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Testosterone enantat

02 Nov 2016

Testosterone enantat is ester of natural testosterone. In bodybuilding - it is one of the most popular steroids for a set of muscle bulk. Testosterone enantat is a steroid of long action. Depending on a metabolism and a hormonal background, the average period of effect of medicine - 2-3 weeks (time of semi-removal of 6-7 days). In bodybuilding, triathlon and in weightlifting of an injection carry out one - two times a week for maintenance of constantly high and stabler concentration.

Testosterone enantat, Testoviron Depot

Testosterone enantat is presented at the Russian market quite widely. Popular in the 90th the Polish Testesteron Prolongatum now is practically absent. One of the best trademarks is Testosterone of Depot of production of the Yugoslavian firm Galenika. Perfectly proved Testen-100 and Testen-250 of the Indian B.M. Pharmaceuticals. As shows experience good results it is possible to get from Primoteston Depot issued in Egypt by the CID company according to the license of Shering AG.

Steroid profile

  • Removal from an organism after an injection of 250 mg
  • Anabolic activity - 100% of testosterone
  • Androgenic activity - 100% of testosterone (high)
  • Aromatization (conversion in estrogen) - high (there is a need for anti-estrogen)
  • Suppression of an axis hypothalamuses-hypophyses-testicles - is expressed
  • Toxicity for a liver - is absent
  • Acceptance method - injections
  • Action duration - 15 days
  • Detection time - 3 months

Effects and action on organism

A set of weight depending on a dose

Perhaps, testosterone enantat is the main benefit the expressed surplus of both the muscle bulk, and force (therefore it is highly appreciated by weightlifters and powerlifters), and also pamping. Along with anabolic effect, medicine has the expressed androgenic effect. Fast surplus of weight is connected with considerable accumulating of water, at the expense of a delay of sodium and estrogenic action. On the termination of a rate the notable phenomenon of kickback is observed. You can try Cortexin.

Testosterone enantat often helps to fix problems with joints, that who complains of pains and a crunch in shoulders, and that to whom their intervertebral disks show already the first signs of depreciation, at the same time medicines of nandrolon and hormone of growth in this respect are more preferable.

Testosterone enantat stimulates processes of regeneration in an organism. Raises a general tone and desire to train, prevents an overtraining. It increases oxygen reservoir of blood.

Rate of testosterone enantat

Fluctuations of concentration on a rate with a different frequency of introduction (in 1,2,3 or 4 weeks)

The anabolic effect of testosterone of enantat is directly pro rata to the used dosage. You can trace this dependence on a graphics on the right. The recommended dose constitutes 250-500 mg a week, at the same time with growth of body weight of the athlete the dosage is most often reviewed towards increase. Injections are carried out 1-2 times a week, it is preferable to the buttock area. Usually the rate of testosterone of enantat lasts 8-10 weeks, and in 2-3 weeks post course therapy is carried out. Very often testosterone enantat is used also on longer time spans. For achievement of the highest results it is necessary to keep to the corresponding diet (a relief or a set of muscle bulk) with the use of sports food.

Maximum effective dose. According to Bill Roberts the maximum dose of testosterone constitutes 2-4 grams a week at professional athletes, further increase in a dosage is senseless.

In order to avoid development estrogen side effects it is desirable to use inhibitors of aromatasia or Proviron, since 2-3 weeks as it is described in the relevant articles. Acceptance of inhibitors of an aromatasia in a week after the termination of a cycle comes to an end. Carrying out the analysis on the level of estradiol before use of inhibitors of aromatasia is optimum and during their application for performance monitoring.

Also, as PCT it is necessary to use right after a rate of enantat cortisol blockers, for preserving the gaied weight.

Combined course

For a set of muscle bulk testosterone enantat is well combined with Anapolon, Metandrostenolon, Nandrolon and Trenbolone. Examples of the combined courses:

200 - 250 mg of nandrolon decanoat in a week

500 mg of testosterone enantat in a week.

Don't forget to use aromatasia inhibitors

For drying and a relief the course is supplemented with Vinstrol or Anavar in average dosages.

Side effects

Big problem when using testosterone of an enantat in bodybuilding is his strong ability to aromatization, i.e. transformation into estrogen. As a result of it the ginekomasia, hypostases, adjournment of fat on female type, etc. often develops. A few years ago these problems were stopped by use of anti-estrogen. For today choice medicines for control of the estradiol-caused side effects are aromatasia inhibitors. Use of anti-estrogen is more expedient and it is even necessary after a course, first of all - for normalization of production of endogenous testosterone. Testosterone enantat, as well as any other anabolic steroid, exerts overwhelming impact on an arch "a hypothalamus - a hypophysis - testicles". As a result of it function of a hypophysis on a feedback mechanism is oppressed that is shown by decrease in secretion of endogenous testosterone.

The quote from the instruction Iyenafarm: "Testosterone of Depot at high-dosage therapy can render side effects which are shown by decrease in a spermatogenesis in testicles, and, therefore, and with reduction of their size". For this reason, during long courses or when using high doses it is necessary to apply a gonadotrophin, since 3-4 weeks, and finishing in 2-3 weeks after a course.

Testosterone enantat causes also such side effects as: acne, increase in arterial pressure, aggression, loss of hair and some other.

Women have to avoid medicine reception as the masculinization is very probable.

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