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Testosterone propionate

02 Nov 2016

Testosterone propionate is one of the steroids which are most demanded in bodybuilding. Testosterone propionate is intended for development of muscle bulk and force, but owing to features of action, is more often used during drying. Is one of testosterone air. Among the prime modern manufacturers of propionate it is possible to name Pharmak, the Indian Testopin from BM Pharmaceuticals, the Ukrainian Testosterone propionate from Pharmak, the English Verormone from Nordic and some other.

Ukrainian Testosterone propionate from Pharmak

Testosterone is a hormone which serves as the main molecule for the majority of hormonal (androgenic) medicines. Changing testosterone molecule (adding or cleaning atoms) this or that medicine is synthesized. So, for example testosterone propionate is a molecule of testosterone to which air of propionic acid is attached, it also determines pharmacological properties and features of effect of this substance.

Steroid profile

  • Anabolic activity - 100% of testosterone
  • Androgenic activity - 100% of testosterone (high)
  • Aromatization (conversion in estrogen) - high (there is a need for anti-estrogen)
  • Suppression of an axis hypothalamuses-hypophyses-testicles - is expressed
  • Toxicity for a liver - is absent
  • Way of reception - an injection
  • Action duration - 2-3 days
  • Detection time - 40 days

Effect of testosterone of propionate

  • Specifically initiates a transcription of genes by means of what changes nitrogenous balance of a positive side.
  • Increases the level of insulin like factor of growth in muscles and a liver
  • Causes proliferation of cages of satellites in muscular tissue at the expense of which there is a giperplasia and restoration of muscles

It is necessary to notice that all air has the same mechanisms of action, the difference consists in activity and a primary orientation of action.


  • Augmentation of muscle bulk
  • Combustion of fat
  • Relief rising
  • Rising of power indicators
  • Rising of a libido
  • Depression of risk of an ischemia of heart and coronary disease

Differs in short time of action. Injections are carried out usually every other day. In it one of the main minuses of use of propionate, in comparison with its more long-living analogs, for example, with an enanthate. The second main minus - higher cost in comparison with the same enanthate. It can be used both during the work on weight, and during drying.

One more feature of drug is in what at correctly picked up dosages at most of athletes doesn't detain water in an organism or these implications are minimum. Therefore Testosteroni propionas doesn't cause sharp augmentation of body weight at 5-6 kg for few weeks as when using the same enanthate, but the muscle bulk gained with propionate use will be drier and with higher quality. Having got to an organism, it is quickly soaked up in a blood stream therefore work of propionate can be felt after the first nyxis. Also it is also quickly removed. For the above-stated reasons, during the work on weight athletes prefer an enanthate, and use propionate when drying more often. Suits athletes of any level of training, from beginners to the most experienced. One of the Best Nooropic drug is Cerebrolysin.

Creation of a rate

Can be as the unique steroid on "rate", but the best effect is reached in case of a combination with other medicines. The athletes beginning to use anabolic means can recommend dosages of 50 mg of propionate every other day. A regular dose of more experienced athletes from 100 mg of propionate daily above.

Surely accept anti-estrogenic medicines, for example, Proviron or inhibitors of aromatasia according to the standard scheme, since second week in order to avoid development of ginecomastia, a delay of liquid and others the estrogen effects. After the end of introduction post course therapy is carried out, tamoxifen is most often applied. Also at the exit acceptance of blockers of cortisol, for preserving the gained weight is desirable. Surely keep to a diet for a set of weight and accept sports food.

Combined rate

On drying it is well combined with stanozol, trenbolone acetate, masterony, primobolany and some other medicines. Propionate is a part of mixes of air of testosterone like sustanon or omnadren as the obligatory component allowing to feel directly work of a steroid.

Example of a cycle to beginning "chemists" for drying on the basis of propionate:

  • Propionate of 50 mg every other day
  • Vinstrol of 30 mg a day, since 10 mg, and leading up a dose to optimum within 1 week.
  • In 6 weeks it is necessary to cancel anabolic means and in 3-4 days to begin PCT.

In this rate synergysm of effect of medicines meaning that the total effect of their simultaneous use is more, than the simple amount of effects is shown if they were used everyone separately, in too time the risk of development of side effects decreases. Some experienced athletes do local injections of propionate in a target muscle, for example, in bicepses, deltoida, shins during the work on weight, however efficiency of this approach isn't proved.

Any form of a steroid has only effect, at the same time the local effect on a muscle is absent. If medicines in case of intramuscular introduction stimulated a local hypertrophy of muscle cells, then it was possible to observe the asymmetric growth foreign similar to results, received when using sintol.

Side effects of propionate

The most often found claim - pain, irritation and reddening in the place of an injection that in a bigger degree is aggravated with need for the high frequency of their accomplishment. The expressed aggression strengthening.

Side effects of testosterone of propionate are connected with the fact that it easily is flavored and turns into estrogen and dihydrotestosterone, as well as any other air of testosterone, in case of high dosages can cause:

  • Ginekomastiya
  • Acne
  • Baldness of a hairy part of the head
  • Girsutizm (body pilosis)
  • Increase in a prostate (especially at elderly)
  • Masculinization (at women)

Medicine suppresses own production of testosterone which as a rule is recovered on the termination of a rate in 2-3 months. In case of long rates entering of gonadotrophin on 500 ME, once a week, since 2 is necessary. As practice shows, in moderate doses doesn't affect either a liver, or kidneys, or any other internals. It isn't recommended for acceptance by women, in a type of high androgenic activity.

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