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Testosterone tablets

02 Nov 2016

Almost all regular forms of testosterone presented at the pharmaceutical market are issued in the form of an oily solution for injections. The matter is that not changed molecule of this hormone in case of absorption from a digestive tract inevitably collapses in a liver special enzymes. Therefore for creation of a steady form of testosterone in tablets it was required to modify its molecule so that it was well absorbed from intestines (easily got through a mucous membrane) and in too time, didn't collapse in a liver. The first testosterone in tablets - methyltestosterone (a trade name - Androral, Metandren, Testoral, etc.) was created in the middle of the last century for cancer therapy of mammary glands at women. However this medicine wasn't widely adopted both in bodybuilding, and in medicine in connection with the expressed side effects on a liver.

Testosterone tablets, Andriol

At the beginning of 80 years one more tableted medicine (and if to speak more precisely, then encapsulated) - testosterone undecanoate was developed (Testosterone Undecanoate) which is also available also in the form of injections under the name of Nebido. This form is also known under trademarks Virigen, Andriol and Androkson. Capsules contain 40 mg of the active agent dissolved in oil.

As showed researches, testosterone undecanoate doesn't exert toxic impact on a liver as in case of absorption from a digestive tract it arrives in a lymph (but not in a blood-groove) with which current through a general lymphatic channel arrives in general blood system therefore passes a liver. In an organism undecanoate turns into dihydrotestosterone - an active metabolite of testosterone, that is, actually this substance is pro-hormone. In view of the fact that dihydrotestosterone isn't exposed to aromatization, it doesn't cause rise in level of female sex hormones - estrogen, so doesn't lead to development of ginecomastia and accumulation of liquid in an organism. Besides, it was established that testosterone in tablets (Androkson or Andriol) doesn't cause considerable suppression of products endogenous testosterone. You can try Cogitum.

It would seem that tableted version of hormone has no essential shortcomings and applies for a role of the best anabolic means, however in practice testosterone undecanoate appears quite weak androgenic medicine. Athletes who used it in the training practice note only a minute increase of muscle bulk, even in case of the use of high doses of medicine. It is established that medicine has quite low bioavailability - about 7%. It was in addition noticed that the rate testosterone of undecanoate causes considerable raising of a libido (for the period of acceptance) and a frequent erection. In several days after a rate, also as well as in a case with other androgenic steroids, recession on these indicators in connection with suppression of endogenous secretion of male sex hormones is observed.

For receipt of good results in a set of muscle bulk, testosterone in tablets should be combined with such steroid as Nandrolon. The combination testosterone undecanoate + nandrolon is quite effective and has practically no side effects. In general, this medicine isn't the preferable choice in bodybuilding for a set of muscle bulk or receipt of a relief or in powerlifting for increase in power indicators.

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Practice shows that positive anabolic effects begin to be shown only when using very high doses of Androkson - about 240 mg a day. In too time it leads to increase in risk of emergence of side effects that levels merits of medicine.


Most of people tries to use testosterone in tablets for two reasons. First, being beginners and having the minimum knowledge in the field of pharmacology of strength sports, they mistakenly believe that it is safer form, in comparison with accomplishment of injections. Secondly, because testosterone is the most popular men's anabolic hormone which at all very famous therefore many don't even guess existence of more perfect medicines. "Attention" In practice the tableted form has very high cost and a low performance therefore it is reasonable to replace it with more powerful and in too time safe anabolic steroids.

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