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The evolutionary role of tumors

01 Dec 2016

The biologist Dr. Doping speaks about a chronic state of cancer, their role in the evolution and oncogenesis.

Cancer problem is one of the major public health problem, because until now a very high percentage of people dying from cancer. In addition, cancer patients have very severe punishment. Modern science is unable to do something, do something to help, some types of cancer even manages to heal. But the overall picture is that we are not winning the battle.

At the end of 1960, Nixon announced the program of struggle with cancer, after they flew to the moon. We had to fill the vacuum aspirations, so the United States announced the so-called virus cancer program. As a result, the program first viruses have been identified which cause leukemia in humans. If we, the human civilization, did not, we would not have identified the AIDS virus, because it turned out that the AIDS virus is related to leukemia virus. And all of the technologies that have been acquired in the study of leukemia virus during this decade of the 1970s, were then applied to HIV. Now Obama has recently announced another, so to speak, the fight against cancer, with cancer, because the task is not finished, that describes the problem.

Now let's go to the other side. Why the problem is not solved, because it spent a lot of money, but it does not work? Earlier there was this idea that it is necessary to find a "golden bullet" (the idea suggested Kuchta) that will solve all our problems. But it turns out, is not a "golden bullet". Among oncologists maturing idea that seems to be the tumor did not win, so we must somehow try to live with it, that is, cause swelling in controlled chronic condition. All this shows that it is necessary to work not only on specifics - on specific medications and some technology, but also on the paradigm, the general view. It turns out that this kind of demand stimulates our thinking, that is what I will continue to tell you, by itself comes to mind, but it proves popular, because the old paradigm does not work.

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Now I will talk about the evolutionary role of tumors, which in itself seems a little strange - the evolutionary role of tumors, tumor role in the progressive evolution. If we begin to understand, it will not be very strange. Firstly, the majority of tumors do not kill the organism. We are still accustomed to hearing about malignant tumors, from which people die. It turns out that in humans and animals have also benign tumors, other tumors that do not kill the organism. Their more than 50%. Such tumors exist and they may be involved in biological processes. Furthermore, there is a discharge inherited tumors that may be involved in the evolution.

In comparative oncology studied for two hundred years. It tumors in various representatives of the living world - mostly animal, of course, but also in plants, too, are tumors. It turns out that no matter studied, everywhere find the tumor, and a feeling that the tumor has spread throughout the phylogenetic tree. If they are so widespread, then the question arises: what is the place they occupy in the evolution?

There is a maxim which has made a well-known geneticist of Russian origin Dovzhansky: "Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution." Therefore, if there is such a widespread phenomenon as a tumor, then they should be considered in the light of evolution. I explain that it's not crazy, it's not a whim. Many directors work with the classics only in order to emphasize some the feature. Create a Evolutionary theory of the role of the tumor - is not a whim, but a consequence of the biological way of thinking.

The next group of evolutionary arguments for the role is tumors that oncogenes and tumor-suppressor gene that control tumors too widespread. It turns out that they are very ancient, almost the most ancient genes in humans and other animals. It turns out that the cellular oncogenes and tumor suppressor gene, is also very old, perhaps the oldest of genes after "household" in animals. Another very interesting fact is called the convergence of signaling pathways and oncogenesis. What it is? It turns out that certain oncogenes play a role in normal development, and the development of normal signaling pathways play a role in oncogenesis. The question then arises: swelling - a part of the development?

On this basis, I first conjectured in the world (and so now all this so kind), which suggests that tumors can indeed play a role in the evolution of organisms, providing a redundant cell masses for the expression of an evolutionary new genes. And there is a word "redundant cell masses" and "evolutionary new genes." It can be measured, especially evolutionary new genes. I'll tell you how we measured.

Firstly, we measured before, found several examples already described as a paradoxical when tumors indeed played a role in the evolution. These include, for example, nodules of leguminous plants (plant is an example, but nonetheless). The nodules that resemble tumors are fixing nitrogen, so they have turned to the new authorities in legumes.

On the other hand, many of voles in the stomach has macro-villi which arise from malignant papillomatosis and kill these voles. However, they manage to leave offspring. And other burrowing rodents based on these malignant villous benign macro-villi emerged, playing a role in symbiogenesis with some bacteria that help to ferment cellulose.

A further example of this kind is the placenta, which took place in the history of placental several times. As a result of various independent infection by retroviruses, which become endogenous retroviruses endogenous retroviral genes were involved in placental development. And the placenta is the organ that has a number of tumor characteristics (I counted about 12). The brightest tumor symptoms of placenta - is the invasiveness and metastasis, that is a normal organ that behaves like a tumor, and the people who study the placenta, ask the question: "What is the placenta differs from the tumor?" It turns out that regulation, that is, the placenta is so well regulated that it differs from this tumor. But if it is output from the regulation, it becomes malignant.

Why do we need new hypotheses, new theory? They must somehow explain what is happening, what is around us, and they need to predict. In addition, we are his theory to explain something, explaining all the paradoxes, of which I have just told, we also predicted something. We have formulated two very non-trivial predictions. The first of these - the fact that tumors may be selected to function in an organism. Second prediction - that are activated in tumors start working evolutionarily new genes.

To prove the first prediction, we have been working with goldfish. One of them we are still alive and is a symbol. She has a beautiful cap on his head, that lvinogolovki, Oranda - they have such cute education in mind, in fact, and so they were selected. When I saw them, I knew immediately what it is: a tumor. We did histology, and, indeed, it looks like a benign tumor. To definitively prove this, we conducted a two-year experiment looked at the development of a hundred fishes, followed all the stages of development of the tumor and make an unambiguous conclusion that the cap goldfish is a benign tumor. Then it turns out that the breeders and a half thousand years, the fish were taken on a benign tumor. Every possible artificial selection with a benign tumor, in the same way natural selection can work in nature with different types of tumors. This is a very non-trivial result.

Another group of the results we have obtained in the proof of the existence of genes with dual specificity, evolutionarily new, expressed in tumors. When dealing with an evolutionary new genes we studied the specificity of their expression. Y genes, which are known to be expressed in tumors, we determined the evolutionary novelty. We showed in both cases that, indeed, there is a large group of genes, which we have called the evolutionarily new, expressed in tumors, in English HSEER (Human Specifically Expressed Evolution Removal). We have shown in the past their work, which is not only individual genes (which we have described about 12 pieces), but whole classes of genes may be evolutionarily novel. Many of them occur mainly in the human, that is, it is an evolutionary new human genes, which have almost absolute specificity of expression in the tumor.

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