growth which also has anabolic activity, and also increases sensitivity of receptors to it.

Boldenon (Ekvipoyz)

Powerful anabolic steroid with rather low androgenic activity. Equipoise strengthens synthesis of a protein, causes a notable gain of muscle bulk, stimulates formation of new erythrocytes. Equipoise stimulates appetite much stronger than other anabolic steroids. Medicine was created as an injection form of Metandrostenolon, however has been defined that he acts in a different way. The muscle bulk gained by means of Equipoise remains much better, at the same time there is no considerable delay of water in an organism. Equipoise has the low level of aromatization (50% lower than testosterone).

The best steroids for a relief

Oksandrolon (Anavar)

One of the safest anabolic steroids. Benefits and distinctive features of Anavar consists in soft anabolic action, low toxicity and low an androgen effect. Anavar in recommended doses practically doesn't break work of an axis hypothalamuses-hypophyses-testicles, doesn't require use of anti-estrogen and PCT.

Stanozolol (Vinstrol)

Popular steroid which is used only during drying. It isn't recommended to apply to a set of weight Winstrol as in spite of the fact that this steroid possesses a capability to accelerate synthesis of a protein, it doesn't exert the expressed impact on muscle bulk. Winstrol can consider cheap replacement of Anavar. Winstrol is toxic for a liver. It is necessary to notice that the tableted form of medicine has smaller efficiency, in too time is more toxic therefore it is better to use an injection form. Winstrol increases power indicators and strengthens a venous prorisovannost.

Testosterone propionate

One of testosterone air, is applied generally to drying. From shortcomings - need for frequent injections, and also their morbidity.


The high affinity to androgenic receptors, and also ability to increase the level of an insulinopodobny factor of growth allows to use Trenbolone not only as the anabolic agent for a set of muscle bulk, but also combustion of fat.

Drostanolon (Masteron)

Anabolic steroid with the expressed androgenic effect therefore quite often causes side effects. It is used for receiving a relief before competitions. Masteron is close on properties to dihydrotestosterone, promotes consolidation of muscles due to diuretichesky effect. Athletes to fans aren't recommended to apply this medicine.

The best steroids for increase in force

For augmentation of force such steroids as Oksandrolon and Stanozolol are recognized the best. These drugs are capable to raise considerably power indicators, at small influence on body weight. If it is necessary to gain in passing muscle bulk, then it is possible to include drugs of Testosteron-Depotum or Trenbolone in a course.

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