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The hormone of hunger – Ghrelin

29 Sep 2017

Ghrelin is a polypeptide hormone secreted by the cells of the mucous membrane of the cardiac part of the stomach. This biologically active substance, consisting of 28 amino acids, along the microcirculatory bed reaches the hypothalamus, and causes a feeling of hunger. Hormone of appetite, which is an indicator of energy deficiency, takes an active part in the secretion of somatotropin. Its ability to create a pronounced peak of GH concentration has found its wide application in sports pharmacology.

Preparations Ghrelin

The hunger hormone Grelin, which has recently entered the accepted nomenclature, as an independent element, has an effect on the secretion of STH by activating specific receptors. Based on it, the following synthetic analogs are used, which are used in bodybuilding practice:

  • Ipamorelin (a peptide hormone that mimics the effect of ghrelin). Strengthens the secretion of GH, without causing a significant change in appetite;
  • GHRP-2 (Pralmorelin). The most powerful of all the existing boosters of STH production, increasing its secretion by 7-15 times, and simultaneously increasing the concentration of cortisol and prolactin;
  • GHRP-6 (Hexarelin). Effective grolinimimetik, used to increase the relief of muscles and increase stamina.

To date, Grelin's preparations that stimulate the hunger center in the hypothalamus are the only pharmaceutical products that can exert an aurexigenic effect in peripheral administration.

Pharmacological effects of Grelin

The hormone of appetite Grelin, regulating food behavior, in addition to activating the secretion of GH, has the following effects:

  • Increases hunger and stimulates food intake;
  • Coordinates the motility of the stomach and 12. n. Intestines;
  • Models the endocrine and exocrine function of the pancreas;
  • Takes an active part in immune responses;
  • Regulates the behavior vectors and the "sleep-wake" cycle;
  • Has cardioprotective action;
  • Stimulates the secretion of prolactin, adrenocorticotropic and antidiuretic hormone.

With the use of Grelin secretagogues, taking direct part in the regulation of metabolic processes, there is a pronounced suppression of catabolic effects, a moderate increase in adrenaline and a decrease in blood pressure without changing the heart rate.

Online store offers to buy Ghrelin in the form of high-quality synthetic peptides. Our company sells only original branded products, supplied by the official way. Therefore, you can not doubt its quality and authenticity.

The price for Ghrelin is very democratic in comparison with the cost of the synthetic growth hormone. It may slightly fluctuate due to changes in the exchange rate, but, under any circumstances, remains perfectly acceptable.

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